Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Nancy asks…

I am looking for a real and legit work from home job.?

I am looking for a real and legit, work from home job. I am not looking to become rich in a month , just to make real money. I am not interested in surveys, just because they are ridiculous. I am also looking forward to not paying anything to get into a job. Thanks so much for your help.

Nagesh answers:

You mean the sort of job that doesn’t make you go anywhere and doesn’t feel like work? One that doesn’t require you to get off the couch or do anything that cramps the brain too much? One that doesn’t require any heavy lifting or exposure to hazard? One that doesn’t have a boss who makes you feel you have to watch your back and work constantly?

I know of such jobs, but none actually pay a salary or bonus. People I know have done these jobs, usually when they were between jobs, to try something different. What they really got out of these jobs were a bunch of unneeded subscriptions, a depleted savings, and a reduced sense of self-worth that came when people victimized them for their laziness.

If you want a job like this, but one that is not easy at all, go for a sales job where you can work from your home office. Sales is never easy unless successfully convincing people they need to give you their money is a part of your personality. If this is not your cup of tea, then you are likely to join the next pyramid scheme that comes through your area.

Work is called work for a reason. As far as free money available to anyone, how often have you found a $5 or greater bill just lying on the ground. Same principle applies anywhere else. Free money does not stay around for very long, and it doesn’t ever beg you to take it.

Lizzie asks…

What was Bill Wilson’s purpose or final objective by creating alcoholics anonymous?

Was he looking to create a new religion? or just make money?

Nagesh answers:

I believe it was equal parts of wanting to get sober and getting his wife off his back. When it began to spread, when people started coming to him to find out his secret in staying sober, he saw the opportunity to avoid getting a real job, while at the same time being in a position to repeatedly stray. He cheated on his wife so much that it became an embarrassment to AA and they started having Wilson accompanied to meetings. Wilson eventually left 10% of his estate to his favorite mistress, Helen Wynn.

Wilson was never a stock broker as claimed by AA members, he was a stock touter:

“About Bill Wilson being a stock broker: That is simple. Bill Wilson was never a stock broker. He was never anything like a stock broker. Bill Wilson was never trained as a stock broker, and he was never licensed to trade stocks. He never traded stocks for anybody. Bill Wilson’s statement in the Big Book that he was a stock broker was a blatant lie, just more of Bill’s bragging and self-aggrandizement.

Bill Wilson was really a stock touter, and a Wall Street hustler. A stock touter is somebody who goes to rich speculators and says something like, “Buy G.E. It’s going to really take off. It’s going to go to the moon. Oh, and please slip me some of your winnings when my tip pays off.” If you do that with enough stocks and enough speculators, you can make a living off of it. You are likely to hit some winners sooner or later.

Bill Wilson was doing that during the Roaring Twenties, when the stock market was all going up in a frenzy of “irrational exhuberance”. It’s easy to pick winners when everything is going up. After the Crash of 1929, Bill’s game was over.

Bill Wilson also declared in one of his autobiographical raps that he got in with a bunch of Wall Street “operators” and got involved with “Ponzi schemes”. That is the wrong name for the racket. What Bill Wilson really got involved with was “Pump’n’Dump” schemes.
(See PASS IT ON, pp 74-76, 85-86, and 90-91, and Bill W. By Robert Thomsen, pp 146-147, 152-153.) ”

Ruth asks…

What is the best stock to invest in or way to make money easily?

No joke please be for real

Nagesh answers:

There are no get-rich-quick schemes. No joke. For real.

From George Leonard’s book, Mastery (1991): “To take the master’s journey, you have to practice diligently, striving to hone your skills, to attain new levels of competence.

One of the most important Samurai texts ever written, by Miyamoto Musashi, “The Book of the Five Rings (1643)”, offers this advice: “Think of what is right and true. Learn to see everything accurately. Become aware of what is not obvious. Be careful even in small matters. Do not do anything useless.”

Nothing substitutes for research and education.

Your persistence and determination to succeed is, in the final analysis, the critical element.

Paul asks…

What does this person do for a living?

He won’t tell anyone what he does. He doesn’t deal with banks. I asked him if he makes $5000 a week, and he says he makes that in a day. He says sometimes he loses money. The most he has ever lost is $20,000. He says its somewhat like stocks and he keeps all his real money in a eggo waffles box in his freezer at home? At a restaurant, we were talking and he said he’s making money as we speak.

Nagesh answers:

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) also known as a pyramid scheme. He recruits other people to “sell” product but they really have to buy it themselves.

