Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Maria asks…

How to earn money and fast as a 13-year old?

I go to the movies every other week because I get allowance every two weeks but my friends go every week. I want to go every week too, I just need to find out and I think I’m too old for lemonade stands and it will take a long time for just five cents each. I’ve tried finding a job that gives them to minors but as you can read by the title, I’m thirteen. I don’t know what to do, so can you tell me what and how to make money and fast. I’ve seen on movies that how kids my age set up there own little buisnessess but I just don’t know where to start. Please help, movie night is almost here.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit for $10 a hour…

Jenny asks…

How can I make money really fast without doing any work?

I need a bunch of money in my bank account ASAP but I can’t work because I have anxiety and I get really nervous when I get bored during work and i need the money really quick because I’m not a patient person and I need money ASAP. Do you know what I can do to get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

1.) Become a welfare recipient.
2.) Have kids, take custody of said kids then get child support.
3.) Old fashion…spare any change?

Carol asks…

How can a 14 year old start a business?

Okay me and my friend are trying to start a babysitting business or something to make alot of money fast. I’m trying to buy a new Toshiba Laptop and a few Sims 3 games and she does also. Any suggestions? And we live in Louisiana if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

It depends if there are little kids in your neighbourhood. If yes then go for it. If no then babysitting could be tricky. Try having a garage sale before you think about work. That always helps me.

Some jobs that are great for summer is yard work and dog walking. Everyone had a yard! Post signs saying that small lawns cost $5 to be mowed and large lawns cost $8. You could also do some weeding too for some extra cha-ching on the side. I know it seems like a small amount of money but people won’t pay much for things teens can do.

Speaking of which, do you make crafts? Bracelets, gimp, felting, sewing, knitting- these can all be made and sold for a profit too!

Your best bet is to take a look around the neighbourhood and think, what could we use the most. This answer will make you the most money and will be the most rewarding.

If all else fails, you could make a classic lemonaid stand!

Good luck!

Laura asks…

How can I wait for my dog?

My mom needs to do something before she can work and when she works we can move. The thing is,we got kicked out of my other apartment because we didn’t pay stuff on time and my mom,dad,brother,and me + my cat,share a room. It’s a garage in my grandma’s house but it’s roomy. I made a fort because we had bunk beds and my brother kicks alot so yah…
But we already have 3 dogs here we don’t need a hyper 4th one (Jack Russel Terrier.)
We have to wait until she works which is probably next month. (My dad works too so we might get money faster) I saw vids of kids getting them for xmas and birthdays and I just REALLY want one! How can I wait to get the dog?

How can I wIt until I move?
The dogs are my grandma’s!

Nagesh answers:

Stop worrying about the dog and start helping your family out of their financial plight. If you are old enough to be on Y!A you are old enough to deliver newspapers, wash cars, cut lawns, rake leaves, stack shelves, walk dogs, etc. Get up off your a$$ and stop whining.

Helen asks…

How to wait for the dog?

My mom needs to do something before she can work and when she works we can move. The thing is,we got kicked out of my other apartment because we didn’t pay stuff on time and my mom,dad,brother,and me + my cat,share a room. It’s a garage but it’s roomy. I made a fort because we had bunk beds and my brother kicks alot so yah…
But we already have 3 dogs here we don’t need a hyper 4th one (Jack Russel Terrier.)
We have to wait until she works which is probably next month. (My dad works too so we might get money faster) I saw vids of kids getting them for xmas and birthdays and I just REALLY want one! How can I wait to get the dog?

Nagesh answers:

Sorry your are in no way ready to adopt another dog. You have 3 dogs and living in a garage. I will blast you bad when you post my dog is sick and I can’t afford a vet visit. Love the dogs you have, and make sure they get proper vet care.

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Sunday, November 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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