Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

William asks…

i need to make money whos got ideas?

im getting a job in a week or two does anyone know ways to make money on the side of that

Nagesh answers:

Come on down! Your the next contestant on the Price Is Right! GAME SHOWS MAN, GAME SHOWS..

Donald asks…

Making money on the side?

Not quite making ends meet. Looking for ideas to make money on the side untill I finish school. I am a nurse assistant, and pretty crafty. Maybe get free things off craigslist and fix them up and sell, like refinishing furniture? Making thing and Attending craft fairs. Maybe cleaning houses? Online survey’s and stuff are mostly scams. I don’t want a second job that will take time away from my daughter. Please give me some ideas or thoughts on what is realistic and what has worked for other.

Nagesh answers:

I would suggest learning some new skills, such as to do with IT, computers & internet that means you could work remotely. Many companies offer the ability for employees to work from home too.

Another way to look at it is to see if you can use any of your hobbies / interests to earn money. An amateur photographer for example could start to make and sell prints… Or, if you are very knowledgable about something, you could start a business in that – selling from ebay,, or starting a website…

All the best… Biggest bit of advice – avoid those scams!

David asks…

Any ideas on how a person could use an old fish farm to make money?

My family used to run a goldfish farm. There are 12 ponds, 8 on one side, 4 on the other, divided by a large gulley, and another pond at each end. When we would empty the ponds and sain them, the water would flow to either one of the end ponds, which also served as personal bass ponds. Out of the 14 ponds total, there is 1 that still has water and fish in it. The rest have dried up&have some trees and CRP grass growing in them. My grandfather told my uncle and I that they were ours to do with as we wanted. I started to do some restoration work when my grandfather told me he had given up the water rights to do anything commercial with the ponds since it cost so much each year and they haven’t used for a good about 10 years. He said he kept enough to keep using our one bass pond. Each pond covers 3-4 acres I’m guessing. I would like to come up with an idea on how to use them to make some money. They put app.$250,000 into building them and it just sits there going to waste.
In response to the first answer, goldfish are raised for another major reason besides decoration. Bait for other fish. They also eat mosquito larvae. True, other species of fish would have a better return, but will they be able to handle a harsh winter as good, be as low maintenance, and will they require having other fish there to feed on? We fed our fish manufactured pellets. The type of fish was never the problem. We had one buyer that would take as many as we could produce in those 12 ponds. It made a lot of money. The reason it was shut down was my dad and uncle, being competitive and childish, couldn’t come to an agreement about who, if anybody, was in charge. And you obviously didn’t read the part about me saying that we no longer have the water rights to restock those ponds for commercial usage like that. It would take a good chunk of money to get those water rights back, and there’s no way I can come up with it.

Nagesh answers:

You should try to breed other fish than goldfish, f.i. Trout, make it a troutfarm, if that is possible in those ponds.
You might try to figure out what kind of fish will give you the best price on the market, that won’t be goldfish I think. Goldfish is only for decoration of gardenponds, you can’t eat them. I wish you success, maybe it’ll become a goldmine one day, who knows?

George asks…

How can I make more money on the side in Dallas, TX?

I like my current full-time job and feel that it pays well, but would like to make a couple extra hundred dollars a month. I don’t want to be a part of a pyrimid scam. Any ideas? I’m looking for the least amount of time invested for the most payoff.

Nagesh answers:

Be a valet attendent a couple nights a week. They make great tips, give you some exercise, and there are hundreds of opportunities for that in Dallas.

Also, if you want to get a little more involved (might require training, bigger time commitment), you can wait tables. Almost anywhere you work in Dallas will provide great tips–I had lots of friends do this in college (at regular places, not crazy expensive restaurants) and they made up to hundreds of dollars in just one shift!

Chris asks…

I’m a 24 year old single mom who needs to earn extra money. Any ideas?

Unfortunately, my job isn’t cutting it anymore. Anyone have any ideas for making some extra money on the side? Anything I can do or make or anything?

I am a waitress, I’m thinking something more along the lines of stuff that ISN’T related to my job btw haha. unless I have to.

Nagesh answers:

Garbage collector…….NYC…………60K+………….

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Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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