Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Steven asks…

How can a 13 year old make a bit of money quickly?

Im saving up to buy a bigger guinea pig cage. I’ll have enough money by the end of august, but really I need it ASAP!! I’m 13, so how can I make a bit of money quickly, be it 10p or a few pounds??
Im in the uk, so its in £ =)
anyone know if this is a scam?

Nagesh answers:

Forget the surveys, its a scam anyway and you won’t make money quickly. Ask friends of your parents and your neighbors if you could do any babysitting for them, or help tutor younger children in a subject you are good in. You could also offer to help them do any gardening or household chores. I don’t know what the conversion would be too pounds but i pay the 14 year old down the street from me US$ 15 per week to pick up the oranges that fall off our tree and weed my garden. He walks my dog on days that I am too busy for US$ 5 per walk. P.s. Do not agree to do any work for anyone-babysitting or otherwise- without your parents permission and knowledge of where you will be and the phone number. When I used to watch children on the weekends I charged 30 US$ a day but that was like 10 years ago, ask your parents they will know what is fair pay.

Carol asks…

How Can I Raise Enough Money to Buy my Mom an iPod Touch for her Birthday?

I really want to buy my mom an iPod touch for her birthday so I need a quick way of making a lot of money quickly. Remember, I’m not old enough to get a job and I am not going to buy things and sell them at school. Practically, the only things I can do for money is house things, HELP! Her Birthday is VERY soon and I didn’t even raise 1/3 of the money! :'(

Nagesh answers:

Well, if you have a Little Ceasar’s near you, they accept 10 year olds to wave the sign by the road, but that is something I don’t know if it happens in your city.

You can clean cars, walk dogs, shovel snowed-in driveways, enter competitions to make money and cut people’s lawns. There are competitions where you can write a poem and the best wins. Also, don’t buy anything and put every cent into a special bag or box, or something going towards the iPod.

If you want, you can get a used one or sometimes a brand-new iPod on Kijiji or Ebay. Also, you can get the iPod Classic or iPod Nano for better prices. Since you are getting a 2nd or 4th generation iPod Touch, I suggest to get it in 8GB.

Also, you said you make money around the house. Clean the whole house and then you get some money. If you get an allowance, then use it to raise money.

Good luck and I hope that helps!!!

George asks…

What are some common ways to make lots of money in Oblivion?

The game Oblivion by Bethseda is long and intricate. Making money in it seems to be something a lot of people don’t know how to do well. I’m asking for some of the easier ways to make money quickly in the game.

Nagesh answers:

I like to clear out dungeons, find really valuable items I don’t need and sell them, or make potions. Close oblivion gates making sure to look everything in them of value.

I’m not really and expert money maker, but I never find myself needing money.

Charles asks…

How can I make lots of money quickly on animal crossing wild world?

Ways to make money quickly?
thanks, if I do that is their anyway to get rid of weeds rather thn picking them, as this takes forever!

Nagesh answers:

Best LEGIT method is yo plant yourself a huge amount of palm trees,like from border to border.
Go bug hunting along the coast at twilight (dawn/dusk). You might get lucky and snag some nice atlas beetles, etc, and dusk/dawn is the best time to catch giant fish too.
My town had a perfect loop to go around for about 40 minutes collecting bugs and stuff, could get me 80k-120k a night.

Joseph asks…

How Can I Make Money Quickly?

i am a 13 year old girl that needs money quickly. my best friend is living out in Aistrailia, but they don’t have the money to come back. i need about 2 grand but i only have about £700. please, any ideas will be very helpful.

Nagesh answers:

First of all make sure yourself that do you really want to do this or not.
If yes then first decide how much money you need.
Then start working from today, just get any job you can get (as you want get money early)
Organize a competition (may be chess) as it costs very less, collect fees from participates make this competition as popular as you can get. You have to make other costs minimum to have more money. Ask businessmen to sponsor you for this event, they will get promotion and you will get money.
You can get more details just email me.

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Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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