Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Nancy asks…

How Can A Kid Make Money Without A Job?

I’m 14, and have another week or so, then away for a week, then another 5 days to work. So, in 12 days, are there any ways I can make good money worth the effort without a job. I can’t get an allowance, and I’m kinda on a tight leash with my parents 🙁 so I can’t do stuff that would require me to go out on my own really, got to be stuff I can do close to home. Any ideas?
Several people suggested that I do online survey things where they pay you, first of all, you need to be over 18 to do those things, read the question, I’m 14. Second of all, for those who will say, who cares, lie about your age, my parents will be pissed if they find out (which they inevitably will if I keep getting mailed checks from websites) that I’m lying about my age to get money from sites like that.
That Boy Chino? I hope you were joking, but you actually gave pretty detailed instructions, so I’ll assume you weren’t. Read the question…Does it actually seem even fathomable that I would have the slightest chance of being able to get drugs in the first place? Let alone find someone else to sell them to and then do it over and over till I get back where I started, provided I even wanted to do something as thuggish unintelligent as drug trafficking, “dawg”? I’ll take my chances being poor, thanks

Nagesh answers:

Look for a job on the interent easy stuff them send you the money in the mail for doing its real as long as you have a computer and your parents don’t mind you giveing people your address.

Mary asks…

Would I make a good amount of money off kids who wanted their homework done?

Let’s say I charge $5-$15 for doing elementary school homework for kids who don’t wanna do it. Ranging from basic math to history. Grammar to Science. I’d charge about $5 per page. Would that be a neat way to make money and gets kids by? I know lots of kids would really like this idea.
I need money, I can’t find a job and I doubt I’ll find anything while I’m in my 20s cuz of the outlook of the future.
Some kids can’t figure out the homework and want to pass the class. I am in debt. I need money to pay off my credit card debt. I know fractions, division, percents, decimals, etc.
It’s called allowance Tink.

Nagesh answers:

Even if you do earn money what lesson is that going to teach kids? First, you’re not a certified teacher, and you would be doing their homework instead of them. That is called plagiarism, and is very frowned upon in school districts.

Sharon asks…

Can anyone help me get some ideas to raise money to send my kids to camp?

I need some ideas to fundraise money for my kids to go to camp on the Internet.

Nagesh answers:

Put together a silent action
get gift certificates from beauty salons, wineries, restaurant
find people that are willing to donate items, etc.

Print a bid form from the internet,

Lisa asks…

How do you get your wife to escape the troubles of the day and allow some romance and sex back into your lives?

These are tough times for all, jobs, money, kids, elderly parents ETC. My wife wears it all on her shoulders all the time. Unless everything in life is PERECT, she doesn’t feel at all like romance or sex.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but it really sucks when a whole segment of our life together is gone.

Any ideas?? I feel held hostage and will only be released when the kids are grown and gone and when I hit the lottery so money will no longer be a thought.


Nagesh answers:

Vacations and nice dinners are wonderful and it sounds like your wife deserves them. Also, a massage when the kids are in bed would probably also help her relax.

When it comes to having sex with your wife, do you just go straight for intercourse? As soon as the kids are away and she is finished sorting through unpaid bills do you try to get her in the sack? I am not bashing you for being horny. You are human and humans have sexual needs. But people, especially women, are rarely ever able to immediately switch from the daily grind mind set to the hanky panky mind set.

What I’m getting at is – flirt with her, make her feel special. Foreplay begins long before oral sex or anything else in that arena. Romantic dinners and roses are great, but let her know you think she is the one that gets you hot. Appreciate what she does for you, the household and the family but also let her know that she deserves a little pleasure too. Even if she is wearing every day clothes, if you like the way her rear end looks, tell her. If she smiles or laughs at something you say or anyone says, tell her how beautiful she looks. Check her out like you did when you were dating. Try to remember the things that used to make her blush before you two were in a serious committed relationship and the stress of everyday life set in.

These are just suggestions. You know your wife, so comment on the things you genuinely love or find especially attractive about her. This may put her in the mood for a little more romance and fun.

You should take her away and give her a break. However, during those in between times remind her that she is special and that even when things are far from perfect, she still deserves some sexual release.


Mark asks…

What have you done to bring in additional income as a stay at home parent?

I have quit my job and will be staying home for awhile. I am thinking of ways to cut costs like cooking meals at home (potential savings = $500 monthly in eat out tabs). I will be selling some of our old clothes and toys on Ebay (3 kids = lots of old clothes and toys). Is there anything else you have done to make ends meet (except hokey stay at home business ideas = money down the tube). Watching more children is also not an option as I already have three of my own!

Nagesh answers:

You are on the right track!! Good Job!! Another suggestion might be yard or garage sales. They might not provide steady income, but they are income nonetheless…….

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Sunday, February 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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