Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Charles asks…

What’s the quickest and easiest way to get an extra $2000 – $3000? I have a job, but need to move now!?

My ex is screwing up my life and I’m looking for a way to get my kids into a much better situation as soon as possible before he gets to us. He is crazy and I’m not sure what he’ll do if he finds us. Just need to know if anyone knows how to make some really quick money without getting mixed up in all the internet scams and crap. All I want is to make sure my kids are safe and away from him!! Thanks, I hope someone can help! : )

Nagesh answers:

Visit my blog, there’s a best solution for you
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Chris asks…

how do i balance saving money for roth ira, 401k.. with spending money and getting women?

I know a thing or two about saving… as a matter of fact i love saving.. I have a finance degree, but my thing is…. I still want to look fly, wear fresh clothes, go travel and see the world, and attract hot chicks.

I’m looking for advice from older or younger perspectives on making sure you saving your money, but also enjoying your youth. I mean, if i just save and sacrifice all of the clothes and stuff, I wont be getting the hot girls. women in their 20’s like to have fun!! Saving is BORING!! Women dont like boring.

I’m 25 years old by the way, and i make 36k a year, single with no kids.

Quick question: If i save and invest… I’m talking about throwing 6% (full company match) in my roth 401k plan

6% in my very own roth IRA plan at scottrade….

and 30% (for now) at my savings to maybe buy a house, invest in a business, etc in around 5-6 years around the time i get ready to do an MBA……..

Will I look back later on in life and say, “man, i missed out on all the fun everyone else was having with their lives.”

or will i say, “damn, im glad i saved”?

I guess it just comes down to whats more important and if it’s worth it to live with the crowd, having great memories, etc NOW vs 20 years down the road….. WHo’s to say I wont be dead? That would suck knowing i couldve been living it up to the fullest.

(Anyone older reading this):

Could you share your experiences, life lessons, opinions on saving or spending/having fun NOW, please?

All of your info will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry if this seems like alot…. I’m gonna cut it short, i have alot more to say. But, we’ll start with this..

Nagesh answers:

Saving is definitely important, and you WON’T regret that in a few years when you want to go back to school or buy a home. You also won’t regret it when you’re able to retire debt-free at 55, tops.

However, you will regret it if that’s all you focus on. There’s a lot to be said for the present. Think about all those sayings: “Carpe Diem”, “There’s no time like the present”, “live like there’s no tomorrow, because there may not be one.” Etc. Etc.

The best thing you can do is compromise. For instance, at your age, you can leave the Roth IRA alone for now. Don’t get rid of it- and if you find yourself with some extra cash once in a while, by all means, throw it in there. Contribute the maximum that your company will match into your 401(k). And save a pre-determined amount each month or each paycheck for shorter-term goals. You say you’ve got 5 or so years. If you save 100 bucks out of each paycheck assuming you get paid every two weeks, then you’d have 26k just in principle- forgetting whatever interest you earn on it.

Use the rest, after living expenses, to enjoy life. My husband and I live a very good life. We’re currently living in a not-so-nice house so that we can save for our dream house, but still have money to travel and party with. Both of us contribute fully to our retirement plans, and we save about $3,000 per month on top of that. It can be done. It can be hard to budget at first, but once you get it right, you won’t regret putting the time in.

Good luck in life… And on all those chicks. :0)

Susan asks…

What is the best, easiest and the quickest way to get UK citizenship ASAP with least legal complications?

Hi all!
I am a 19 year old indian citizen and I want to gain UK citizenship.
But the problem is, I have never been to UK or outside the country even once. I don’t even have a passport, but I am planning to get one soon. I go to college, but I want to drop out and move out from here.

I need to know the requirements to gain citizenship in UK and everything that goes along with it (i.e. the minimum years of stay to qualify, visa types and requirements, money etc. )

also, I have a few questions.

