Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Sandra asks…

How to sell a real estate fast?

I’m planning to be a real estate broker but I don’t have any idea how to sell it fast. I heard selling one is pretty hard but if you sold one, you earn a lot of money.

I’m a college student by the way but I want to earn money for my future plans. Can anyone teach me how to and if you have a book that will teach me, it would be great. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Being a *broker* takes a lot of time and money, and requires a license above that of a realtor. To become a realtor you need to take several classes off the bat, and more if you college credits don’t transfer. If you quick about it, and smart, it can take you less than 6 months and a total of about $1,000 to get your license, pay dues and membership fees to become an active realtor to be licensed to sell property.

Many people think it’s easy money- but it’s not. You have to pay plenty of money up front, and you don’t get paid until the home sells, which could safely be several months. I can’t tell you how many newbies come through our office thinking it’ll be a piece of cake, only to quit after a few months. It’s a career, not a part time job. It can easily turn into something “small on the side” but only once you are established, you simply cut down your clientele.

Otherwise your only other option would be to become a property flipper. But again this is a field that requires a lot of knowledge and experience to make money at. So if you have bigger goals than becoming a realtor, I suggest you try to find something else.

Lizzie asks…

What’s an easy, yet fairly quick way to earn enough money for an Iphone?

What are some fairly quick ways to earn enough money for the Iphone? I am a kid… please keep that in mind. Thanx everyone!

Nagesh answers:

Don’t buy the iPhone. It’s a complete waste of money! I have one and it’s the worst decision I’ve made in a long time.

John asks…

How to do well in restaurant city on facebook?

I really love this game, does anyone have any tips or tricks? Like how to get money quicker and how to go up levels faster?

Nagesh answers:

1. If you can earn much more than $ (200 x the number of workers you have) before their energy runs out and they collapse on the floor, then it’s better to just feed them whenever you log in. If not, have them sleep. However, I feel that sleeping is a much better option if you have access to a computer more than once a day because their energy levels go back to 100% in less than two hours.

2. Visit all your friends on the “street”. Doing this will give you a new ingredient everytime you visit a friend’s restaurant for the first time!

3. Have a “trading buddy” who wants to level up a completely different set of dishes so that you two can trade ingredients!

4. Tell Tip #2 to all the “newbies” who’ve just started playing Restaurant City. They will be able to gain a whole load of different ingredients. Then, tell them that if you give them a piece of more expensive furniture they will trade with you for an ingredient that you want. Most of the newbies will accept this deal because they’re broke and don’t see the importance of levelling up dishes.

5. Keep the game on for as long as you surf the net since gourmet points, which determine your level, only increase if you’re actually logged into the game. (It’s not the same for money—you earn the money whether you’re in or not)

6. The food quiz is an important source of ingredients and here’s a tip from my friend on how to get your ingredient all the time! There’s no point in looking at those websites that tell you all the Food Quiz answers because it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find out the answer in less than ten seconds. Sooo, as soon as you either don’t know the answer OR you get it wrong, close the tab/window immediately! When you log in again, you’ll see that you get to do the Quiz all over again (albeit it’s a different question—no guarantee you’ll get it right this time!). Lol once I tried this and I closed my windows 8 times before I got the question “In which restaurant would you typically find sushi?” that was so easy =)

7. Don’t spend TOO much. There’s not much point in buying Teleport Stoves and stuff like that when they don’t cook any faster than the ones that cost 200 coins. There’s also no point in buying extravagant tables, chairs and interior/exterior decorations until you’ve joined the Gourmet Club (go to “Random Street”. At the bottom you can select “Join Gourmet Club”) and people rate your restaurant. Otherwise, the cheapest and the most expensive tables have the same function and will not boost your popularity (the number at the top-right hand corner of the screen. The maximum score possible is 50.)

8. Similar to Tip #4, you should also take advantage of friends who are on Level 25+ and are on the verge of quitting the game (it gets boring after you reach Level 27, the maximum level.) They are likely to have acquired a huge variety of ingredients since they’ve started and since it’s likely most of their dishes are on Level 10 they won’t really want anything. So, if you make a trade with them for an ingredient you really want (and you give them an ingredient you don’t need) most of them don’t care and will accept the trade request.

9. Focus on 1-2 starters, main dishes and desserts to level up. 10 is the maximum level attainable for each dish and by doing so you won’t waste a lot of ingredients that could have been used trading with friends.

10. It IS important to level up dishes because you will get gourmet points and really, there is no other way to go up a level faster (apart from Tip #11). A dish that is Level 1 will give you 1.0 gourmet points when the dish is cleared by the waiter. Every dish level has an increment of 0.2 gourmet points, so a Level 2 dish will give you 1.2 gourmet points, a Level 6 dish will give you 2.0 gourmet points, a Level 10 dish will give you 2.8…and so on. Which is why you need all those ingredients!

11. Clicking on the “trash” in your restaurant (and those in your friend’s restaurant) will give you one gourmet point. Not much, but those points really add up and they count towards the “Trash Talker” trophy (see the Awards).

[Note: the “trash” include spilled soda cans, banana peels and pizza slices.]

12. Last but not least, don’t get hooked on it! It’s not worth sacrificing sleep or too much time on a computer game.

Hope this helps!!! =)

Linda asks…

What is the quickest easiest way to earn money on Runescape?

Basically what I need to know is in the title…

Nagesh answers:

The quickest way would be to buy it with money. Other options are merchanting with the Grand Exchange, Woodcutting, Fishing, Mining, Smithing, Crafting, and many of the other skills.

If you choose to make money from skills you will have to collect all the materials you need yourself or you won’t be able to make much profit due to the prices of raw materials now adays.

Lisa asks…

How Do i Earn Money Really Fast?

I need to earn $15,000 for my family’s christmas gift. It is to fix our favorite car which will cost lots so we can’t afford it. I know christmas is a long time away but i am only ten so this is really important for me, but it also will be hard. My mom does not let me walk dogs, do lawn mowing, no lemonade stands, no babysitting, she is really protective. Any ideas how i could earn that money in a few months?

Nagesh answers:

Dear friend, there is no such thing as easy and quick earn money, every cents correspond with the amount of time and hard work.
There are some of these offers on the internet, how truth it is I don’t know, but it should carry with it certain risk, or it could be a scam.
Since your mom is so protective of you why don’t you concentrate on your study and leave the money problem to her, she may have a plan for it.
Doing something beyond you capability may have negative effect instead of help.

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Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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