Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Sharon asks…

does anyone know the quickest way to earn money in midnight club los angeles?

I need money fast and i don’t want to sell my cars!! help me please!!! Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

The Easiest way to make money is to go on the highway and stay on the highway get a stage 2 car with stage 2 engine and the roar special and just race on the highways race the yellow guys and use the roar to mess him up and sometimes you can make them go in the wrong lane and with all the cars on the road you can block him off real nice

Mark asks…

Is it possible to get started on Ebay with no money?

I want to earn extra money by selling . How do I get started? I am literally broke!

Nagesh answers:

Yes it is VERY easy actually with a couple of different strategies.

I know of a young lady that worked for a struggling medical equipment company. She was the receptionist. The company had 5 full time sales reps and couldn’t afford to keep the doors open. The young receptionist with no sales experience approached the owners and asked permission to list a few of the medical equipment items that weren’t selling on eBay and in return she would keep a % of each sale. To make a long story short that company fired all the sales reps and now ONLY sells on eBay and has improved it’s sales numbers 10 fold. Notice the receptionist didn’t spend a dime in the arrangement, but she’s now getting a nice % of every sale.

I also know personally (have spoken to on a regular basis) at least 5 different people that make an amazing 6 figure living selling eBooks and special reports on eBay. Some of these books they’ve written themselves, but most of them they haven’t. One guy even sells DVD’s of silly things like home made car show videos. There is a killing to be made in the “how to” market on eBay and you can use easily duplicated CD’s, DVD’s, or even just PDF ebooks to deliver your information to your customers. The cost? Virtually none.

Finally, advertising in a local nickle classified (or even that you sell items on ebay can get you a flood of customers. Keep a %. This is called consignment selling and I don’t suggest you do this full time, but for a quick hit of cash it’s hard to beat.

No matter what you do though protect your reputation and work toward building a serious business on eBay. Being in a tough spot is no excuse for being less than honest in your dealings. Build a good reputation (eBay feedback) and your business will boom!

I have a free newsletter that goes out to about 90,000+ subscribers every week and it’s all about creative eBay selling ideas. You can subscribe here free:

Joseph asks…

Should I set my pet cats of 3 years free?

Please read patiently and give me valued advice. I have 5 female non-neutered cats (age ranging from 2-3 years) and one male cat of 7 month and 1 neutered cat of 2 years. It was just one pet kitten who was let to roam (because en-caging is felt to be greatly inhumane) multiplying to all these lovely cats. Neutering also feels evil (had awful experience doing so to one). I love them. I still give up my food for my babies every now and then because my mother would underfeed them when I am not around (lost 13 kilos doing so). I earn money alongside studying only to feed them properly. I shamelessly collect bones for them whenever i eat out just so they would not miss out on the fun I am having. The cats seem pretty happy apart from the times that they are on heat; they go desperate for kittens of their own. It hurts me to even watch…
Lately, I have become very busy with studies. I can’t make out time for them like before and frankly, no one at home cares for them much anymore. Everyone in my house and apartment started to treat them like a burden. There has been a lot of problems regarding these little lives. I have been planning to set them free for a year now but never plucked up enough courage to actually do it thinking they’d die without food, that they wouldn’t be able to fend for themselves, they’d be too scared and only hide in a corner (my cats chicken out seeing strangers; once it hid for 2 days in a hole when it went out the first time).
Not only for the sake of sanctity in my household, but also I want to give them freedom and happiness of having a family. Would it be wise to set them free at this stage? Would they be able to find food or develop the instincts to survive out there?

Nagesh answers:

OK, you didn’t say what happened during the fixing of the one cat that resulted in your thoughts that you should not subject your other cats to it.
Fixing a cat is THE BEST thing you can do for it. It is more important to fix both male & female cats more than it is to inoculate them.
One female cat can mother over 600 kittens in her lifetime. This takes a great toll on her & the resulting kittens’ healths.
Male cats can father thousands of kittens in their lifetime.
Also, not fixing causes a myriad of health problems to male & female cats. STIs (yes, cats can get them too), other communicable diseases, territory wars resulting in abscess & life-threatening scratches & bruises, deep cuts from roaming which could result in death, the stress from sexual tensions in both male & female cats, THE LIST GOES ON to what could happen from not fixing your felines–most of the probs result from roaming that happens when a cat wants to find a mate.

I do not think that it would be in the best interest of the cats to ‘set them free’. They have come to depend on you for water, food, shelter, protection from other cats & predators & the natural elements of weather. I don’t think they will be able to develop the instincts for survival quick enough to live through it.

Your local shelter may be too full of cats to take them in. You could utilize the free advertisements of (possibly) Craigslist & the like, & other online resources, like your FB page, Twitter account, etc.

I would strongly urge you to find a potential owner who promises to have the cat(s) fixed so the problem doesn’t escalate.
There are a lot of programs out there designed to help the underprivileged to get their cats fixed. Have you checked to see if there is one of these programs in your area that you qualify for? Even if you will be giving the cats away, you can still peruse these services. It will make finding a home much easier as more people want an already-fixed cat over one that is not–it is a big cost to get a cat fixed.

The one thing I tell potential cat owners is to NOT get a cat until they have saved up enough $$ to get it fixed. Maybe from now on you can use this as a reference as to when the appropriate time to get a cat would be.

Lizzie asks…

How I can earn money in a part time?

I am already employed, have access to internet, hold master degree in economics, have little experience of research and long of management. I am good in typing and powerpresentation. I may invest a little money say 100 dollars to a business that may be returned as immediate income. I think most of the money making sites are to grab for example few dollars in the first instance. Can anyone suggest me the way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

There are literally 100’s of ways to earn extra money. The question is what is going to make it as easy for you so that you’re not only making money but enjoying what you do at the same time. The quickest way of setting up a part time business that can potentially run by itself and take little of your time doing it is an internet business. I currently make extra income via different sites and here’s one I suggest that you take a look at:

To Your Success

Nancy asks…

How do i make tons of money in harvest moon animal parade, answer quickly plz!!!?

>where is the best place to find m. Stone, fugue forest or garmon mines
>where should i mine for money, watery cave or garmon mines
I need really easy ways to make money, answer quick!!!

Nagesh answers:

Garmon mines has more material stone.
The watery cave is my favorite mine because it has more rock salt, and pearls and more floors and i like the music lol.

Also if you can manage to get the the last floor of the watery cave go fishing because you can catch some valuable fish.

But the greatest way to earn money is from the crops as in all harvest moon games. Try to fill your whole crop plot with crops.

Also the best animal i think to have would be silk worms. Because once they start to make shining cocoons you can put them in the yarn maker and the shining silk yarn i believe sells for like 20,000 G. If its not silk yarn then its shining flax yarn.

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Monday, February 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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