Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Mandy asks…

What are the requirements to be emancipated at 16?

I really need to get out of my house right now. What are the legal requirements for that to happen? I need it quickly.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on where you live. Some states don’t allow emancipation of minors at all. Of the states that DO allow it, fewer than one in a hundred petitions are granted. Most teens give up before they even bring a petition before the court.

If your state does allow emancipation, you will have to prove that you can live by yourself, without anyone else’s help. This means that you have a job that will pay for everything (or you have a trust fund that you can use for living expenses, but most trust funds won’t disperse money until you reach the age of majority, whether you’re emancipated or not), and you have to have a place to live. This place to live cannot be at your boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s. It also can’t be with a parent of a friend. You have to have a real lease in place, one that will allow you to live there legally even if you have an argument with someone.

Generally, you will have to convince a judge that you can take adequate care of yourself, and in most cases, you have to prove that you can take better care of yourself than your parents or guardians provide. You won’t get emancipated if you don’t get along with your parents or guardians, because that isn’t a good enough reason. If you’ve ever been pregnant, or gotten someone pregnant, forget about it. If you’ve ever been convicted of even a minor crime, even truancy, forget it. You must prove that you are at least as mature as the average 18 year old.

You also need to show how you will continue with your schooling. You must either attend high school, or graduate high school, or get your GED. You can’t drop out of school and say that you’ll get your GED.

Finally, if you’re not resourceful enough to find this information on your own, you’re almost certainly not ready to live as an adult. It’s very easy to search for this information today on the internet. It’s not like back in my day, when I had to go down to the main library and search old legal books and journals.

Lizzie asks…

Do you have an 18 year old still living at home who is disrespectful?

What rules/curfews are acceptable when she is 18 but still in high school and about to graduate? How do I handle the disrespect? Legally she is an adult but still is at home and in school.

Nagesh answers:

Whats that old saying ” as long as you live under my
roof…you’ll obey my rules”. If she can’t follow your
rules with respect for you and the rest of the household
maybe its time she think about moving out…I know it
sounds harsh BUT when and if she realizes you won’t be around to cook and clean, do laundry, make her lunches,
make sure she gets places, give her money etc. She
just might smarten up and want to stay home and respect you.
When I was faced with this 1) it worked like a charm but 2) I wrote out a letter stating in paragraph form what I expected
desired, and needed/required them to do AND (important I think) gave them the choice or choices ie: you can stay at home and graduate/but you must study and be in by midnight on weekends 10pm weekdays. Or, I will continue doing your laundry BUT you can either do the shopping or wash dishes.Or they can leave!! Something like that. They seem to quickly come to understand that life just ain’t gonna work for them if they don’t graduate and they party or lay around all day dis’ing mom.

Hope this helps a little.

John asks…

Can my girlfriend legally kick me out in a moments notice?

My girlfriend helped me through an injury. I thought that was the best thing I had ever witnessed another human being do. I fractued my hip while trimming trees at her house.
I unfortunately had to undergo two extensive surgeries to correct the problem. That said, she now thinks that I somehow owe her what is left of my life.
I cart her son around from place to place, I do the dishes, the cooking, and all the yard work.
I took a job close to home as to not waste a bunch of money on gasoline, etc.
I have done alot in regards to the daily grind. I have also helped her deal with other major issues in her life. She is a good person, but, somehow thinks that she can control me. She does so through pure verbal manipulation.
I am now healed, and, doing well. Yet, she won’t let go of the notion of controlling the situation to the enth degree.
I am trying to find a way out of all of this without the authorities.
Any suggesstions?

