Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Susan asks…

What’s a fairly fast and simple way to make 500k in Runescape?

I had recently just made 1 mil from a treasure trail (Saradomin Cape…) and I was looking to make 500 so I can buy and abyssal whip…Can anyone share some tips on good ways of making fast money?

Nagesh answers:

Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.

Or various no skilling ways to make money on runescape

Good Luck

Mark asks…

If the british government is so bothered about money, then why dont they?

Just buy faster more modern money making machines, its so simple, these government people must be stupid idiotiic nitwits
Quantitative Easing! My Arse, why dont they just print loads more money off to pay our countrys debt its as simple as that!

Nagesh answers:

They are ALREADY printing more money in Great Britain it’s called Quantitative Easing!
Creating Inflation and making the pound worth LESS. The Worthless Media hiding the story!

“With talk of more quantitative easing in Great Britain and a fair amount of intense disagreement between the liberal and conservative factions in England, the pound is wavering under the pressure.”

Linda asks…

How to make fast money in world of warcraft?

Im a level 30 hunter night elf. my professions are leatherworking and skining. I try to make money with those professions but most the stuff dosent sell. i even tried lowering price. What can i do to make more money?? i have a lvl 15 human paladin wat should i get for professions that will make me rich easy??

What else can i do to make fast money?? how do u do it??

Nagesh answers:

Okay, I’ve answered this kind of question a few times (and got chosen as best answer), so here is what I usually tell people…

Most people swear by getting 2 gathering professions (usually Herbalism and Mining) to make money fast, but that can be boring. However, lots of gathering and selling ingredients is a good way to make money profession-wise.

Get the following AddOns: Auctioneer and Gatherer.
– Auctioneer is a great help scanning and pricing on the AH. It also comes with Enchantrix which helps tell if DEing is better than selling, if you decide you want to pick Enchanting.
– Gatherer keeps track of all the nodes you’ve gathered (herbs and mines).

Research which limited supply recipes you can buy at various vendors for less than 30s, but sell at AH for more than 1g.

Take time to gather, if you have a gathering profession, but only while doing other things. If you decide to take a crafting profession, you probably want to avoid Blacksmithing, Enchanting and Engineering, as it is very hard to make good money with them compared to other crafting professions.

Since you already seem to have picked Leatherworking, I would make armor kits to sell. You may find them easier to sell than plain leather, but do some experimenting on the AH to see what works. If you want to make items to sell, stick to set items (items of with the same starting name, but different slots: At your level only make white (Common) items to increase your skill (the only exception being Hillman’s Cloak as it is needed for an Alliance quest in Southshore). Only green (Uncommon) or better items will sell.

Here are some good leatherworking items to make for sale:
Toughened Leather Gloves
Green Leather Armor (needed for Blacksmithin blue, Green Iron Hauberk)
Barbaric Shoulders (moderate ingredients, but shoulders not easy to get at level 30)

Scan the AH 2-3 times a week. Be careful selling armor and weapons unless the profit is high and they sell quickly, otherwise they have high AH fees that can eat your profits.
Look for below market recipes and trade skill ingredients to resell. Recipes and ingredients have low or no AH fee. Try not to spend more than about 50s per thing you buy unless the profit is over 5-10g.

Don’t spend too much money on buying items unless they are dirt cheap (Auctioneer should help you figure this out). Assuming you want to level pretty fast, spending big money on items that will only last 2-3 levels is a waste of money.

If you want to craft stuff, stick to BoEs and set items. See what sells well on the AH, but doesn’t take too many or expensive ingredients.

Only hold on to grays that are in bigger stacks for worth over around 1.5 times your level (so at 30, about 45s). If a single <45s gray is taking up 1 slot and probably won't drop again before you sell your grays, dump it.

I've used my methods on new characters and usually had over 100g by level 30 or so, but since you're starting at 30 you'll need to catch up a bit. At lower levels (below level 50 or so) working the AH is really the fastest easiest way to make money.

Michael asks…

How can a 13 year old make fast money?

Obviously, I’m a bit too young for a job. So what’re some things that I can do to make some fast money (I’m saving up for a new cell phone)? PS: I live in Illinois and it’s still pretty cold outside. Thanks =]

Nagesh answers:

-Baby sitting
-Paper Route
-Bus Boy
-Yard/Garage Sales
-Bake Sales/Lemonade Stands
-Odd jobs for neighbors
-Dog Sitting/Walking

Daniel asks…

What’s the quickest and safest way to make money?

I’m trying to get a blackberry storm but i’m broke need to make fast money but how?
I’m trying to get a blackberry storm but i’m broke need to make fast money but how when i’m not getting paid enough at my own job?

Nagesh answers:

Organize neighbor’s garages for $10 apiece. Once they see how hard you work, they will hire you for other jobs.

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Friday, December 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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