Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

David asks…

Are 2nd wives the only women who think men get the shaft in divorce court ?

You know – how the 2nd wife sees, first hand, how an unfair legal system, manipulated by a scheming woman, can have detrimental effects on everyone concerned, EXCEPT the first wife?
3rd wives and 4th wives too.

I don’t want to leave you career brides out of this.

Nagesh answers:

I do not think you have to be a 2nd wife or girlfriend to see people (usually men) get screwed in court. You can just be a friend who happen to be around at the time it all goes on. I think society has labeled women the victims. Oh poor them, they have a broke heart. They deserve everything….they possibly can not handle anymore..I think they are use the legal system to help them out…somehow they feel they deserve it. THEY DO NOT!!! I have been divorced 2 times. Both times I had a broke heart and was crushed….but left with what was mine. My clothes a bed and a television, some dishes and my collection of elvis and john wayne things. My car. If you are truly heart broken you do not wanna fight about it. What does fighting about it do,makes you have more stress in your life. I have no children. But I think if the man is reasonable and a good father do not take hin to child support court, just because ya wanna be a bitch. I do believe the children should be taken care of with a joint effort from both parents. I have seen it with my own eyes. I worked with a man who get screwed. He picked his children up every day after work about 230 went home,played with them,cooked for them, bathed them, took them to get haircuts,did homework with them, so on and so on. This was 3 days a week. (the mother worked 3 12 hour days) so she had them the other 2 days. Then weekends was usually split up here and there depending on if there was football or whatever. She took him to child support court!! He turned out having to pay for a babysitter for the 3 days he usually had them. The court decided the best way for her to get money was to tell the father he could have his kids every other weekend!!!! Sorry women!!!

Paul asks…

I work full time away from home making roughly $40K. Are there legitimate work from home jobs for me?

I want to be a stay at home mom- but it would be almost impossible for me to give up my income. Are there any legitimate work from home jobs where I can earn about the same? I am not interested in pyramid schemes, or cold calling types of sales. I have strong computer skills and a BFA. I currently work in advertising. Serious answers only, please. is my email for work at home offers only.

Nagesh answers:

Absolutely, I started my Mary Kay business 3 years ago for that reason. I love it! I was not the sales type and I had said no in th past but tired of the 9-5 and putting my 2 year old in daycare I listened to the facts convinced there was some hidden scam. It is not a MLM company it is dual marketing I’m not sure if that is all the same to you however it is different when it comes to making money the difference being you make the same 50% comminsion as the top national sales director you buy from the company for $1 and sell for $2 you don’t need to recruit to get it.
I researched the company and was very impressed with what i found. I came from a financial background and found Mary Kay to be a reputable company with a smart business plan. I found it to be much different then what i expected a “sales job” to be. You teach people about skin care and color application all which is taught to you. I would never had even considered it if it wasn’t that i loved the products and valued the integrity of the company and their belief in Faith,Family then career. I also respected my consultant she was never pushy. I provide a service for my customers and they are my friends. I have fun making money and can put my children before my career.
Whatever you do I wish oyu the best it is a very rewarding job being a Mom:)

Donald asks…

If I buy an investment property in a self directed IRA and I want to take it out a year later how much taxes?

Hi if I take the investment house out do I have to sell it first and then the taxes are paid? Or do I just remove the house. Lets say the house is worth 100k when I take it out of the self directed IRA and the taxes I owe is 20k. Can I just pay the 20k in taxes from my own savings in my bank account and then have full access to the house if I want to move in? Or do I have to sell it first? Also what happens if I were to die now, would my son inherit the house while it is in the self directed IRA? As I get older would is it better to remove the home from the self directed IRA so my son will pay less taxes when he inherits it?

