Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Steven asks…

What part-time jobs can I get in London with a Master’s in mathematics?

I’m considering taking a break from my PhD to spend a year in London as a musician. I’ll need part-time work to survive, and I’d obviously prefer doing something skilled if it means I can make the necessary money more quickly. I’ll have a Master’s degree from a top-tier math program in the US at the time I leave, so it seems like teaching jobs are the most likely candidate. I have good teaching references from my time as a TA.

In the US, I’d probably look for an adjunct teaching position at a local community college, but I’m not as familiar with the education system in the UK. Can anyone comment on whether similar opportunities exist in London, and how I’d go about finding them? Obviously a Master’s won’t be enough to teach at a more serious university, but it’d be ideal to find something more permanent than private tutoring.

I’d consider doing something in the financial industry, but I understand most positions there tend to be full-time with pretty long hours, and I want as much time as possible for music.

For background, I’m in my early twenties and will have an (unrestricted) temporary work visa for the UK.

Nagesh answers:

Hello, actually freelance private tutoring could earn you a decent amount. Central London, especially around the SE1 postcode (US zip code) is very rich indeed.

For an actual employed job, an option could be to register at job agencies as what we call a ‘supply teacher’. This is to cover full time teachers who might be on holiday (vacation), off sick and so on. The work might be quite regular but probably often require very short notice.

As you probably already know, we in Britain call Math “Maths”. You might be interested to know, that research has shown musical people tend to be also able in Mathematics.Like with yourself.

Anyway, hopefully I’ve helped….

David asks…

I’m a UK citizen and I’d like to open an account in Japanese Yen but for small savings amounts (<£5k) How/Who?

I think the Yen has a chance of appreciating against the GBP over time but is there a cheap and easy way to do it? If I had a Yen account, would the money still be quickly obtainable? I’m 29 y-o and I’d like to gradually build up my savings so would this be an efficient way to do it? Many thanks for any help.

Nagesh answers:

No harm in trying m8 good idea have a chat to your local bank and get some advice from the professional money investors hope this helps

Maria asks…

How much money do I need to save in order to move to England from New Zealand?

I’m 16 right now so I have a reasonable amount of time (about to finish Year 11 in december). I’m planning to move to England after finishing Uni and fixing up a job for there already, maybe. Around how much money would be adequate enough to keep me going for a while? Taking care of living expenses and stuff. Just a rough number so I can see if it’s actually possible. Any answers appreciated 🙂

Nagesh answers:

As a New Zealander you have three possible options to come to the UK are Uni.

1. A work visa. For this you need to be qualified to at least degree level and have a job offer from a UK employer who is licensed to employ non-EEA nationals or be transferred to a UK branch of a NZ company. Before the UK employer can get permission to employ you he must prove that he has carried out a resident market test. This involves four weeks of extensive advertising to ensure that not one single suitably qualified resident worker is available. If the job is on the shortage occupation list or the salary offered is over £150,100, the employer does not have to carry out the resident market test. These jobs are highly specialised jobs in medicine, engineering, science and the arts.

2. A Youth Mobility Scheme visa. This is a two year visa which allows young people between the ages of 17 and 30 to live and work in the UK for two years without having to meet the requirements of a normal work visa ie sponsoring employer, degree, highly skilled occupation, resident market test etc. You cannot renew it and it’s a once only visa. You cannot change into a work visa from the UK on the YMS visa.

3. An Ancestry visa. Many Commonwealth citizens have connections to the UK through a British born grandparent (or Irish if born before 31 March 1922). If you have a grandparent who fits the bill you can apply for an ancestry visa. This is a five year visa allowing you to live and work in the UK without having to meet the normal working visa requirements as above. After five years you are eligible to apply for settlement and after a further year, citizenship. You must be able to show that you have a reasonable chance of securing work in the UK.

You are required to show that you have £900 for a Tier 2 visa and £1,800 for the YMS visa in your bank account. There is no financial requirement for the ancestry visa.

Realistically, unless you have a job lined up before you arrive, allow at least 2-3 months of funds of around £2,000 per month. Remember, you have to cover your rent in advance and deposit as well as travel and food expenses until you find employment and get your first wage or salary. If you are in temporary accommodation, it will cost more than a leased property. How quickly you find work will depend on your location in the UK and the type of work you are willing/able to do.

Mark asks…

What happens if you’re owed money by a company who goes bust?

I recently organised a party at a social club. Two days later it went bankrupt. When I booked the room I was told I would get £100 back if the room wasn’t damaged. I haven’t received the money and the club is all boarded up. Where do do stand with this? And how do I get my money I’m owed?

Nagesh answers:

In the US, the government gets paid first and the rest is doled out to the creditors. Don’t know if you stand in this category, BUT, you have to file quickly to get reimbursed as once the funds and assets are gone, it’s so long Charlie.

I suspect the UK has a similar system.

Jenny asks…

How do I get rid of acne? ( Reply quickly please. )?

Okay so for a long time now I’ve suffered from acne. At first it was one or two that could easily be covered up by some foundation, and now it’s all over the place. My back, my neck, behind my ears, my chest, and of course my face. I’ve tried many products, and nothing seems to work. Toothpaste doesn’t work, over the counter products don’t work, and I’ve tried mask and they only make it worse. I’m just sick and tired of not wanting to look in the mirror because I know that I’ll see that my acne has gotten worse in just one day. I know I can’t cure it in a day, or week; so I’m willing to be patient. Gym is coming up in school in a month or two, and last year I already got made fun of. I don’t want to get made fun of again. I get bullied for not having clear skin, so I constantly stay up in my room trying and researching way to get ride of it. Nothing seems to work. I don’t have a lot of money, but I will be willing to try home made remedies. I really need this. I’m the only kid in the family that has acne, and my family always makes side comments like. “I’ve never had acne on my back before so I want to go swimming.” It’s awful. Please, please, please, PLEASE help me. I’m desperate, and all my friends have a clear face. I always feel like they’re checking my face to see my new pimples instead of paying attention to me instead. No, I will not see my doctor because I can’t talk to my parents about it. Last time I did they told me I should wash my face more. Anything would be nice. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

If you’ve exhausted all the over the counter products now is the time to visit the GP – they can prescribe antibiotics

Having acne doesn’t mean that you don’t clean yourself properly, that’s a myth – severe acne needs medical treatment, in your case if it’s that widespread over the counter products are not going to help

I found this book helpful when I was trying to understand what causes acne – the writer is a dermatologist who also suffers with acne

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Friday, March 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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