Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Donald asks…

how to make money fast?

Okay, I’ll be honest, I’m 15, going to be 16 in 4 months. I’ll be moving in with some friends this year who are older than me just because I’m more mature than kids my age…or I just get along with older people.
I’m going to move out soon but I would like to help them pay for a condo we are getting. 10,000 is the price of the condo…I have a job now but I make 15 bucks a week.

I want to leave once I get a permit and licence, I already have 320 dollars and they’re helping save up. Can any of you suggest a way to make quick money? I’m an artist, and if any of you have links to contests I can compete in for money I’ll be willing to participate.

Nagesh answers:

Quit your shitty job and get one that pays more. I make almost as much per HOUR as you do in a WEEK.

Betty asks…

Quick way for a tween to make 20 bucks?

I have been babysitting but business is kind of slow since I live in the city and most kids have a nanny. I don’t really have anything to sell. I need 20 bucks so I can buy pay my sister back because I borrowed her money to buy some clothes.

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

(Updated on 08/25/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

Take finance and economics courses online or at a high school or college/university. Important topics include banking (how financial institutions operate), stock market (which includes discussion on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500), finance (which includes discussion on the time value of money), interest rates, credit, loans, mortgage, real estate, the derivatives market, personal finance (which includes managing a budget, dealing with debt, and preparing for retirement), microeconomics (which includes discussion on perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly structures), and macroeconomics (which includes discussion on the money supply, aggregate demand, and the Federal Reserve).

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments. These financial instruments (which include certificates of deposit) will help you understand how to grow your money.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Popular channels where you can see movies on the weekends include TNT, USA, and TBS. If you like to rent movies, try using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends. Example: Do not spend more than $25.00 when going out on a Saturday night.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 3 months, 6 months, a year, three years, or even five years. Generally speaking, the longer you decide to invest your money in the CD, the more interest you will earn. Also, it is generally the case that the larger the amount of money you decide to hold in the CD, the larger the more interest you will earn. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from holding money in a traditional savings account at the bank.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances. Have a box or jar in place so that people can deposit money into it. Stick a label on the box or jar with an updated amount in comparison to the target goal amount, so that more people will feel like contributing to your goal amount. Example: You may find a graphic representation of a thermometer representing how much money is left to reach your goal (the box/jar has $55.50 out of the target goal amount of $200.00, which translates to a little more than 25% complete; therefore, the thermometer would be about 25% filled up.).

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan. Set a goal: it can be $5.00 from each person or $10.00 from each person or $25.00 from each person. Breaking up the goal into smaller, more manageable goals is easier than taking on the entire goal, which may seem like an impossible task (example: raise $5,000.00 in 3 days).

Lizzie asks…

What Ways Can A 13 Year Old Make Money?

Hiya, I’m Aimee and I want to be able to get £450 by june next year, but to do that, I need some really good ideas to put forward.
I live in an area where I am sure I am at an age where people wont let me babysit their kids or walk thier dogs, and I am trying to get a paper round and organise a car wash day, has anyone got any other ideas that can help me get quick cash, not using my parents?? Thank you so much for any ideas. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Of course there are the obvious options- make a little babysitting business, lawn mowing, ask to be paid chores around the house, ask for an allowance, et cetera. However, a more fun way (personally, for me, anyway) would be to set up an ebay account and sell some things you don’t need anymore, or to bake snacks and set up a stand.
It all depends on what you like doing, but these are a few ideas.

Lisa asks…

How to make money FAST!?

So, i need to make money quick. I need $44.75 by October 21. So im a huge gamer and Legend of Zelda fan and i really want to go to the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert, but my family is having a money problem right now. This is a once in a lifetime event and i can’t miss it! So my dad, sister and i all agreed to make 44.75 dollars on our own, then add up the money to get the tickets. I know it could seem like a have plenty of time. I mean, it’s August. But i go back to school soon so with that i won’t have much free time. And most free time i have is consited of staying inside playing video games and im extremley anti-social and don’t get out alot because of it, so im kinda afraid of the outside world and only go outside to see a movie or just get out for a few hours sometimes. I’ve thought about doing surveys online, but it seems kinda sketchy. I love to draw but, im not too good. And besides that, i draw anime and who would want to buy that. im bad with kids, i don’t hate them it’s just, what is there to do ya know? So baby-sitting is out of the question. If i could find some quiet job, that doesn’t involve talking too much (im really shy) or somthing involving not leaving my house, that’d be great. So, what would be a good way for a shy, anti-social geek t o make money? (also, im not one of those annoying girls who think they’re geeks or nerds because they wear the type of glasses. im totally genuine. straight c’s, john green/vlogbrothers fan, total anime fan i looove FUNimation, i have almost every nintendo consel and every animal crossing game, love zelda, sega, shigeru miyamoto, Alex Day/nerimon, i totally keep up with that stuff. im real, i promise 🙂 )

Nagesh answers:

When it comes to finding ways to earn money, consider a Denver (Colorado, USA) woman that lost her upper management job. She started a simple business picking up dog droppings that led to earnings of over $75,000 a year, working outside, setting her own hours, and could be done using a bicycle as transportation. It is also something a child age 10 and up can do alone, an adult can do, or a whole family can do together. This article describes how.

In this economy, you need to think outside box. Companies are refusing to take applications from the unemployed resulting in many giving up.

Paul asks…

Is placing money on an arnwrestling match illegal?

I’m really good at armwrestling. I have taken down bigger guys, as well as won a tournament. Problem is, kids in my school think I’m some wimp and make fun of me for armwrestling. I know I could beat them but they won’t, and they say stupid stuff to get by. Well I was thinking, quick way to make five bucks, and get em to wrestle, offer to both put five down and whoever wins keeps both. But is this illegal? I’m 18 btw if that makes a difference.

Nagesh answers:

Hell, no. It’s pretty damn stupid to bet money just to arm wrestle though. I would get a job if you want money.

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Friday, November 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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