Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Helen asks…

What would be the best idea to make an argument about obesity in a researched argument?

I want to make an arguments on obesity in America in my research paper/argument. I was thinking of blaming American society but this might have limited information. I need 10 sources. What would be a good argument?

Nagesh answers:

Get facts about fast food in America. Ex. There are 13,000 Mcdonald’s restaurants in America.. It’s much easier to stop and get a value meal rather than finding the nearest grapefruit. Talk about kids who have working parents and are given some money, where are they going to grab something? They resort to fast food. Also, you can talk about how there is no incentives for Americans to put down the cheeseburger when they have pills to lower their cholesterol.their pills are paid for by who? The rest of Americans. (Public Health) argue that if we were responisble for our health we would make better decisions but because people pay for our medications there is no reason to be healthy.

Daniel asks…

How does a young teen make some money fast?

I need 400 dollars, but I’m only 14 and so there’s a limited amount of things I can do. I have about two months to make 400 bucks. Anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to raise some cash? Much appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Deliver newspapers, walk dogs, mow lawns, tutor younger kids if you are good at a subject in school, sell baked goods, iron clothes for people, do errands for people, pet-sit, bus tables, do party cleanup, wash and wax cars, put out flyers offering to help with home improvement projects, wash windows in town for businesses, get groceries for elderly people ….

Example: One girl I knew set up a bakery delivery service – she baked and delivered fresh bread and baked goods (even birthday cakes) around the neighborhood and made decent money. Make sure not to undercharge.

Idea: Offer to help before, during and after parties. Keep things neat, food out, get drinks for people (not alcohol), take coats, entertain kids, keep music going, whatever help is needed. Then, help clean up later.

Make up nice flyers and distribute them around your neighborhood. Keep letters of recommendation in a file to show people.

Good luck!!

Sharon asks…

What are some creative ideas for an eye witness oral report for an anthropology course?

I have to give a oral report for my anthropology course. I need some creative ideas, I was thinking doing a board game so it would involve the class and I could give lots of information, but I have no idea where to start. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Make the report by copying an idea like Monopoly.

Make a cardboard square layout.

This is a list of Anthropological advantages the players get while going round the board. Like (as you land on this square)

1. You came down from the trees to find better food. Receive $100.

2. You learned to walk upright, from tree clump to tree clump. Receive $100.

3. You picked up a rock and threw it at a rabbit. Good food..! Receive $150.

4. You found a stout bit of wood and used it as a club, saving your life from wolf attack. $150.

5. You found a mate and she watches you back and helps you hunt. $200.

6. While making a stone axehead, you accidentally strike a flint and learn how to make fire. $500

7. Using a long stout stick, you keep your distance from the prey you are trying to kill.
From that comes your first spear. $150.

8. You start saving the animal furs for you and your mate. You keep warm. $200.

9. You join up with 2 more couples and become a hunting pack. Food becomes better. $500.

10. The pack females all have kids. You find a cave for everyone to live in. $1,000

1. You are chased by a wolf pack and have to stay stuck up a tree for 3 days. Pay $200 fine.

2. Running between the trees, you sprain your ankle. No food for 4 days. Pay $200 fine.

3. You walk out into the Savanna. No rocks on the Savanna. You left your rock behind.
No food. Rabbits too fast to catch. Pay $200 fine

4. You left you club and spear behind. Now you must walk back 20 miles. Pay $200 fine.

5. You spot an attractive female. Another male wants her and beats you up. Pay $200 fine.

6. While making fire, you accidentally set fire to your furs, getting a nasty burn. Pay $350 fine.

7. You pierce an animal with your spear but it runs away with your spear.
Spear lost. Pay $200 fine.

8. A sudden snow storm and you almost freeze to death. Pay 300 fine.

9.You meet other Humans but they are Neanderthals and very hostile.
You run away from your hunting grounds. Pay $500 fine.

10. Your mate and child find and eat carrion and get food poisoning and die. Pay $300 fine.

Wild Cards.
1. Go back up into the trees. Stay there. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
2. Forfeit your game catch to a stronger group. Pay $200 fine.
3. You find wild apples and berries. Collect $200.
4. Hiding from lions. Stay here and miss one go. Pay $200 fine.