Nagesh answers:

This is really complicated you just need to talk to a tax guy. I will say, however, if this is a premature withdrawal of IRA money (by moving the house out of the IRA) or if this is some scheme to make an end run around the tax laws (ie trying to remove money from the IRA without a penalty) it won’t work. The IRS are not idiots and they’ve seen it all. If you are retirement age and allowed to withdraw money I’d just withdraw it and then buy the house. Maybe you can someone, kinda legally do this and it somehow makes sense but this sounds really fishy to me and I’d advise against it, though a tax guy could tell you more.

Mandy asks…

Could it be true that where the housing market is right now is what houses should really be worth?

The actual people that built the house are averaging in the $10 per hour range. It doesn’t take that many hours or people in all the different trades. The rest of the people involved are just a bunch of vulters making a mark up off of other peoples hard work in the form of unjustifyable income. In the end the expenses are extremely inflated.

Nagesh answers:

Your question addresses 3 points: 1.) the real estate market 2.) the cost of building a house 3.) vultures profiting on real estate; and all within an emotionally charged statement

Regarding the “housing market” which is an average of several Bear and Bull real estate markets, there is a larger percentage of down markets then up so all assume the world is in turmoil. No two markets are the same. For example: Reading, PA home sales rose 6% while Miami, FL homes sank because of mortgage defaults and Los Angelos, CA homes fell because building costs couldn’t keep up with Sale prices. I think in your questions you are asking if there was a “natural correction” in the market as a result of over priced real estate. The correction can be attributed to poorly underwritten loans and derivitive schemes. Real Estate prices, like securities, are based on supply and demand. With strong demand = strong prices. Now the cost of building and profiting from home building is entirely different issue.

The process of building houses, as with many businesses, incompasses the allocation of scarse resources. Normally a developer buys a large tract of land at so many $10,000’s per acre. They then pay for water, sewer, electric, roads, and storm water managment. This can cost additional $10,000’s per acre. After they get zoning approval and permits to building and subdivide (and spend more money) then have a aquisition and development cost basis that is pretty high. The Developer enlists a builder (a General Contractor) to come in and building the homes and charges a fee to manage all the sub contractors and allocate the proper resources and negotiate lower mark ups on materials (sticks and bricks) the labor is a small portion of the cost and alot of times is much higher then $10 / hour unless it is large scale construction or temp labor. So in all a $15,000 1 acre lot of land could be $150,000 to develop and build and everyone would want a profit to make the project worth undertaking thats where your new home price comes from…why spend a dollar if you can’t make 2?

Market valuation is derived from finding “comps” which are similiar properties sold in a similiar area. The developer and building hope to acquire, develop, build the house for less then the market price and make a profit.

If builders are taking losses then I would say no the “market” is not really where it should be.

Again, each market is different… Some houses are over priced but every one needs to profit so things make sense

Questions for you: the people making $10 / hr… Who is going to manage them? Who is going to fund the project? Who is going to insure against a mechanic’s lien? The mark up’s are entirely justifiable. If I spend 4 years getting my degree in land development and constrution I want a return on my education and hardwork.

Take care

Linda asks…

What I can do to earn extra income from home?

I’m living in Ireland have a full time job, 35 hours a week. But I want to earn extra income. Does any one know how I can work from home? I had seen a lot of scams about working from home. Please advise…

Nagesh answers:

or just…. Just make sure when you sign up you put me as the ”referral”(referral is eddiesthe1)….. Free to join, wont be serious cash straight away but if u got the net and 3 Min’s a day you will see how with a few math statistics you might not have to work next year, check it out, free no investment… And not even data entry.. NO INVESTMENT
its easy… Not a scam (google it, or u tube it there is heaps of payout proofs on pay-pal its so fricken easy to find them theres heaps!!) not mlm not pyramid scheme crap, paid through pay-pal, pays fast, pays u.s dollars and you can get payout at as low as $2 if you have any doubts!!
Just make sure you put me as the referal ”eddiesthe1” i can/will help you get you started making money if u want! Not that u need help its simple…

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Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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