Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

William asks…

Where can I get free money on-line without really doing anything?

Hey peeps,
can u tell me where I can get free money online that goes straight to my paypal account. I barely want to do anything.

Please Help

Nagesh answers:

You really need the money, but you barely want to do anything.

I don’t think you really “need” the money.

But there will be tons of people who respond to your question with all sorts of money making schemes, which are all oriented towards making someone some money, but usually not you.

Good luck with your lazy, half hearted attempts to make money.

Paul asks…

How much do used University textbooks sell for?

I have a lot of books in the fields of computer engineering (about 4 years old).
How much should I expect to sell these for?
I already have someone interested how much should I sell for?

Nagesh answers:

Type in your ISBN in on a website that sells books. Most online bookstores have the options to sell used books as well. The ISBN is that long number that is located on the back of your book. Check and see how much everybody else is selling your particular book for. I would also check and see how much the actual book is.

My students will by used books online because they are cheaper. Therefore, you must sell them for less than you actually paid. However, if you start buying your books online, then you may actually be able to make back the actual amount you paid or you could even turn a profit.

I used to sell used college books online. The actual campus bookstore would only give me a quarter of what it was worth when I went to sell it back. I got wise to their scheme and then sold my books online. Off of one semester’s book, I sometimes made over a hundred or more dollars. When I started buying used books online, then sometimes I would pay as low as $15 for my textbook.

If you really want to sell your books, then you often need to sell your book a few dollars lower than the lowest seller. For instance, if you see the lowest seller is selling it for $45, then sell yours for $40 or $37.50. Make sure to describe the condition of your book too. That helps it sell.

I also would caution you to read the rules of the website you use. You also will need to pay shipping on the book yourself and then the customer will reimburse you when their payment comes though.

You can also ship the online used bookstore route and advertise at your own college. You can even advertise at craig’s list. Just be careful about meeting people face to face. Seriously.

I hope this helps. Either way, you won’t make tons of money. However, you could save a ton of money by buying books online. Just check to make sure that they are the right edition and the right ISBN number. I have messed up before by not checking that. Also try to include the year that the book was manufactured and the edition of the book you are actually selling. People like to see that.

John asks…

What is the easiest way to make lots of money quickly without selling my oriffices 4 sex?

or without robbing
or gambling

or becoming an international arms dealer

Nagesh answers:

Umm… You can try one of those pyramid schemes… Or if your a guy you can donate sperm.

Donate plasma, try those fake online make money by taking survey schemes… Other than that, the only other way to get rich quick is to trust god..

But if we knew that, we would be rich.

Oh, and of course start your own porn website, but thats about it

Ken asks…

What do people think of Forever Living? The business selling Aloe products?

Do you think it’s a good way to earn money? Do you think the products are too expensive? What about the people selling the products below wholesale price online? Anyone feel it’s not ‘what it say’s on the tin?’ Do you recommend the products?

Nagesh answers:

Well, apparently it’s an MLM scheme … These schemes are structured so as to avoid anti-pyramid scheme laws (just like AMWAY I guess), however anyone who takes it up will discover quite quickly that the way to make money is to RECRUIT others to do the selling and NOT waste one second on selling the product yourself ..

As for the product, well it’s just another ‘herbal’ concoction that avoids the FDA by carefully stating that it’s NOT a medicine whilst making all sorts of ‘medical like’ claims .. The only effect is likley to be on par with any other placebo …

The world is full of fools awaiting to be parted from their money – selling them Aloe Vera is just as good as ‘Royal Jelly’ or some tiny bottle of liquid yogurt ..

Mary asks…

How do gay people get so skinny? I wish I could be skinny like them?

I know not all gay people are the same and not all gay people are skinny but a lot of emo guys I see and a big part of gay people I see are like wicked skinny. I want to lose some weight. I am not fat and my boyfriend keeps insisting that I don’t need to lose weight because he loves me the way I am and he said I look very good to him so I should not change my weight. However I can’t stand looking at myself in the mirror without feeling like I am fat.

Everyone who sees me says my body looks great but I sure as hell don’t feel that way. When I make love to my boyfriend the lights are always out during because I am self conscious on the way I look. What can I do to overcome this self consciousness? Also what do you skinny gay guys do to look so skinny. You all look great skinny! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I may not be a gay guy, but i have a BMI of 14 and that’s just because i hate food! It makes me feel ill. Have you ever considered that you may be anorexic? You may feel fat yet everyone insists that you look great, you should probably look into it. Firstly you need to realize that no-one has a perfect body, and if you are feeling self conscious then something obviously needs to be done about as it is a negative way to think. Do you like your boyfriends body? Being self conscious is perfectly normal and everyone feels it from time to time. If you want to come over it then you are going to have to get used to your body, spend time (not in a vain way 😉 ) looking at your body in the mirror, at first you may not like what you see, so instead of being negative think positively, pick the parts of your body you like and concentrate on them. If your boyfriend likes your body then i would ask him what he likes about it, and use his positivity to make you see that actually your body is being complimented for a reason.

If you want to loose weight than it just takes the determination to not always eat when your hungry. Don’t buy into all these diets and low calorie foods because they are all a scheme to make money out of peoples insecurities. To be frank, if there was a magical cure everyone would use it, but there isn’t so it comes down to exercise and careful eating. But before you try loosing weight please go on an online BMI checker and find out where you are on the scale, if you are overweight then eat less than you currently are, if you are healthy or underweight just stay how you are and learn to love your body.

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Sunday, November 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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