Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Mandy asks…

What are quick ways to make big money?

I know making youtube videos is a great way to make money if you get a lot of views, that is super fun, maybe making crafts and selling them on etsy, that could be good, I could sell each globby glued halter for 100 dollars but that is not enough to get alot of money, I need to find out ways to make alot of money. importing horses from europe and selling them is going to make me alot of money but I need money in the mean time, so how to I get some money?? lots fast, help meout, maybe there is something on the internet or soemthign that is fun? not jobs that are boring, I dont want that, something that is fun and creative, and random you know? thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Art parks for kids. Start an art-park by hiring the local park and issuing market vendor permits. Let kids paint large objects with large applicators. And then have a lot of arty market people come along. The success of India’s special ‘Holi’ day should be enough market research for you.

Thomas asks…

I need to know How I can make money on runescape?

I am a lazy runescape player(im cycling kid). i need to need how to get my mining xp and money fast! If you could help me, again, my runescape name is cycling kid! I am also not a member. Thx for answering! Bye!

Nagesh answers:

Depends on your mining lv. If its 30= mine pure essence . They sell for 100-200 a piece. Once you pass 40= mine gold. They sell for abvout 555gp a piece. If you have enough lv to mine runite, do that. Runite ore sell for about 14k a piece!
Have fun!

Linda asks…

Can we drop the labels that liberals are for freedom and conservatives are for less spending?

“Liberals are live and let live and for civil liberties”

Please, liberals aren’t even comfortable with you choosing your own soda size. Want to manage your retirement SS funds? Tough. You’re not responsible enough. Want to cut hair? You need a government license for that. Want to have privacy? Sorry, Obama believes in extending the Patriot act and implementing the NDAA. No liberties for you.

“Conservatives are for fiscal responsibility”

Are you kidding me? These people spend money so fast the printing machines can’t keep up. They leave deficit after deficit and then have the gall to criticize liberals for being financially reckless? Balls. That takes balls.

Anyone else tired of these lies?

Nagesh answers:

Some people are just easily bamboozled. They refuse to acknowledge big government = less freedom. As far as the economy – – a no-limit, skyrocketing credit card with money we will owe China, and others, for propping us up – – is economic suicide.

Donna asks…

Should I spend alot of money on costumes?

My son is three years old and LOVE LOVE LOVES Ghostbusters. I know how fast kids change their minds but Halloween is only 2 months away. SO, me and my husband were thinking of finding costumes to be the Ghostbusters with my son Logan. Lots of money involved, hence the question.

Nagesh answers:

No way

William asks…

How does a teenage girl get money fast?

How does a teenage girl get money fast?
please dont be stupid and say “become a hooker!” 😛 like seriously.. thats gay.

i need money, so any jobs? or ideass. thanks.

(ps im 14)

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting is a really good way to get money because adults like to have lives too away from their kids. Also you can see if anyone would like their dogs walked, lawns mowed, houses painted, just simple jobs like that. If you are a really good, hard worker they could recommend you to their friends and then you’ll be making lots of money!!

Good luck dear!

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Friday, December 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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