Nagesh answers:

I owned a home and let a girlfriend move in. After a while, I figured out that I didn’t like her personality. I tried to kick her out, but she wouldn’t leave. One day I changed all the locks, put all her belonging in the yard, and thought that was it. Despite her banging, I didn’t answer the door. I refused to let her in until Trooper John Friendly showed up at the door. I thought, “Wow! This is great! There’s never a cop when you need him, but now there is. I’m going right outside and letting him know how unruly she is and get him to make her leave.” Sadly it didn’t work like that. She had called the cops and when they came they quickly told me that I had to let her in. The cop explained that despite the fact that I had sole ownership of the house and there wasn’t any lease or legal document that let her reside in my house. She was a legal resident because I permitted her to reside there. All she needed for proof of this was a piece of mail or some legal form of ID with my house address on it… I was #(*#(#(#!!!!!! The cop told me I’d have to go to the courthouse and file an eviction notice. He said it would take 1-3 months. I asked him what I could do because I couldn’t stand another day with her and he told me to move and sell my house. God I hate America!

Charles asks…

I want to know how can an individual borrow a foreign currency internationally?

Lets assume an example. Say an individual say Me, in a country named Pakistan, with a currency say rupee, wants to borrow Dollars from America. Now is it a legally legitimate trade? and if so, wot is the procedure?

Nagesh answers:

Well, it is just borrowing money, for which you make repayments of capital and interest. The lender of US$ would want to know what security you have, how you intend to repay etc. Just like a loan in Rupees. It may require a specialist broker rather than a bank. I suggest you go to the usual lenders and ask the question. If it is possible in Pakistan then you will quickly be pointed to the people who can do it. Presumably you want to buy an asset, on credit, that is priced in USD. And presumably that asset will earn you USD so that you can pay the loan back.
For example, a few years ago, in the UK you could get a Euro mortgage (to buy a property in the UK). In order for a UK citizen (GBP) to pay the instalments he/she would have to buy EUR (with GBP).
As I say a loan is a loan!

Michael asks…

Why did the church support the Fascists in the Spanish civil war?

I know some of the clergy didnt, but i have read that the church in Ireland raised money and blessed the Blueshirts (volunteers who fought for the Fascists) before they set off for Spain.

Nagesh answers:

Not quite so:

Support from the West, the economic transformation of Spain in the 1960s and the subsequent peaceful transition to democracy after Franco’s death have created the impression that somehow his regime was not fascist, or at least different from fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. In reality, Spain suffered under its own form of military-clerical fascism which, especially in its early years, was just as brutal as Hitler’s or Mussolini’s regimes.

Yet despite massive repression people would eventually fight back, an experience that is often forgotten when recalling this terrible period in Spain’s recent history.

During the Civil War, Franco’s military strategy was based on a slow and systematic destruction of the enemy, rather than ending the war quickly. His aim was the annihilation forever of what was termed the “anti-Spain”.

In territory occupied by his armies anyone known for their left wing ideas, such as a union member who had refused to grovel to the boss or the priest, was shot.

At least 100,000 were executed. Once the war ended thousands more were slaughtered and hundreds of thousands were imprisoned.

Between 1940 and 1942 alone it is calculated that 200,000 people died as a result of executions, mistreatment and hunger caused by the new regime’s economic policies. Over 400,000 fled into exile — 9,000 of them would later perish in Nazi death camps.

But such terror cannot be understood by citing figures alone. Daily life for the defeated was unbearable. Punitive ­legislation meant that personal property of the defeated could be confiscated, however miserable. The loss of your house, or a small plot of land, or even a sewing machine, could mean absolute destitution. Those identified as “reds” were denied work and harassed.

Under the all-pervasive umbrella of “National Catholicism”, the church totally controlled education and public morals. It preached and helped enforce total acceptance, as god given, of class differences and unfettered exploitation. And it made sure that women were legally subordinated to men.

Franco also set out to eliminate all vestiges of any culture or symbol that was not truly “Spanish”. Thus the Basque and Catalan languages and culture were totally repressed.

Above all, Franco’s regime aimed to guarantee unhindered exploitation of the working class. A fascist charade of “vertical unions”, which included both workers and bosses, made sure that discipline was maintained. Wage levels and working conditions, already poor by Western European standards, plummeted, while profits soared.


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Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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