Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Charles asks…

What are some good ideas to fundraise money for my hip-hop and tumbling tuition?

My classes me and my two sisters are taking will be very expenisive, considering we’re doing both. We need to raise as much money as we can so we don’t leave all the resposibilty to our mother to pay out of pocket. Any ideas? Besides a car wash, or lemonade stand. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

If you are not old enough to obtain a work permit in your state (something a teen needs to be employed by a business) so you can apply for and take on a part-time job after school, during the summer and on weekends, then you and your sisters can consider self-employment and marketing your services. Hint: The popular/hard-to-land teen jobs in my area are those working as a teen library aid at the local public library.

Example: A million years ago when I was a teen, I was self-employed as a babysitter, summer nanny for a working mother, and a swimming instructor until I was old enough to apply for a state work permit and get an unglamorous job at an area fast food restaurant. Also, as an adult, I found garden and yard work jobs for the pre-teen and teen daughters of a friend. They did yard and garden work for my parents and an elderly friend of mine

The information in the online articles I list here will give you some ideas on what you may do to earn money on a regular basis and how to market yourselves to be hired by family friends, neighbors – especially those who are elderly or disabled, members of your church, etc. Be sure your parents check out the people who would be paying for your work services to make sure they aren’t weirdos. 🙂

Job Ideas for Teens 15 and Under

Ways to Save and Make Money (for teens) – from the Motley Fool (investments) web site

The Self-Employed Teenager

The Self-Employed Teenager

Depending upon how much you and your sisters may earn as self-employed people, you may have to file Federal and state income tax returns.

I sugget you have a parent read about teen earnings and Federal income taxes here:
This is a link to a good self-employment tax calculator:
You or a parent will have to check your state government web site on taxes to learn what would be needed to do regarding any state income taxes on earnings, if they are high enough in a calendar year.

I’m sure your mother is pleased she raised such responsible daughters.

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Best wishes

Sharon asks…

Any ways to make money online as a teenager?

Alright, I really would like to be able to make some money, but I’m only 14 years old. I’ve applied to every job I could try and I just can’t seem to get one. I want to buy a laptop so I can learn how to program due to the computer I normally use taking forever to load up a simple program, but I can’t do that without money. Does anyone know any ways for a teenager to make money legally online?

Nagesh answers:

All the online money makers (legit ones) that i know of are for over 18s for legal reasons.

Just keep applying and working hard, you’ll get there eventually.

If you haven’t tried the fast food places then do so- hell, try everywhere you can. Places love to hired under 18’s ’cause they don’t have to pay them as much.

If you have tried the fast food places- keep trying them. They have a massive turnover rate (people quitting or getting fired) and if you keep showing interest, they’ll notice you.

Donald asks…

How would you compare the teenagers of today to the teenagers of the 1970’s?

With more advanced technology now a days, the lifestyles of teenagers today are much different than the lifestyle of teenagers in the 1970’s. Could you help compare teens of theses two generations?

Nagesh answers:

Cheruvima really gave an excellent answer to this.

I was a teen in the 70’s.
We were taught that we needed to save our money and then buy things–at the very least, earn money and then spend it. Today, teens seem to be taught to charge things and then to pay it off sometime in the future.

Being a teen back then in a single parent home was shameful. The majority of us had full time mothers and divorces happened but they were still somewhat rare. Today it is quite common to live in a single parent home. It is uncommon for a teen to live with his/her biological, married parents with a mother who doesn’t work outside of the home.

Many of our parents smoked in our homes. In the 60’s and early 70’s, 40% of adults smoked. The vast majority smoked inside. Still, few children had asthma. Today only 20% of adults smoke and most of those go outside. Childhood asthma cases are skyrocketing. It doesn’t make sense.

In the mid 70’s magazines told us we were going to have a mini ice age because the earth was cooling. Now teens are told that the earth is warming.

We grew up in a world where there were no laws about wearing seat belts, helmets or having a legal age to buy tobacco. The legal age to buy alcohol was 18. Teens today have laws.

Most of the teens that I knew expected to go on their own when they turned 18. We couldn’t wait to be on our own. Most of us moved into tiny little apartments with little to no furniture. We didn’t have the money for things like a phone and sometimes didn’t even have a TV at first. It didn’t matter because we were free. We were on our own. Today, teens don’t seem to look forward to moving out and being independent. It’s common to hear of 25 year olds still living with their parents. In fact, many 18 year olds don’t even want to be seen as adults.

A lot of teens in the 70’s had a “live and let live” attitude. It was seen as a bad thing to be judgmental. It was more of a “do your own thing” and we didn’t try to push our beliefs on others. I really wish that teens still had that open-minded attitude. Today, it seems that teens want laws against everything that they don’t like. Laws against fast food. Laws against having more than two children. Laws against wearing fur. Laws about what kind of car we should drive.

But there are many things that are still basically the same. Our parents didn’t like our music or the way we wore our hair. Our parents didn’t understand us and we thought that we knew more than they did. We experimented with alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sex. There were cliques in school and we didn’t like our teachers (although we may have had a crush on one). Homework took too long and we didn’t see how we’d ever use the stuff they made us learn. We thought our parents were too strict or unfair. We wanted to look older than what we were.

Thomas asks…

What is a fast way to get money in a day?

I dont have anything to sale and im not a teenager.
You have to pay $35.00 to make money online? You said it was free? If i had $35.00 i wouldnt be asking how to get money in a day!

Nagesh answers:

i give you my word you will not have to pay anything and you WILL get paid!

Jenny asks…

How can a teenager earn 3,000$ without having to kill themselves in a job?

I’m lazy. well, just a little bit. I want to have a life too. Is there any serious way to earn money without having to be like workaholic like most teens who have a car and stuff? I know there have to be some creative solutions. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

If it were that easy nobody would have to work at a fast food. Even if you have your own business you still will have to work hard. That’s if you want to be on the good side of the law and out of jail.

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Friday, January 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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