Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Steven asks…

What should I do? Please I need Advice? Please read and answer questions at bottom?

Ok so I’m in college and I really like this girl. I have known her for a little more than a month now. She is my tutor for my one class. She is a Student tutor meaning she also takes classes and she tutors on the side to make money because the tutors at our college are free and they get paid by the school to tutor. The tutors are all students.they are good in certain classes and are either asked to tutor for that class or sign up. my tutor in particular is my age and is in my graduating class so this is all fyi.She is a great tutor and we don’t just sit there and work the whole time, we get off topic sometimes and well talk about different stuff and ask things about each other sometimes. The main thing that concerns me is that idk if she has a boyfriend or not. I am pretty sure she does not but u just never know. ive never seen her with anyone so I don’t think she does.I checked facebook cuz my sister let me on her account real quick (i dont have a facebook..I know RARE) but anyway I searched her and found her but her profile is set to private and her picture is just a picture of her, so I guess thats a good sign right cuz most girls who have boyfriends ussually have a picture of them and there boyfriend on their profile not all cases but most. shes busy girl she does different volunteer work and tutors and classes, hw, all kinds of stuff going on ya know. but never once has she mentioned a boyfriend. ill ask her about her wkend or whatever shes never mentioned being with a boyfriend or whatever so i guess thats a good sign. thats what i kinda try to do go down that road of what did u do this weekend stuff like that to see if she mentions if she has one. idk im hoping she doesnt

I want to take her out and hang out with her but I dont wanna rush things. She definatley thinks Im nice and she smiles at me when she sees me and looks at me in the eyes alot and we laugh about things together and she asks things about me too when we get off topic. one time she texted me on the wkend to ask how i was doing on these study guide questions she was helping me with and my other tutors dont txt me out of the blue like that. Cuz she couldve waited till we were gonna see each other that mon. but she maybe wanted to see how i was doing maybe?so i guess those are good signs cuz she didnt “have” to do that ya know? It could just be she wanted to see how i was doing but still that was nice of her shes not like my other tutors we rlly enjoy working together.Ive only known her a little more than a month so its still early, I want to get to know her more and take her out to dinner and a movie hopefully some night so what should i do?

*I really like this girl alot please help me!

Please answer my questions

1)What do u think about the whole does she have a boyfriend situation? do u think its looking more like she don’t have one?

2)Should I try and find out if she has a boyfriend for sure before i try and ask her to hang out and stuff or should I just act like i dont think she has one and try to flirt with her and ask her to lunch and stuff?

3)Should i just keep taking it slow and go with the flow? (I dont wanna rush things)

4)What should my next move be? How should I approach my next move? ( I want to do this right) Be specific

5)When should i do this next move? (whatever it may be)

6)Or…Should i hold off kind of in a way and wait till its more towards the end of the semester and see if she wants to hang out in case she wanted to keep it professional? or Should I just go with the flow and try to ask her to hang out and stuff?

7)Should I text her sometimes? If so about what? What should i say?

8)Final advice?

Nagesh answers:

Hi, its jbsmiley again, as i said before, i answer advice on my youtube channel. My youtube account is jbsmiley14 so if you want advice, plz send me this link by either emailing me, or send a message 2 my inbox on my youtube channel or posting a comment on my channel/ video. Here’s a link to the channel: I’ll make a video asap once you tell me you do want me 2 make a video 2 give u advice :):):)

Betty asks…

frustrated with this problem, but don’t know what to do?

Ok, I am in college (age 21) and I have problems focusing. My classmates make fun of me a lot and I am not doing this on purpose to be funny or anything. My grades are suffering in my classes because of it. I do have ADD and last year I turned in sheets to my professors that I had ( a couple I still have as professors this time, in the classes I can’t focus in). So, I have turned in the info. I needed to and I still am having trouble. The students make fun of me right in front of one professor and she had written the assignment on the board in case I didn’t get it (because of zoning out or something), but she was quick to add that she did it for everyone not just me. I am frustrated. My mom and dad think I am just BSing not remembering assignments and not being able to focus when I am not. So, I applied to transfer colleges and I have thought a little and I think if I don’t get in, then I want to just drop out of college because my mom always bugs me about the money she is wasting and I am taking forever to get a degree. I don’t want her to be mad at me for it, but I am so frustrated and don’t know what to do…I have a pharmacy tech license and I wanted to do an EMT program while still in undergrad for a job (I love medicine and wanted to be a doctor ultimately). Is there a way for my mom and dad to understand?
Morley, I have been down the road of “adulthood”. I did take responsibility for it and talked them about, that’s how I knew they were thinking I was BSing. I think it’s interesting that people think just because a person has problems concentrating, they think the person is not doing anything to help it.
I am at least considering my parents’ feelings as opposed to being self centered. I just wanted to know how I can get them to understand. No opinions of me. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

You’re 21 years old. The best way to make your folks understand is to be an adult and take responsibility for your ADD. By that I mean, see someone, a doctor or whatever to get your act together. Don’t use ADD as an excuse, rise above it and do what you need to do. Thats what we do as adults.

Wow I’m really sorry my opinion offended you so much. I gave you my answer to your question….sorry its not what you wanted. It wasn’t meant to sound judgemental if it did, it was meant to tell you how I thought you could make your parents see you aren’t BSing them. Actions speak louder than words as they say.

Good luck.

Robert asks…

career advice in medical field?

