Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Susan asks…

How Can I make Money Fast – 10 points?

Im a teenager and it’s not like i need money to survive but i want like $281 so i can get this longboard. So if you can tell me some ways to make some money fast, that would be great.

Nagesh answers:

Well it depends really on how old you are…if you are over 14 then you should get working papers and and work at someplace local…maybe a mall, store, or gas station…if not then babysit… That’s what i do.

Could you help with mine?

Sandra asks…

As a teenager, what is the fastest way to raise money?

I want to go on a trip, but I’m going to have to raise a large sum of money for myself by August. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

Mary asks…

What are good ways to raise money for having the gay pride flag raised at my school?

In my GSA, our group leader got permission to have the flag raised alongside the country flag. The only problem we have is, we need to raise money for another flag pole to be in placed. We’re looking at the least, $1,000 I believe (maybe more) so any ideas to raise money would be much appreciated. Thank you in advanced.

Nagesh answers:

Here are some ideas for fundraisers:

School Fundraiser: Discount Card

What exactly is a discount card?

It is a wallet-sized card packed with a selection of prearranged discounts at local and national merchants in your area. Most usually contain a dozen special offers that save the bearer either a fixed amount or a percentage discount.

Each card usually retails for $10 and provides for almost unlimited usage of the special offers. The only exception is when you custom design a card to feature a special one-time only discount from a sponsoring merchant.

This type of premium offering is often worth half the purchase price all by itself, such as a $5 discount from a national oil change company.

Other money saving examples include free drinks with a fast food order, $1 or more off on a submarine sandwich, savings on video rentals, haircut discounts, free ice cream, and other special offers.

Because of their high perceived value (what family doesn’t want to save money these days?), these are excellent fundraisers.

Discount cards can often produce impressive unit sales per participant. It’s not unusual for each seller to make ten or more sales.

Another interesting benefit is the unique customization of the discount card. Many suppliers can place your schools’ name and logo on the front side of each card. This firmly affixes your group’s value proposition in their minds for the next time around.

Cards are usually good for a one year period and bear an expiration date on the front. This creates a built-in market for repeat sales.

As with any type of fund raising product it pays to do more than a little supplier research.

Costs for 1,000 unit batches begin at $4 with many of them and drop as low as $1.00 from the best suppliers.

Among school fund raising ideas, discount shopping cards are a perennial favorite. They also make a good overlay or add-on item for a catalog fundraiser.

School Fundraising Ideas: Pizza Card

What is a pizza card and how is it different?

A pizza card is a discount card with an offer tied to a single merchant, usually a national chain. It often provides a two- for-one offer on every order and is tends to be priced at $10 for a card good for a one-year period.

Offers vary with most being tied to either a single location or a small group of outlets for a national chain. Pizza Hut cards are good for eat-in dining while most others are aimed at the take-out or delivery market.

Given how popular pizza is with younger children as well as teenagers, pizza cards are excellent school fundraising ideas.

The cards for Pizza Hut and those for some of the other chains place a limit on the number of times you can use the card, often 21 times. That is an awful lot of free pizza for $10. Usage is tracked via holes punched in marked spots on the card.

Some of the offers also specify that your initial order must be for a large pizza while your free pizza is a medium size. When you think about it, that works well for most adults because they usually want a different set of toppings than what their children enjoy.

Like the discount card, pizza cards can be obtained from many suppliers. Most offer the same set of national chains and prices can vary widely, so it pays to shop around.

All in all, pizza cards are among the top school fundraisers for profit and ease of sale.

Donna asks…

What is the fast way to earn money (for a teenager)?

I’m 14 years and I want a little bit more money from my perents. But how?

Nagesh answers:

Try asking the more giving parent (if you have one, for me it’s my dad but that might be different for you) or a grandparent, aunt, uncle, whatever; if they have a project they need help with. Your dad might be happy to pay you for handing him tools and holding pieces together on something he’s building. Your mom might pay you for cleaning the kitchen. Your grandma might need boxes brought down from the attic. Just ask!
Otherwise, you could negotiate extra chores with your parents for an allowance (or a bigger one). This works especially well if there’s something they don’t like doing or don’t have time to do. (For example, walking the dog in the morning before they go to work)
Good luck!

EDIT: Though some places will hire 14 year olds, it’s not as easy to get a job as when you’re 16 or over (also think about transportation when looking).

Mandy asks…

What are different ways a teenager can save up money?

I am trying to take some of the weight off of my parents for Christmas this year (I know its still early to be thinking about Christmas) and so I was thinking I could buy myself some things. The problem is I don’t have a job 🙁 Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get money?

Nagesh answers:

Try selling things online ( eBay )
try getting a job in fast food restaurants ( Berger king or MacDonald’s etc )

But remember education comes first

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Saturday, November 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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