Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Maria asks…

How can i earn money REALLY quick. ?

I need some money for some trackies. my mum already bought me loads of summer things so i dont want to ask her and apparently im too old for a job and i wouldnt get paid quick enough help !!
i meant to young

and trackies?? they are like tracksuit bottoms ?? no ?
and any other ideas because people around here arent into people mowing lawns and stuff like that.

Nagesh answers:

You can sell stuff on ebay.
Ask your MUM if she has things around the house that she no longer uses and sell them.
Do not try to make money online – these sites are nothing but scams.
They will rip you off so bad, you’ll end up in tears.

Jenny asks…

What are some quick ways to earn money?

I’m going on a trip and I want my friend to come with me. We just need to pay for her plane ticket that’s going to be around a few hundred bucks and were kindaa broke.. any quick ways to make some moneeey?

Nagesh answers:

Mowing lawns are apparently really good for earning money. My classmate told me that he earned over $600 a day for just mowing lawns. The key is to ask the price low so people feel bad for you and they give you more than expected. Go to a rich neighbor hood maybe.

You can also try advertise for baby sitting in your local mailbox. Again, ask for a low price because they’ll come back to you for more.

Dog walking also helps. Post a bulletin at your local dog park…ask for a low price because more people will be attracted to your service…maybe you and your can walk more than three dogs at once, trippling your earnings.

George asks…

Ways To Earn Money Quick?

I’m not talking getting a job. I’m currently in a situation where no jobs are available to me.xD (Not very many jobs are available to teens in my town)
No major commitment, I just need enough money to buy a new ipod nano. My previous ipod got stolen… sigh… but ANYWAY.

Nagesh answers:

Well I used to make hairbows and glue them to headbands with a hot glue gun and sell them in my school. I would buy pretty ribbons from the crafts store and searched on youtube for hairbow tutorials. Once I made the hairbow I would stick it on to the headband. Start off with low prices then once you get more customers increase the prices if you wish.

The way I make money a lot is I thought of this idea. Where I live it’s pretty cold and freezing since it’s winter and everyone loves hot choco! So in the morning I’ll make hot chocolate, pour it into a flask and then I’d go the day before to the supermarket to buy cheap plastic cups.

In school I’d put the flask in my bag and sell it to my classmates, I’ll give them a plastic cup and then pour in the hot chocolate from the flask. Each cup of hot chocolate was 50p but you could do it for £1 too. I’ve made quite a lot from it and business is booming.

Beware though, since this monkey making idea is so simple and easy to do some people copied my idea and tried to make money from my idea, so just beware of the copycats. If you do get copycats, if they sell a cup of hot chocolate for 60p then sell your cup of hot choco for lower so more people will come to you than to the copycats.

You could also bake brownies and cookies and sell them in school. You just have to be careful though, I got caught by a teacher and I almost got into trouble. Because I made so much from it I handed some of the cash I made to the school and said this was a fundraiser for the school and some of it was going to charity, which it was anyway.

So if you get caught just say you’re trying to raise money for the school or charity, then they won’t have anything to say about it and if they stop you then that’s just really unfair.

Hope I helped and Good Luck!

Daniel asks…

Fun and quick ways to earn money!?

Me and my friend need to earn $170 to go a spa. and we would like to make money fast. what are some good ways to earn money fast?

Nagesh answers:

You can buy eBooks and learn something and make more money from them as a form of investment.

You are asking for “ideas”, correct? How about ideas on how to make money? I’m going to give you a list of 1,500 eBooks that will give you lots of ideas; things you can do on the side on a shoestring budget.

The best way to make money is to continue to learn, and create new ideas. The best way to learn is from a book.

I hesitate to give you this link, because others may interpret this as an attempt to spam.

The following link is NOT SPAM. It contains a list of over 1,500 “How To” eBooks, and gives the user a treasure trove of good ideas on how to make money.


Again, this link is NOT SPAM, but a legitimate answer to the question. Anyone that marks this as spam will only hurt themselves, as it will be appealed and deemed pertinent and direct.

Just type “how to make money fast” in the Search Y1 Answers box above and you’ll get hundreds of answers.


Online Surveys:

Ruth asks…

i want to earn money in a quick time so what can i do for that?

Nagesh answers:

Ask your neighbors if there is anything they want to be done around their house but don’t have time or energy to do. Then offer your services to do these chores for them. It can be something simple like watering their plants, or buying their groceries, walking their dog, or weeding their garden.

If you know how to cook or bake. Do that and pre-portion your goods with the office-goers in mind. Sell your goods to neighbors who might not have time to fix their bagged lunch for the office.

Another earn-quick idea would be to buy cheap toys and sell them at a profit to neighborhood kids. Kids love novelty items like invisible ink pens, magnets, kites, etc. Use your imagination.

In short, use your resources to your advantage. If what you have plenty of is time and energy, then sell that. If you have skills that others don’t, then offer that. It might not make you rich but you certainly won’t be pennyless. The sad truth is that get-rich-quick never happens. Slow and sure always goes the distance.

Good luck!

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Friday, May 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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