I’m a senior in college and graduating in 1 semester and I feel like I am having a midlife crisis in my 20’s. I’m a biology major, psychology minor and I really enjoy school and do really well, way above my class averages at my private college. I have always planned to attend medical school when I graduated, but ran into a few road blocks this past year when considering that decision– lowered GPA this past semester to a 3.3, financial issues such as paying to take MCAT to get into med school/ the large fees associated with applying for schools, and I am overwhelmed with that financial crisis I would get myself into DURING medical school such as playing for an apartment/bills etc, and the extensive amount of loans taken out. As an alternative, I considered becoming a pharmaceutical sales representative for a few years to save up for medical school. However, all of this confusion with my career path has led me to wonder what I am really interested in. For one, I am a very competitive individual. I have always felt the need to be the best, and perform the best in every aspect of my life. I need to feel a sense of accomplishment within my job and be recognized for my success and have some type of incentive and motivation to exceed within my career. I also need to be the boss, I cannot work under people telling me how to make my decisions when I am just as qualified and knowledgeable to make my own decisions (this is why I cannot be a physician’s assistant). I also would like to have a job that pays really well (140k or so) because I have paid out a ton of money on my 4 year private education, and making a good income is very important to me so I can comfortably support my future family.This past semester, I have been reconsidering my career as a physician because the majority of physicians I have shadowed seem unhappy with their career choice. I also feel like it is very repetitive (unless its emergency med), and physicians deal with the same issues on a day to day basis, there is no incentive to be competitive or anything to work towards such as a promotion or anything along those lines, which I consider very vital within a career that I would enjoy. Also, I have heard from many med students and physicians to not get into medicine for the money. Of course I have always wanted to go into the medical field because I feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in helping others, but I am by no means willing to accept the fact that I am going to be in debt until I’m 50 from schooling and potentially earn a salary which is comparable to some individuals that do not even hold a bachelors degree (pediatricians, family practice, which was my main interest). I am just curious if there are any careers available that fit my competitive personality that will also satisfy my need to feel accomplished and exceed to be the best within my career in the health field, or if I should just stick to pharmaceutical sales, or to med school. I am just really overwhelmed with all the decisions that need to be made so quick about my future, and I would really appreciate any advice from any career advisors or any individuals within the health field!

Nagesh answers:

Your GPA is a little low for medical school. Most medical schools accept students with GPAs above a 3.5. You can become a nurse or Physicians Assistant, which would allow you to still help people, and the salaries are not bad. Pharmaceutical sales is more of a business career, with less emphasis on helping people. Good luck!

Jenny asks…

What should Study to get ready for my Career?

Hey guys so I’m fourteen years old. I am entering into my second year of high school and I’d like some recommendations from the anonymous community around me. I know it’s early to be worrying about my personal future that is so far ahead of me but time does go by quick. I know this is a long entry but if you are still reading, thank you. I am wondering what field I should study in. I’m not very talented at anything so It’d be hard getting a full scholarship or even a portion of the money to pay for college. Many things interest me though. Something that I really am considering is studying a variation of psychology. I am looking into this because over a period of time starting when I was about six I analyzed everything. Even the littlest decisions I made. I always wanted to understand why people (including myself) do what they do, think the way they think, and just what they think in general. But when most people think “psychology” they think a cliche profession such as being a counselor. But I’ve come to the realization I don’t want to do that. This is going to sound dumb but I’ve been watching Criminal Minds lately. In the television series the behavior analysis team finds the killer by analyzing the killers previous actions and their life to find out their future actions. It interests me because I too enjoy profiling people and getting in their head to see through their eyes. I also am willing to be studying past the years of an average student. I just want a profession that will make me happy whether it brings in lots of money or little. But for now I just want to know any recommendations that would lead me to having a career such as what I described in the text.

Thank you!! =D
I’d appreciate it if the answers actually gave me a career that actually was related to what I described not just jobs in general. Thank you all so much! =)

Nagesh answers:

What you were showing an interest in was Criminal Forensic Science. It even sounds interesting to me too but I was reading an article on the net about how USA is having problems with an over educated population. They have now about 80% of their youth as university graduates, yet they said they haven’t taken into account that they still need production workers, labourers, farmers, process workers and couriers, cleaners and cooks. These are the very ground roots to any economy so we don’t all have to be highly educated.

Most millionaires never had much of an education, they just found a way to generate money that wasn’t restricted by the work hours they have in a day. Let me say this, the internet is a great tool and you are still quite young. Why not take a look at the other Answer I put on a young womans Question today (forgive me, I only recall her first name, “Maggie”), it might give you some ideas but if not, or you need further questions answered you can contact me via my websites below. Advice Free..!!

Linda asks…

bankruptcy student loans?

I have been looking at my credit report since I have filed the bankruptcy (discharged in May of 2009) and my student loans from Sallie Mae say Discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7. I haven’t heard anything more then that since until today I received a bill from some collection company. I have started paying the federal loans back but there is no way I can pay them. If it says on my report that they allowed the balance in the chapter 7 I thought it was done and over for Sallie Mae?

I just want to know what if anything I can do to get rid of Sallie Mae. I am willing to pay and keep paying the Federal Loans but not Sallie Mae. They gave out money they should have never given out being young and dumb I needed the money to continue my education so I just signed. After all the college professors said out of the gate I would make enough money to pay it all off quick. Although many years later I am in the unemployment line.

Nagesh answers:

Well you’re responsible for that debt. You need to pay it. In what field did you get your degree?

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Friday, May 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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