Makes each square by alternating the good and bad things.
Make cardboard wild cards.
Make paper money and give everyone $600 dollars kick-off money.
Get some dice and toy soldiers for ‘Men.’

Charles asks…

Any ideas on how to make a kitchen and bath remodeling business grow?

My family owns a business that sells kitchen and bath cabinets. Any ideas on way’s to advertise and make it grow effectively? It’s not that we are small, but obviously you always want more? any suggestions will me read. thanks for the help. If you are in the kitchen/bath business please let me know what did or did not work for you. Thanks for the help!

Nagesh answers:

You are kidding right? Have ya heard? We are in the worse depression since 1928 and the economy still continues to deteriorate. I can promise you that the last thing on peoples minds now is spending a wad of money on a new kitchen. They dont know when they too will be layed off. Besides everyone knows homes are depreaciating at a rapid pace. Why dump $20 grand into an asset that is losing value faster then this country is losing jobs. Any child knows better then that.

Even the wealthy stopped spending money on their homes but this is the only market worth going after because some still are spending, just being more careful. The economy is choosing what cabinet to buy, not the customer. Those who walk into my showroom make a beeline for the pretty cherry but end up buying the less costly oak. As little as 3 years ago I had 3 to 5 people per week coming in with a $25,000 kitchen budget. Today once a month some one walks in with a broken drawer box they need replaced. The best part is when they walk in with a stack of bids 5″ thick and ask you for another one. New home starts across America stands just about at zero.

Now to answer your question with a wish and a prayer. Advertising in newpapers or magazines is a waste of money. The consumer is numb from ads that bombard them every day. Most saying the same old crap. Lowest prices of the year. Best sale yet. Compare and save. Free installation…and on and on. Another waste of money are those contractor referral services. You pay for so called qualified leads. But only one in 100 ever call you back. Most of us honestly believe the Bob Vila and Service Master referral services have hundreds of fake phone numbers to sell leads with. Out of about 40 leads so far that we paid $25 each for, we got 2 small jobs from them.

The one thing that does work is very expensive. It’s called google optimization. It cost us $1500. What it does is anyone searching key words will get YOUR business web site as the very first listing on google. Google already knows where the searcher lives. If they simply type “cabinets” into the google search bar, YOUR company will come up because google knows the searcher lives in Anytown,USA so it will find Anytown Cabinet company.

My friend all you can do is sit and wait. I just hope you are living off the fat from the good days. But for most of us, the fat is decomposing quickly. I been in in this biz for 29 years and I still stand. But perhaps 70% of everyone I knew in the cabinet biz has moved on to something else. It is not good out there and I see little hope of any improvement in the housing market as well as the economy for a very very long time. Of course that is not what this govt says when they try to pull the wool over we the peasants heads. They are liars, criminals and crooks. I am honest and truthful with nothing to gain by being honest and truthful.

I wish you luck. I really do.

Ruth asks…

What is the fastest way to earn cash for a laptop?

My brother is always on our computer, and I would really like to have my own laptop. My parents are skeptical of this, and say that the family computer is just fine, but I can’t stand not having my own space. I haven’t asked, but there’s no point in asking them to buy it for me. Any ideas on how to get some money???????????!!!

Nagesh answers:

A used or refurbed laptop will get you what you want faster than a new one. You should be able to get a nice one for around $200 or so.

Here are some books that will show you how to get your own business up and running. Check your local library:

Fast Cash for Kids … Bonnie & Noel Drew
Better than a Lemonade Stand … Daryl Bernstein
50 Money Making Ideas for Kids … Lauree & L Allen Burkett
Jobs for Kids … Carol Barkin & Elizabeth James
The Kids’ Business Book … Arlene Erlbach
Making Cents … Elizabeth Wilkinson
Make More Money Than Your Parents … Mike Bundlie and Others
How to Be a Teenage Millionaire … Art Beroff

If you really get into something profitable and your parents are onboard, you will be able to help save them on taxes as well as make money for yourself … And maybe even get your brother his own PC or laptop next Christmas.

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Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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