Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Donald asks…

What is the best way to seek out donation money for a worthy cause in my community?

Only 20 minutes from my home there is a soup kitchen that we serve at each week. 2 additional satellite serving areas have recently opened at area churches to help the people who are too far to walk to the main facility. There has been a 11% increase this year alone. I need to do more. More and more children are coming and it is breaking my heart. These patrons get excited when we have toothbrushes or socks to give out…and of course there is never enough.

I want to do a sleeping bag drive for the homeless with sleeping bags that are rated for below zero temperatures. And I want to give them to all that want them because many times they cannot afford electricity if they do have adequate housing.

My goal is 200 adult sleeping bags and 300 childrens and I want them to be new if possible. Can I do this?

How do I get the audience I need to have this completed by November-December latest? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Contact your local newspaper and ask them to run an article on your fundraiser. When they write the article; put your e-mail address or telephone number and I am sure the publicity will help to notify the community of your intentions and there will be people willing to help. You could also notify local TV stations and they might also do the same thing. Go in person to your local stores; Wal-mart, Sporting good stores, etc. To see if they would be willing to donate to this cause. (Have your Tax ID # and forms available so they could write off any donations they would be willing to offer.) Get the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and local churches involved. Print out posters and put them in stores in the area. See if the local schools would be willing to do a tricky tray or cake sale for the support of this effort and they could donate the money they get for the trays/cake sale to you. You need to get the ball rolling now because it is almost September. Try to get a bunch of volunteers to help notify businesses and newspapers, etc. It can be done but you need to quickly organize now.

Joseph asks…

How can I teach my child her home language as well as english?

My toddler understands certain words and says them in her her home language and understands and says other words in english. I don’t want her to be delayed in english when she starts school but I really want her to be able to speak her home language. Any ideas on how to go about this so that she can be fluent in both languages?

Nagesh answers:

Continue to speak to your child in your native (first) language. Do not be afraid to speak to her in English also as long as you do not mix the two languages in one conversation. You might want to speak your native language in the morning and afternoon, then English in the evening. Emphasize your native language because she will be hearing English wherever she goes outside your home.

If her English is behind the other children’s when she begins school, don’t worry. She will soon catch up. If you have enough money and there is a school near you, you might have her attend preschool for a few hours a week before she starts kindergarten. Interacting with the other children will quickly bring her English up to their level.

If going to preschool isn’t an option for your daughter, a few times a week take her places–like the library, park, museum, even McDonald’s playland–where there are English-speaking children for her to play with.

You sound like a wonderful mother. Don’t worry about your daughter’s language skill. She’ll do well with a parent like you.

PS Read children’s storybooks to her in both languages.

Thomas asks…

How can I make a lot of money?

Not necessarily overnight, but what are the best ways to make money relatively quickly?
Serious answers only please.

Nagesh answers:

I was doing hard work of finding home based/ online jobs. Luckily I found this website: They gave me list of top companies. I clicked and find many jobs. Did one job and received my pay yesterday. Best place for home based jobs.

Michael asks…

What do home inspectors generally make per inspection?

I’d like to become a home inspector. What can I expect to make for an inspection?

Nagesh answers:

Average price for a home inspection is 300-500, and as the prior poster said, depends on square footage, age of the home, travel distance for the inspector, etc. That amount gets quickly eaten up with insurances (especially for first year inspectors), fuel to drive all over town, etc. You gotta love what you do to make it make sense. I have been a home inspector in San Diego full time since 2007 and love it. The money is decent, work schedule is flexible and it sure is nice being your own boss.

Shoot me a PM anytime and I would be happy to discuss this with you one on one to get you pointed in the right direction.

Good luck!

Nancy asks…

How do you quickly fix a garage floor that has heaved and cracked?

We don’t have the money to go through and cut out the entire garage floor and replace it. The garage floor has cracked and heaved in some places, and some places the concrete was never there.

My idea was to cut or bash out the areas that have heaved higher, and then overlay with a new concrete.

Would this work? Is there a better solution? The house and garage are both very old. Looking for something that would not be expensive and make the garage more usable.

Nagesh answers:

Your idea is along the correct lines. I poured a concrete slab yesterday.

Follow these steps for a very cheap but passable looking job:

1. Bash out high spots
2. Wet / wash the floor (right before putting down mortar)
3. Buy type S Mortar from Home Depot / Lowes
4. Use mortor mixed with water to make floor smooth and level.
5. Paint the garage floor to hide colour differences, etc.

Follow these steps for the cheapest best looking repair job ever:

1. Bash out high spots as you said.
2. Wet your garage floor until water no longer readily soaks in. This will keep your new floor from drying out from below before the mortar can cure.
3. Roll on a “bonding coat” of Type S portland about as thick as paint (Type S portland is about 70 lb per bag and costs about $8 per bag. One bag should be enough for your floor. It is NOT the same as type S mortar mentioned above and is often called masonry cement)
4. Roll out chicken wire over the garage floor. If you do not use chicken wire your thin coat of mortar (at least 1 in thick) will crack. You want to overlap by several inches. Go ahead and use up the entire roll for this project. Too much never hurts and some other type so projects call for as much as 10 layers.
5. Mix 3 parts sand (costs about $28 for 2000 pounds from your local paving place but make two trips so you don’t hurt your car suspension. Home Depot will charge you way too much so don’t buy your sand from them) to one part portland cement type I or II by volume. (Normally sand is about 80 lb per cubic foot and portland I/II is 94 so if you buy 2000 lb of sand you will need 8 bags of portland (they come in 94 lb bags). Also add a bag of lime if they have it, otherwise skip it. ONLY MAKE THIS WET ENOUGH TO SPREAD, EXTRA WATER WEAKENS THE MIX AND CAUSES SHRINKING
6. Spread it evenly over the chicken wire and smooth it level with a 2×4. Also add some expansion joints at this stage if you have a big slab. You can do this by embedding a rope in the surface which you later pull out.
7. After it starts to dry use push broom to make a nice broomed texture.
8. After brooming place a cheap plastic painters tarp over it.
9. Let it cure for at least a week. If it starts to dry out mist it with a hose.
10. Tada!

PS: This should take you about 1 day and cost you somewhere around $150. You will not find a cheaper professional looking fix. Next most expensive option is to pour a 4 inch thick coat of concrete. To do this have the concrete delivered already mixed and just spead it out evenly with a 2×4 before it dries. This third option might not work for you because of the extra height and cost but if it was my garage it is what I would go for if I could.

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Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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