Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Sandra asks…

How can I earn more money in a easy way?

I am a high school student,and I want to earn some money.And I don’t want to affect my study.

Nagesh answers:

If any family or family friends has a business you could do some extra work there for quick money over the weekends. Other than that there’s no such thing as easy LEGAL money. LOL

Since you’re still in school selling snack foods for a lower price then the school vending machines then you could make a profit. Just don’t get caught.

Betty asks…

How to lose weight with a busy schedule?

I’m fifteen years old and I only want to lose up to seven pounds if that. Between AP classes, working part time and taking heavy responsibilities within the family it’s hard to have time to work out and eat right. I walk to school and there’s a super market nearby so I could use some of the money I earn to buy myself healthier meals before and after school. However, outside of P.E., I don’t have much time to run and work out as much as I used to when I was in middle school. Is it possible to lose weight by just eating right and having mild physical activity? I’m a vegetarian already because of some health related issues but that only opened the door to eating more carbs than anything since it can be quick an easy on the go. I recently read an article on eating 75% raw and cutting out all drinks except water and the occasional glass of fat free milk to help cleanse your body without feeling deprived. Would this be a good option for me? I don’t mind eating healthy, in fact, I never was the junk food fan as a younger child and my friends were concerned that I wasn’t eating enough or that I was starving because of it. If you can give me any tips or pointers I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks to all who answer and please, don’t lecture me on how I shouldn’t worry about my weight or anything. I am not looking to be model thin, I just want to look and feel healthier than I am now.

Nagesh answers:


If you searching How to lose weight with a busy schedule? You can try this>>>


Linda asks…

How to get into the Olympics for swimming?

I have quick enough times to at least go to the trials. I wouldn’t mind getting into Olympic swimming to earn money an easy way that I’m pretty good at. Either a website that will help or a lengthy paragraph with a few places I could contact or anything? and also if you could find a website with the Olympic Trial times.

Nagesh answers:

Here are the standards for the past few Olympic Games. If you can hit any of these times, you surely know which meets can be used as Olympic Trials qualifiers.


Donna asks…

What’s the best way tot earn money for a pre teen?

Please…My mom is making me earn money to buy my own phone…Which is about $200.
Babysitting is easy but hard to find the work.

Nagesh answers:

Hey Ashleigh! Good for your mom for teaching you responsibility first and making you earn the money. That will bee more valuable than anything you will ever buy! Just a couple of things went through my head though. Im assuming you want a cell phone,notland linee,right? Yeah! IknewI was! OK who’s going to pay the monthly fee? If your mom doesalloww a cell phone, earn her trust by allowing her to look at your messages and call history. Don’tt ever give her a reason not to trust you. Itdoesn’tt seem it now, but she’s the one who will ALWAYS be there,not friends or boyfriends. Another thing, put restrictions on your new phone so that youdon’t rackk up internert or downloading charges. They add up wicked quick! (Yeah, Im from wicked MA). So,as far as the $200. Have you checked ebay or amazon! I got a $300 phone for $25.00 and it worksGreatt! As for earning the money, clean houses for elderly! One house can give you about $100! Let me know how things work out!

Robert asks…

How to start an Affiliate Marketing Business by Buying Websites for Sale at Flippa?

Flippa is a well known business that enables people to buy and sell websites. If you want to start a affiliate business fast then the best way is to buy a turnkey website. Each website is a turn-key business opportunity that can make quick and easy money from amazon and other affiliate networks. The sites requires little setup effort and maintenance. Here is an example of 14 Niche Amazon wordpress stores for sale that can make you passive income each month. My question is, what’s the best way to market a network of niche stores such as this?

Nagesh answers:

You will be luck to earn some money using these sites. Remember, it is not so easy to earn money on the web. Google hates this kind of site which is the biggest issue here. Read some info on how to earn using amazon affiliate program and find what works for u

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Friday, March 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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