Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Carol asks…

What is the legal age someone can work in massachusetts and what jobs?

I am 15 years old and i want to get a job. What are the jobs i can do other than fast food and babysitting. I have a friend who works in a pet store. he is also 15. I want to do a job in a pet store too but im not sure……Please help. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I believe that with a work permit, 15 is the legal age in your state. I worked through high school in jobs that the school got for me (and the other students in a program called Distributive Education). Ask your school counseling office if they have such a program. I made money, got out of school early to go to work, got job experience, and got school credits for the hours that I worked. You have nothing to lose by asking.

If you are looking to make good money, you are better off using your own skills and interests rather than working for someone else. Consider asking your parents to set you up in your own business. What a great way for them to get tax credits!!! I am providing a link to an organization called Junior Achievement. See what they have to offer you. Also, here’s a list of library books that can help you decide if your own business is right for you. You’ll make more money and be able to work your own schedule BUT it’s not easy. You have to be really dedicated to making it!!!

Fast Cash for Kids … Bonnie & Noel Drew
Better than a Lemonade Stand … Daryl Bernstein
50 Money Making Ideas for Kids … Lauree & L Allen Burkett
Jobs for Kids … Carol Barkin & Elizabeth James
The Kids’ Business Book … Arlene Erlbach
Making Cents … Elizabeth Wilkinson
Make More Money Than Your Parents … Mike Bundlie and Others
How to Be a Teenage Millionaire … Art Beroff

Lizzie asks…

How can I make money at 14-15 years old during the summer?

I’m 14, 15 in a month, and I owe my mom about $150 so I really need to pay her back. I also need to pay her for a trip to Spain I’m going on. Not many people I live around have kids or their kids are like my age so babysitting is pretty much out. Also, very few places around where I live hire under 16 so…yeahh…any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Here are a few ideas:
I suppose you could try a paper round, paying probably $35 per month, but in England, if you quit your round at my local general store (or newsagents we call it) you will probably never get it back because pretty much everyone is after a job like this nowadays.

But if you are 16 you may be able to work at a local store, putting food on shelves in the grocery stores, and you would make more money faster than if you had a paper round I think.

Or maybe someone you know, like a friend of your mom’s may run a store, my dad is friends with someone who runs the local pet shop, and someone who runs the local coffeehouse, that would be a great way to go like some of my friends have, through close relationships.

I hope this helps and best of luck 🙂

Laura asks…

How to earn money fast for kids dream?

My daughter wants to become an actress very badly she is 6 years old and been offered agents at 2 different companies Undiscovered talent group and IBM modeling. The problem is the expense. We can not afford the money for the agent, photo shoots, and travel to ipop. My daughter has her heart set on this and is willing to do what ever it takes to get there. Does anyone have any good fundraiser ideas that a 6 year old can do? Maybe if anyone sponsors children in this kind of thing. She has till next January to raise the money but it is a lot of money so we need to get started fast if she is going to make it. As her mother I am willing to help her in anyway I can to make her dreams come true.

Nagesh answers:

You obviously love your daughter very much and want the best for her. I’m sure you know that just about any child ‘modeling’ agency that requires upfront payments and fees for porfolios, etc. Is a scam. One of my kids was recruited to do some fashion modeling. It was legitimate; not a lot of fun for her and difficult to schedule sessions. She was recruited because as the art director told us: ” Cute, blond, sexy 8 year olds are a dime a dozen, but exotic kids with an attitude are interesting.” She made a lot of money, but after all it started interfering with her kid life and we both decided to can it for a few years. No one ever asked for payments or a fee. A few home snapshots were enough to get the first call. I think your dream is a scam.

Linda asks…

How do you make money at age 13?

I owe a kid 25$ after a bet and it goes up each day so i need a way to make moneyFAST!
I have about 2 weeks to make it or it’ll keep rising


Nagesh answers:

Hmm, why not try selling stuff that you don’t need anymore? Or you can even cook something to sell. And you can also run errands for your family. Try looking for jobs that you might be able to do too. If all else fails, you’d have to resort to begging your parents/siblings to lend you money, but you’d have to return the money once you’ve earned enough, or else you’d lose their trust.

Joseph asks…

What is the best software for making sewing patterns?

I am a hobbyist with no desire to go professional. I just like to sew, and I’d rather not clutter my house with a bunch of dress forms. It seems to me that using a computer to design simple outfits for my family (my kids grow so fast!) would be easiest. I also don’t want to spend a lot of money. A free demo would be nice to make sure the program is really what I want before I invest any money in it. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Best is in the eye of the beholder. None of the patternmaking programs I’ve seen balance the patterns and some produces some really strange results, so for me, it’s still easier to drape and draft by hand.

For recent reviews, check Threads magazine, May 2009, #142. It’s the issue with the orange cover and a dressform on it.

Have you looked at the KwikSew series of books? They offer basic patterns in a range of sizes, plus information and ideas on adapting them to different designs. Exceptionally well-drafted patterns, and easy to work with. And no need for dress forms if you’ve got the child handy.

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Friday, April 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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