Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Joseph asks…

HELP!! i really need to buy new clothes for school?

i REALLY need new clothes i have ONE outfit for the next school year and 2 outfits at the most from last year so i really need a way to make money FAST and i dont have any money to start with. lemonade stand=$0
car wash-not possible

sell old stuff- dont have any
parents are divorced and dad wont but me anything
baby sitting- all of my moms friends have older kids as do my neighbors and i cant babysit anyone else
chores- all of my neighbors pay their own children to do it
pet sitting-neighbors pay their own children or do it themselves cuz they’re retired
no other ideas PLEASE help me btw im only 13 so too young to get a job
my mom knows but we have no money and the divorce judge always rules in my dad’s favor

Nagesh answers:

Man this is a tough situation, but I really hope I can help at least a little bit and Im sorry your parents cant help you. But try these::
1.Paper Route
2. Collect yours and your neighbors cans and bottles.
3. Save all change and take it to TD Bank and they have a machine that gives you cash.
4. Get someone to buy a box of chocolate, sell it on your own for double the price. Hehe lol
5. Bag groceries, or Tutor summer school kids.
6. Collect neighbors crap that they are throwing out, sell it at a yard sale, and put a sign up stating that you need the money for school clothes. Or a sick relative.
Hey you gotta do what you gotta do… Lol.. GOOD LUCK

Jenny asks…

I want to write a movie and I would like some advice…?

Which Idea or idea’s from the summarys of ideas i have listed below that you think would make a good idea for a movie? Please just give your honest open which movie would you want to go see from the ideas i have below so i can start my writing..

thank you

“ The Story Of Orpheus and Eurydice”

This is a Story of two people who fall in love but do not have a happy ending. Orpheus meets Eurydice, falls in love and marry’s her. But the god of garden wants her buety. He try’s to rape her but she runs and gets stuck by a snake and dies and goes to the underworld (hell). Orpheus followers her to hell and asked the devil to get her out, He said yes but she must follow him out and he can not turn around to see her or she will vanish for ever. He turns around and see’s her face for a brief second than she left. He goes to earth and kills himself to be with her again in heaven.

— “ The Fast Life” (based on a true story)

This is a story of a kid growing up in Tampa Florida with out direction and with out much friends. He meets a group of kids whom he befriends and they start to make fast money. Selling drugs and stealing .They get arrested towards the end and the kid starts to change his life once he is out of jail.

— “Spring Break Freshmen year”

Story Of four kids who are tired of everything being so boring in there town. So for spring break they decide to drive from Tampa Florida to Mexico to celebrate being young. It tells the story of all the crazy things that happened to them on the way there and once they arrive. Meant to be a comedy.

— “One Chance”

Story of two kids who do not want to end up one of the people in there town who never left. They did not go off to college and they want more out of there life’s they want to be rich and famous. One of the kids wants to be a pro skater, and the other kid wants to be a professional rapper. ( he is white with glasses) They travel to L.a. and try to make some thing of themselves. It tells the story of everything that happened to them and how they make it in the end. Meant to be a comedy but also meant to teach a lesson.

— “ Axeman” (based on true story)

Story about the murders in new Orleans that occurred from 1918 until 1919. He kills his victims with an axe, but only spares them if they are playing jazz music when he comes to visit. He has never been caught.

— “ Aaron ”

Aaron is the story of the son of the devil. He was born to help destroy the earth and take power with his farther, he doesn’t know it, when his farther (the devil) comes to visit him he runs. He doesn’t want to help destroy the earth but he knows it is his fait. The devil kills everyone standing in his way trying to find his son. An angle comes to his rescue to save him and tells him not to listen to any mortal not even his wife. But his wife tells him to go take the power his farther is offering him ( she doesn’t know he is the devil, and he doesn’t really understand who his farther is completely) he listens to his wife but when he really finds out who is farther is he doesn’t want to finish taking power. He has kid who comes in and takes power for him after he dies in afight with the devil.

— “ Me and Joyce ”

This is a story about a couple who is in love, but they are also addicted to drugs. It tells there story and the things they do for drugs but also the things they do to stay together over coming trust issues and the he say she say from the street. In the end Joyce dies from an overdose while she promised Joey She would stop with him. He reads her eulogy and that is the end or he kills himself at the end I haven’t decided yet.

Nagesh answers:

These have the potential to be great I’m sure. Have you ever checked out the book Save the Cat? This could help you immensely with your logline writing process.

Lisa asks…

EASY and FAST crafts for boys? (8-10)?

i need it 2 be FAST EASY and LOOKS TOTALLY COOL… i have no idea on what i should do…but please NO GOOP…my son is doing this project. he needs to make 10 crafts and on thursday his class will be having a ‘shop’ where the little kids will be ‘buying’ stuff with a certain amount of fake money. The more my son sells, the better the grade. so it has 2 be very popular with boys for him to sell and get a good grade! thx in advance!!!

Nagesh answers:

Paper airplanes!


your son can use cool papers (or decorate them himself!) and make several different planes…and possibly sell the plane with an instruction sheet along with it so that the kiddos who buy the plane will have instructions to make more of their own.

Kids in general and boys in particular LOVE paper airplanes…we did a paperfolding unit with some of my students ages 7-10 and they spent HOURS playing with their planes…

Have fun.

John asks…

Weird to not want to get married or have kids or have a girlfriend (long question)?

So I have this “master plan,” so to speak, about not getting married or having kids in an attempt to save money. This might seem a bit irrational, but I don’t do very well in school, and odds are I’m going to wind up working very hard for very little money. And I figure that spending money on food for a spouse and child, as well as whatever else they might need is probably one of the biggest expenses one could think of, not to mention what I’d be saving on electric and water bills, cutting the use of such luxuries by at least half (I know I must sound completely devoid of social skills right now, but I’m just trying to condense the question).