1. What is the easiest way to gain citizenship ?

2. What is the quickest way to gain citizenship ?

3. *I don’t want to apply for student visa, coz, that would mean that I will have to return back after the given amount of time. I don’t want to do that.
*Also, I don’t have any work letters from UK inviting me to work for their company or anything, so I can’t apply for the work visa also.
*I don’t have any qualifying relatives staying in the UK.
*I am currently in college, but i want to drop out and move to UK forever. I want to settle there and find job and work opportunities there. I can’t apply for work visa, and I don’t want to apply for student visa. I want a visa where I can just go over there and search for work opportunities and start living there. What kind of visa should I apply for ? (very, very confused!)

4. I am also willing to marry a UK citizen in order to gain the UK citizenship, but I am only 19. Is it possible ?

5. What does a “partner”, “civil partners”, “partnership” and “civil partnership” mean?

6. What does a “partner visa” mean? Is it the same as a “civil partnership visa” (in which case, you and your partner are as good as a same-sex married couple with equal rights to inheritance and kids and stuff). I don’t want to apply for a civil partnership visa as I am straight. But I see marriage or partnership as the easiest way to get a citizenship in this case.

7. Is it possible to get a visa where you can just go to UK for a trip, looking for someone, find them and settle down with them? Is that what a “spouse/fiance visa” means? Is it meant for going there, meeting and marrying someone whom you’ve never met before? (i mean, first, i want to get out of here, go to UK, meet and marry someone, stay till I get permanent citizenship ) what should I do?

– Don’t want student visa as I will have to return.
– Can’t have work visa as I have not applied for anything coz I am still in college.
– Want citizenship in UK in the EASIEST, QUICKEST AND THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY. (i.e legal, without any threat of being moved back to the country where you came from)
– Never been outside india or to UK.
– Is it possible to just get a visa to go there and look for job opportunities ?
– Is it possible TO GO THERE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO MARRY? If yes, then, can you marry on the visa (probably a spouse/fiance/civil partnership/ partnership visa, I guess) you hold and extend it for the minimum requirement of stay till you get British citizenship? Or do you get citizenship as soon as you marry?
– What happens if there is a divorce ? (Please explain both cases. A divorce before gaining citizenship, while you are on the minimum requirement of stay and a divorce after gaining a citizenship). Is your citizenship taken away from you if you get divorced after you have gained the citizenship ?

I know its a LOOOOONG LIST of qtns, but I am here in a very terrible situation. I am abused verbally, mentally and emotionally. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t run away as they will find me. So the best chances of getting away are moving to UK forever.
PLEASEEE help me. Any help will be much, MUCHH appreciated. esp. on the visa for marrying someone and settling there & gaining citizenship. I have read the UKBA website, but I need a much clearer explanation for my above qtns.

For once, I don’t mind getting the student visa also, if it gives me the permission to marry someone and gain citizenship without having to return to this place ever. But the admission process is the stuff which complicates things (i.e. exams, language tests, fee payment, etc)

AT THE END OF THE DAY, I WANT A BRITISH CITIZENSHIP IN THE EASIEST, QUICKEST AND THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY (with least legal complications, I mean) ASAP. I don’t ever want to return back here for any reason. I want to leave once and for all.



Nagesh answers:

The easiest way is to be born British.

As you’ve not managed that, your second option (unless you have a British fiancé willing and able to sponsor you for a spouse visa) is to get a work visa, then after 5 years in the UK apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain, and then after 12 months apply for citizenship.

Getting a work visa is incredibly difficult – they’re only available for the jobs on the UKBA shortage list, and only the potential employer can get you one.

Lisa asks…

my boyfriend and i need to start saving money?

he is a hustler and i currently get money from my school, we need to know how to save although we have to buy diapers,food, and clothes for the kids. what is the quickest way to save to get a apartment and a car?

Nagesh answers:

Boyfriend? Kids (plural)?

Money isn’t the root of your problem.

George asks…

Anyone got a way of makin money for your average british 14 year old?

Im 14 and i could really do with some money! My parents wont give me any (H A R S H) and i was wondering if anyone has a quick way of making money?
Btw i have tried getting a paper round however the waiting list is too long! :'(

Nagesh answers:

Lemonade stand? Just kidding, have you tried bargaining with your parents? Like I’ll mow the lawn for 20 bucks, or any non-chore things. You could also ask your neighbors

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Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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