Donna asks…

How to operate off of a party that seems intent on destroying itself?

I’m working for a non-profit Republican committee to hopefully get a few laws passed and certain politicians elected. That’s saying a lot since I’m in my 20s, not balding, and I’m about to come across in public as a registered Republican progressive.

It’s a shame that in the current Republican party though, there are enough illiterate windbags who can’t understand that Republicanism and progressivism aren’t mutually exclusive nor contradictory.

And that’s the problem I’m facing:

I, and a few other members I’m working with, have a great bunch of starter ideas for laws to lobby that would make the patent system more practical for corporations(which is something many corporations have been wanting for awhile now—–it makes sense if you understand their predicament with the patent office), a revision of some of the fluff jobs on a federal and state level (that don’t really do anything of function and act more as a way to take up time, money, and space—–random clerks at a Federal office that just sit on their *** 10-12 hours a day and always transfer customers/visitors to the clerk that actually does the work, for instance. Those types of positions.), and actually a pretty massive bill that would require police to have more patrols in crime-ridden projects(currently police have the luxary to avoid those areas that desperately need surveillance and law enforcement presence because of the extremely thick gang-activity in those types of regions. The Crips, Bloods, and the Latin Kings——or your regional equivalent—-can dominate entire blocks and projects and terrorize the local populace, but most police districts are either too cowardly or apathetic to face the real threats. Bills like the one I’m pushing for would change that and cut out a lot of the authoritative bureaucracy that the police usually hide behind.)

What I’m saying is the laws that I and my associates are trying to pass are forward thinking, deal with practical issues, and would cut out a lot of toxic red tape and mismanagement that Governments are plagued with. I’m genuinely passionate about applying Republican ethics and policies in a real and practical way that will help people.

….With that said there are other members of this committee that have less than altruistic intentions for their own laws that want to present to congress. Imagine the pettiness of Santorum mixed with the “purity-by-fire” mindset of some Tea Party folk and you can probably imagine the other, slight majority, of people I have to work with in this committee. Can’t stand them, personally.

Where people like myself and a few trusted affiliates are trying to work from within the Republican party to address practical, real world issues through Republican legislation, the other members seem more intent on printing fliers and posters and scheming up new ways to defame the democrats.

They’re threatening to waste all of our lobbying budget on tearing down Democrats and trying(yet ultimately failing) to strict down democrat legislation like Obamacare. They’re too busy hating the enemy and not taking a real-world look about the issues so many of us face. And I’m not saying our proposed legislation is perfect—-but at least it would begin to address the woes of our local, and eventually federal, community.

Those members seem hell-bent on marking their party—–my party—as a zealous extremist party that no one wants to associate with, and people like my and my associates are trying to save a sinking ship——–but it’s hard.

Lastly, so many of them are just so old! And I don’t mean that in a rude way, I mean it in a way where instead of offering any solution to a problem or giving their insight on any of our proposed bills, all they do is insult the current generation(me, thanks for that gramps. Glad your generation plans on being the first immortals so you won’t need to worry about sustainable recruitment to keep up your party’s numbers. Nope, thanks for that.) and obsess over “the good old days”. I think half of them have Alzheimer’s, or maybe they are just that bitter and petty—who knows?

I’ll ask my original question again:

How to operate off of a party that seems intent on destroying itself? I genially believe in Republican ideals and really want to see them positively benefit my community, but people like me are always contested with the “purity-by-fire” Teapublicans and the older generation who can’t seem to be anything other than bitter and petty at everything they see.

Nagesh answers:

Here is the problem.

You’re completely ignorant of the bureaucracy which you claim to know all about. Your claims are not founded in actual experience, but are mostly based on what you imagine it must be like or what someone with a political axe to grind has told you they are like.

I suggest getting a job in the patent office. Then just like any worker in any business, you will actually know the system well enough to diagnose how it does and doesn’t work. You can actually work to reform the system from within or at least be an expert in the actual system, rather than just a guy who rants about a system he has no experience with. You won’t believe this but tearing down the present system for an unproven, untested new system seldom works out well. Micro changes are always far more successful than macro changes, on average.

As for writing policy in your political party.

I can only suggest what has worked in the past.

Get out your check book and start writing checks.

We both know that this is how politics are done in the Republican party. If you can’t write the checks, then you better know people who can write checks. Individual politicians may occasionally dream about making the country better, when they’re not worrying about getting elected, but a political party’s only real concern is gaining power. Write them a check, they will endorse your ideas.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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