I originally formulated that plan when I was in 5th grade. I’m a freshman now, and I still stick with the idea, but I’m starting to think that it might be for different reasons.
You see, I’ve never had a girlfriend, which is highly unusual for most kids in my school. I still have many female friends, mind you, but nothing past that. And the thing is, I think it’s better that way. I’m not the best at carrying out conversations, and in my opinion, the ‘awkward silence’ is a metaphorical parasite that preys on relationships, whether friend relationships, or something more serious. I mean think about it. If your relationship with someone is so poor that you can’t even carry out a conversation with them, than maybe you’re not as great friends as you thought. And it is because of my inability to carry out a conversation that provokes the idea of remaining single for the rest of forever. It’s also a reason why I really only hang out with people in groups, and never one-on-one. I would just run out of things to talk about much too fast, and after that, It’s all downhill. I’m aware of a bunch of girls that have like me for two years or maybe more, and I’m still trying to avoid going out with them because of this problem.

To avoid the not helpful answer of “just talk about something like school, music, or sports,” I should probably mention that I basically live under a rock. I don’t play sports, do to my sub-par conversational abilities, I don’t hang out with my friends that much, I’m not much of a movie person, and I listen to emo-ish music (i.e. Green Day, Metallica, etc.), whereas most of my friends are Lil Wayne and Asher Roth and Drake fanatics (I DO NOT associate with gothic and emo kids, they disgust me). So even if I wanted to, there really aren’t many topics I can bring up that aren’t creepy. I mean, I COULD talk about my Pokemon obsession, but I’m not so sure that that would get me anywhere.

It is a combination of these two things, saving money, and avoiding awkwardness and the subsequent break-ups that follow the awkwardness that makes me not want a girlfriend or a wife or children. But mostly the second one. What on Earth can I do?

Nagesh answers:

Quite a write up…wish I had the energy to respond with as much care as it merits

Anyways, the saving money thing: most couples I know both work…where I live I would even go so far as say it takes two to pull together enough income to buy a house after marriage. You find ways of making it work…I’ve taken the last year off from cable TV, for example, and know several other people watching tv online these days.

Social skills: you have a pretty interesting personality showing through in your writing – it’s too bad you feel conversation holds you back from hearing that more often about yourself in general. I have trouble believing you don’t do very well in school.

Re: the girlfriend thing…people who do well at dating know that it is often marked by potholes, and to a certainty it is a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Right now you are focused on the linear framework of your life: A leads to B leads to C…and so on. A lot of people are like that at your age – I think I was too – schools indoctrinate that in you. Dating is perhaps one of the first milestones you get to where A leads to D, then takes you on a roundabout path to pick up B and maybe C if you’re lucky (but don’t count on it.) It is worth it on so many levels…an adventure just getting to know someone – a lot of people never give it that chance until they’ve matured a bit…a conscious decision that says throw away the map and just go for it, conversation skills be damned 😉 It’s all out there…just sometimes you just need to put reason aside and feel it down deep. Trust me…you won’t regret it in the long run.

Chris asks…

Doesn’t this guy make you laugh?

I just wanted to share my experience with this guy.

He is 30 years old. Lives in a state paid apartment. Owes over $30,000 in child support for 5 kids he has. Refuses to pay for them and the state does nothing about it. Lets him get away with it and doesnt throw him in jail. Just gives him free rent and free cash and free food.
This is our conversation:
Stacy:did u get your cash assistance?

Shawn:no i have to go tuesday to give them a paper from ssi for them to start it back up. nothing like going a whole month with no money, plus my phone bill is due tomorrow.

Stacy:well u let me know when u get your cash assistance and then i will come up cause i am not gonna have u asking me for money again

Shawn:i’m not gunna ask you again, i don’t need anything anyways

Stacy: What will we do if u have no money?

shawn:i dunno, i’d say go out to lunch but i won’t have any money. unless we go to mcdonalds and get off the dollar menu…lol. Can u come tonight and monday?

Stacy:Im not rich

Shawn: Cant cost that much in gas.

Stacy: Your right

Shawn: Do u drink?

Stacy:im not drinking with the kids there

Shawn:well if you bring a dvd player with ya they could watch a movie in the bedroom and we could drink out in the livingroom.

Stacy: Good idea. U have beer or do i need to buy some?

Shawn: U will need to get some. can you drink miller lite? U can get those.

Stacy: Need me to pick up anything else?

Shawn: u could get the pizza right in town here, there’s a good place right down the road from me.

I saw him 2 weeks ago. He swore not to ask me for money. He did and he convinced me to buy him his beer and cigarettes and lunch. He said he would give me a knecklace for the money. Never gave it to me. I am so stupid but I will not see him again. I am not gonna be taken advantage of. Here he is trying to do it again but im not stupid which is why i asked him these questions to see if he would do it again.

I didnt share this conversation to be called stupid or nothin. I just thought this conversation was funny how he thinks he can take advantage of me again.Im not really going to go and see him. I dont think it is a good idea to drink with the kids there. I was just trying to find out his intentions if I came to see him. I now know and will not be speaking to him again. He is just using me.
He is trying to convince me to come down tonight so he can have his beer and food tonight. He did that last time. Was like “please come down today. even if the kids have a delay from school just keep them out of school. U know u wanna see me today. Just keep them out of school today and see me” He said that so he could get his beer and ciggaretts faster. He is such a sweet talker. LOSER. Wont fall for his tricks again.
I am going to find someone else. im done with his games.

Nagesh answers:

What motivated you to talk to him?

You make me laugh. Or should i say your stupidity makes me laugh.

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Monday, April 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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