Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

John asks…

how can i break the habit of going out and eating?

i believe i am at a fairly good weight for my height (5’2 108 pounds) but ever since i got the freedom of making my own money and driving out to places ive been going out and buying more food than i eat at home. being a college student im scared that the freshman 15 phrase will get to me as i used to just weight around 100 (my weight would range from 98 to 102 the highest before i started eating out to places). its hard to get decent food around home so thats one of the main reasons why i go out. ive started to notice that ive been gaining more weight (im not liking the way my stomach looks right now) and losing more money. obviously i know what the issue is i just want to know how i can kick the habit and stop. its hard since theres many food places around my school and knowing that its within distance and its a cheap meal i go out, but that money adds up which is depressing.

places ive been going to on a daily basis:
noodles and company
starbucks (i dont drink coffee but i do have their baked goods and tea drinks)
dunkin donuts

i stayed away from fast foods (mcds, wendys ect) for about 6 months and im trying to continue.

are there easier ways to get the same foods at home but in a easy, quick, cheap, healthy and timely manor that wont keep me from being late to class?

if you leave some jackass comment dont even post. this is serious to me and when things are of convience its hard to resist.
i prolly sound like a crazy mom doing this but im broke lol i found coupons bought things that were on sale (bogo, 2-4w.e) with nutritional value and atleast tastey prepped when I wasnt busy and my total came up 166 but that food is for about a month so i wont be going on a trip anytime soon 😛 (wrote it here since there wasnt enough space)

Nagesh answers:

That’s got to be so tough; I work and still have trouble with quick and easy foods. The only thing I can say is look for a point in your schedule that isn’t quite as busy. Pick that as food prep time and prepare as much as you can for the week in advance. That way when your week gets busy again, all you have to do is grab what you’ve already prepared and go. It takes some discipline, but it can be done.

Susan asks…

should I go canon or nikon?

So I’m selling my camera soon because I need some quick cash. In the future, when I have the money, I will buy another one. I currently have a D40 and I like to shoot people pictures whether that be street photos of people, candid photos of people, or portraits, photos of people is what I like doing. So i guess my question is which system should I go with.

to be honest, I want to go with canon because of their 50mm f1.2L lens. I mean the 85mm f1.2L is pretty tight too but my dream lens is that 50mm f1.2 lens. I know I’m not getting it anytime soon seeing as I’m a broke college student, but in the future when I’m actually making some good cash, I honestly feel like I would buy this lens without any hesitation.

Seeing as many people don’t believe nikon will be making this lens, I feel like the switch would be worth it.

What’s your opinion? and also Is either one of these brands more suitable to portraits?

I think the one thing I love about the d40 is the optimize image setting because I do not post process. I love the look I get using my own custom settings. I usually boost the saturation to the highest and then use the colors for landscape so they are always punchy. Does canon have this?

Either way thank you for your opinions and responses.

Nagesh answers:

I was expecting to see a small war going on in this discussion, but as everyone has implied both are excellent brands – I went with canon because they have more lens, but Nikon has a lens that will do the same as a canon.

Richard asks…

Do REAL families KICK their son or daughter out of the house if ….?

They are polite, nice, have a job, full time college student, not smoking, not drinking, doesn’t go out and party or get drunk. Because I feel so unjustified here, I am working my butt off in school and work and even contribute to the house financially and I feel ever since my mother stopped receiving child support I was no good to her.

I’m 19 going on 20.

Also because I have a boyfriend and he is a great guy but she hates him partly because of his skin color (he is Canadian white) but he goes to school, is on the dean’s list, has a job and is serious about school and we are in a serious relationship, he’s not bad AT ALL!!! No where near it!

And she is so over-prided about being Spanish and hispanic, she only wants me dating spanish men but I am in love with my boyfriend, you do not choose who you love all the time! and I really really really love him! He’s like the best thing that has ever happened to me.

And she told me she would never kick me out but a year later “boom!” it happens and she changes her mind. I hate her.

I can’t afford to be on my own, I’m working towards my degree and a full time student, maybe when I get my degree and decent paying job but I still have 2 years to go. Now I feel bitter towards her, when she says “I love you” or gives me a fake smile it makes me sick to my stomach, I need to leave for my own sake now because she is controlling. Just because I found a great guy and she makes my life heck.


She never encouraged me to go to college … only for stupid insurance reasons.

And I don’t have a car either so she just takes me to school but what choice did I have? She spent all my money for school on her garden and to decorate her house!!!??!

So as soon as I get my next paycheck I do not care I am going to treat myself and get a brand new red 2008 volkswagen Jetta …. I freaking need a break from all her horse sh** and I can’t wait!

No money for school, no money for car and yet she complains and acts like I am not mature because I don’t drive but even when I tried to drive at 16 and 17 she always hindered me and said “go to this school and learn first ….. I CAN’T TAKE YOU DRIVING!”

