Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

William asks…

How do I start an at home small business? And what is a safe business to start?

Nagesh answers:


First, remember that all business is a risk…it will require time, research and asking the right questions.

I have an e-commerce business and I am involved in network marketing.

I know that there will be plenty of posts from people who got burned from home based business scams and many will be reluctant to go to a website to check it out.

There ARE legitimate home based business opportunities out there !

If you are interested in Network marketing, you may want to check out a legitimate home based business that focuses on building a business based on books, self-improvement, and a culture of charity.

The founders are Robert Allen (Multiple Streams of Income) and Richard Paul Evans (The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me)

It doesn’t get more legit than that.

This is not a get rich quick scheme by any means.

There is extensive company and team training, so you will learn how to build this business the right way.

It is a dynamic, rapidly growing company. But, it is network marketing and you have to build the business. But, it is a great product, great people and fun.

Make sure to exercise due diligence when you are researching any home based business opportunity.

Also, try to find a product or service that you are passionate about. It makes it much easier to be motivated…and if you are motivated you stand a better chance at being successful.

If you choose a Network Marketing company, make sure they have a money back guarantee, have a great marketing system and provide plenty of support and training.

Try to get in on a company opportunity or training call to see what the business is all about and the type of individuals who are running the business.

Contact me through my profile if you are interested in additional information.

Good luck in your work at home search.


Nancy asks…

Where oh where was our President when countrywide was running the country?

The countrywide scheme sold to wall street sold to European banks sold back to wall street then sold to consumers. All under Bush’s watch. Asset Back Securities and CDO — Collaterized Debts with your home.

Nagesh answers:

Bush & Cheney were busy channelling billions and billions of dollars to their cronies in Haliburton and big oil, and now they can channel billions more to the fatcats on Wall Street, all at the taxpayers’ expense.

Americans are losing their homes, and the government doesn’t help THEM. It’s time to say no to government putting their hands in our pockets to make their cronies ever richer.

Say NO to legalized government theft. All they do is tax, tax, tax and squander the money that they don’t give to their cronies, and we’re left with paying for it.

McCain has vowed to continue the road to ruin pursued by Bush and his cohorts. American can’t afford another four years of this, it’s even doubtful that we can afford another four months of it!

Congress does nothing. The American taxpayer doesn’t matter to the government except as a bottomless source of money for them to waste.

Lisa asks…

How to join adsense safely without paying any money?

I just received a message from my friend. It says about web advertising. I’m interested. I want to join adsense without any spending any money. How?
Does AdSense can be added in MySpace profile?

Nagesh answers:

It is absolutely free to join.

I use adsense on a number of my websites. My main website is

Adsense is a pretty good way of making some money without selling anything.

Check out some of the pages on my site and see how the ads are relevant to page content.

It is not a get rich quick scheme, so don’t think of it like that.


Good luck.

Betty asks…

Does anyone know about the work at home company Wealth Research Marketing Group?

Its a work at home business opp. but Im just trying to verify it before I send the 50 dollars in that they want from me in order to start.

Nagesh answers:

You wont make any real money with them unless you know people as gullable as you to send them the 50 bucks…its a pyramid scheme

Chris asks…

What is the point of the chickenpox vaccine?

When I was in kindergarten, I and a lot of my classmates got the chickenpox. That meant staying at home eating chicken soup and taking lots of milk baths while your parents told you not to scratch. No big deal. In fact, I remember I loved all the special attention I got from my mom while I was sick. So recently I was told by someone with a 4-year-old in her life that apparently it’s unusual for today’s American kiddos to get chickenpox because they’re typically required to get the vaccine. I get the point of vaccines for mumps, polio, etc., but chickenpox? I realize chickenpox is sometimes fatal, but that such cases are more common among adults who get it. For me and people my age (I’m 30), getting chickenpox in kindergarten was pretty much a rite of passage. Can you persuade me into thinking this vaccine is not just a moneymaking scheme from Big Pharma?
Brandon, the common cold is also contagious. My understanding is that chickenpox among children is not a huge deal and that having the illness (again, if you are a child) leads to potential health benefits in the long run. Correct me if I’m mistaken.

Nagesh answers:

In my state, the vaccine is subsidised, and provides life-long immunity, so it’s hard to see how it’s a “money making scheme” any more than any other vaccine would be.

Chickenpox in children is usually not serious, but in some cases it may be- a few cases do go on to develop complications, some of which are fatal. While it’s not as likely in children, it does happen. Additionally, there are always a few people who manage to go through their childhood and do not get it- leaving them vulnerable to infection later.

Also, anyone who is infected with the chickenpox virus is at risk of shingles in older age (the virus persists in the body and can reappear later if the immune system weakens- something that doesn’t happen with the vaccine).

There are no “potential health benefits” from having chickenpox. No known infection confers any health benefits to anyone, save being immune to that disease later on if you recover- something vaccines can provide without any of the health risks.

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Sunday, January 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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