Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Carol asks…

im looking for a auto woodcutter and banker for runescape that is free download no survey?

that works and no (virus) plz or a fast money making guide.

Nagesh answers:

They upgraded their auto detecting sofware in the game so a lot of the autoers have been shut down and banned.

John asks…

What is the best way to make runescape gold?

I tried chopping down Yew trees, but that’s going slow, so I want to find a better and faster way to make runescape gold

Nagesh answers:

Money made per hour: 50k +
Items needed: A weapon
Skills needed: Be able to kill a cow(8hp) reasonably quickly(1-3 hits), Having done “Prince Ali Rescue” would be a distinct advantage
1. Get out your best weapon(Dont use armor unless it is absolutely necessary so that you dont get killed by a cow =P ; This is to save your running energy)
2. Go just north-east of Lumbridge, across the water, and find the place with a bunch of cows
3. Fight the cows until you have a full inventory of cowhides
4. Take all cowhides to either Lumbridge or Al Kharid Bank(Lumbridge only if you havent completed “Prince Ali Rescue”)
5. Bank ALL cowhides
6. Heal if needed
7. Repeat steps 2-6 until you have about 1000 cowhides(will take about 36 trips)
8. Once you have all the cowhides, do one of two things: Sell them on GE for about 118 ea, or find a buyer in Al Kharid in a populated world, and sell them for more
9. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Money made per hour: 52k +, but as you get over 60 woodcutting it will get better
Items needed: Rune WC axe
Skills needed: 60+ Woodcutting
1. Take out your rune axe, and go to edgeville(search on rs maps)
2. Just south of the bank, in this little area, you will see some yew trees ; go to them
3. Cut the yew trees until you have a full inventory
4. Run to the bank, bank the yews
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have about 1000 yews(37ish trips)
6. Once you have the yews, sell them on GE for about 347 coins each
7. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Items needed: Rune pickaxe
Skills needed: 30+mining
NOTE: All right, im not a miner, so I have no clue about any of this, but I will try to illustrate a simple way to make money through mining.
1. Find a type of rock that you are willing to mine constantly, and find a place to get it
2. Go to that place, and keep on mining until you have 1000 of that ore
3. Sell them for GE price at GE
4. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Items needed: Lobster cage, about 5k
Skills needed: 40+ Fishing
NOTE: Do not cook lobsters at any time, as they lose value when cooked
1. Take out your lobster cage and money, go to Karamja
2. Go to the top, there will be a dock
3. Fish lobsters until you have a full inventory
4. Run to the bank in either Draynor or Falador
5. Bank all lobsters
6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have about 1000 lobsters (40ish trips)
7. Sell lobsters for ____ Ea at GE
8. Continue this process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Money per hr: 50k +
NOTE: All of the other moneymaking schemes are well known, but this one I came up with myself.
Items needed: 150k To start(this will cover all costs)
Skills needed: NONE! (Thats the best part =] )
1. Buy yourself some really cool and standing-out clothes(I myself chose some golden robes), you can spend about 10-15k of the 150k for this
2. Change your hair, skin, or clothes color to look even cooler with your outfit
3. Make sure you look as cool as possible, then go to the Al Kharid bank with about 120k in your inventory
4. Heres where you choose what you are willing to pay for the cowhides you will be buying. I am suggesting anywhere from 100 to 120 each
5. Now practice your fast typing skills ; heres what you type:
white:shake:Buying all noted cowhides 100 Ea! (You may change according to your price, but only change the price part)[REMEMBER: KEEP FIRM ABOUT THE NOTING!]
6. Continue switching worlds. Thats the secret ; once a few people have traded you, or if the bank is dead, just keep on world hopping
7. After a while, try to make some friends among the cowhide sellers, and try to find some long-term suppliers
8. These long term suppliers will kill cows, get the hides, then sell them to you
9. Every once in a while, get the workers a little reward, maybe just a set of addy or something(This will make them keep on coming to you)
10. After a while, you can have about 5 workers, and you can create whatever rules in your “business” as you want
11. Use Sals realm of RS forums, and other runescape forums, to advertise your business
12. In any case, soon you will have 1k noted hides.
13. Bank them all, and take out 3k cash, and fill the rest of the inventory with hides
14. Walk to the tanner(a few stores above the bank), and right click ON THE HARD LEATHER SPOT-> tan ALL
15. After 38-ish trips, you will have all your cowhides tanner into HARD LEATHER(Hard leather is worth more [If it suddenly becomes worth less, change to normal leather] )
16. Go to GE and sell the hard leather for net price(last time i checked about 170ea)
17. Congratulations, you have just made some money =p
18. Continue this until you have a satisfying amount of money
add me if u need any more

Sandra asks…

How can u get fast money on runescape with low skills?

I need a quick money maker that makes lots of money and i dont have that great of skills on runescape. can u help me?

Nagesh answers:

Ok if you want to learn how to make money in runescape I am your solution!


When i started merchanting I had 2k and in 2 Weeks i got it up to 108k and i loged in only once a day for not even 2 min. How did i do it? I’ll tell you:

1) First what you need to do is go to the GE (grand exchange) and purchase as many feathers as you can buy BUT BUY THEM AT LOWEST PRICE ONLY!!!! (curently thats only 5 gp)

2) Log in the next day (or at least 12 hours after you atempted to buy the feathers) and your offer should be made and you will have alot of feathers! YAY!!!!! But now you will have to sell them at 6gp each that gives you 1 gp for every feather…that may not seem like much but once you do it you will realize how much the profit is (ALOT!!!!!!!!!!)

here are some more ways to get some mula:…

Jenny asks…

How do get fast money on runescape on mem?

Am a mem and i wamt to know that how to get

Nagesh answers:

Kill green dragons and only collect bones, or you can also collect the hides but its a little less cash.. But it is a bit faster… Best way to do this is to use a cannon, a whip and a anti dragon shield and watch out for PK’ers >.> noobz! Haha
Another way i like to do is killing the giant mole, dig with a spade on a mole hole in falladore gardens and make sure you take torches, a cannon with about 300 balls, a good weapon and a range weapon and teleport runes and a tinderbox and prayer restor pots… He’s a little tricky to find when he burrows under the ground but after you collect all the claws and mole skins and dragon meds you will make a HUGE profit.. I spend around 100k on cannon balls, sharks, pots and rune arrows and i come out with about 700k just google it or search it up on youtube on how to kill it and what equipment to use 😀 add me ingame: God Ownz

Steven asks…

what skill can make you the easiest money on runescape?

Now I have done every single skill on runescape. I may not have got the levels to something seriously high yet. My highest level is 94 thieving. pretty much every single one of my levels are over lvl 40 besides hunter, fishing and slayer. What I am wondering is which skill out of all the skills can make you the fastest money in your opninion? Or if you really couldn’t even tell me which is the fastest then just tell me one that you consider to be fast!

Nagesh answers:

Pay attention when I say this. The ways to make quick money don’t give you a lot money. The ways that give you millions take a while and some effort.

Runescape players need to learn that to make good money takes time. You cannot be lazy.

Slayer is the most profitable skill.

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Monday, November 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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