She NEVER supported me she always wanted to be in control of my life and live my damn life for me. grrrr I hate her!

She screwed EVERYTHING up and with this tension I can’t stay long anyways, she’s making my life heck and if she is that quick to get rid of me I will be quick to get rid of her. Once I leave I’m not calling her or helping her and when she gets old and everyone can’t help her and I’m doing well …. psht! she can forget having my support, I will kick her out the same way she to me!

And she loves grandchildren but you what, she can forget about that too! She can age old and grey before she’ll ever get a glimpse of my future children and family!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

If my daughter was like you, I would be blessed. Sounds like you are starting your life out on the right track. You sound like you are strong, smart and determined. Stay on track you can do it. Get your car like you plan and that way when it gets tough at home you can disappear for a bit to cool off. I really wish your mom could see what she has in you, she is losing you and she can’t even see it.

I know you can hang in there a bit longer, finish school and start saving money for your own place. Believe me once you are gone she will then realize what she has lost. Maybe it will be too late, maybe not.

You are very right about your boyfriend you can’t change who your heart loves. My whole family told me that my boyfriend and I would never make it when we decided to get married, gave us a year at the most. In December we will be celebrating our 15yr anniversary. Do I talk to my family members anymore, once in awhile and always on my anniversary day, too say we made it another year. Follow your heart.

You have alot of anger, I know you have a busy schedule but maybe something like jogging or idk yoga. Maybe something like that will help you to release some of that anger.

I wish you the best of luck in all that you do.

Robert asks…

Does this sound legitimate to anyone?

I’m a full-time college student who has maintained a decent credit rating, does not currently have any debts to pay and makes sure to pay my bills on time. I have never taken out ANY loans especially not from the internet. Recently I received a call from this company (don’t exactly remember the name) that has to do with Payday Loans and Quick Cash Loans that I owe them $300.00 for a loan taken out back in October 2009. They had my social security number and only the name of the bank I’m with. Then later I got 2 calls from this affidavit department saying I either had to re-pay this money or hire and attorney and take care of it in court. I called my bank and double checked my bank statements from Oct. 2009 even though I knew for sure there was no money wired into my account from a Payday Loan Company at the time for $300.00. This company never ever sent me anything in writing and contacted me all the way in May when this supposedly occurred in Oct. 2009. When I spoke to the first guy and asked him several times to tell me what date in Oct. this occurred he had no answer and when I told him to send something in writing he wouldn’t give me an answer. I’m a responsible individual and keep track of every amount that goes in and out of my account. The company is supposedly located in Brooklyn, NY and the two men sounded Indian but had very suspicious names that I know were not Indian. Can they legally sue me? If not what can they do? Should I be at all worried? Will this affect my credit or my financial standing in any way?

P.S. They gave me a case number. The first man I spoke with said the money was wired into my checking account sometime in Oct. ’09 though he wouldn’t disclose the source of it. No useless or stupid answers. I only want helpful insight. Thank You!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Sounds fishy. Challenge them. Tell them to go ahead and sue you so we can hash this out in court..

The fact they had you SSN is bothersome. Also, get to the bank in person and speak to them on this so your account doesn’t get pilfered.

Sharon asks…

Please fill out my survey (really quick)?

This is a survey for my freshman communications class in college. I must have 50 in order to fill out a planning sheet for my speech. Please answer with the number and your answer.
1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender?
3. Race/ethnicity (choose one)
american indian or alaska native
hawaiian or other pacific islander
asian or asian american
black or african american
hispanic or latino
non-hispanic white
4. what year are you? (college grade level)
5. what is your major? minor?
6. are you currently? (choose one)
employed/self employed
un-employed for more than 6 months
a student
unable to work
7. do you live on or off campus?
If off, so you live in an:
8. What do you know about recycling aluminum cans?
9. do you recycle aluminum cans? (yes or no)
If yes, how many cans do you recycle in 1 week?
If yes, why do you recycle aluminum cans?
If yes, when did you start recycling aluminum cans?
10. Are you interested in recycing aluminum cans?
11. On average, how much money do you thinky ou could make by recycling alluminum cans once a month?
12. how do you think recycling aluminum cans helps our environment?
13. how many times to you think aluminum cans can be recylced? (choose one)
5 to 10
11 to 20
14. if you knew you were helping the environment, would you recycle? (yes or no)
15. what do you think would be the best way to help our environment?

Nagesh answers:

1) 24
3)non-hispanic white
4)graduated already
7)off apartment
8)a lot 🙂
9) yes all that i drink, because it does not resolve in nature and stays there forever, since i was 17.
11)$5- $10
12)saving up resources by reusing them, stop polluting the environment
14) yes
15) everybody to take up responsibility for own actions and to treat nature with respect as it is alive and we need it in order to survive as a species.

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Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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