Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Nancy asks…

How do I make more money with m y buisness?

I sell cd’s .they cost $3.50 each cd. But I’m 11 and you know kids like , let me refrase that, Kids LOVE money and spend it all up on back to school (sense it’s summer time) or on candy and that kind of stuff and that $ money would be gone by the 1st month of summer. Can someone please help???

Nagesh answers:

If you want to earn through online, then you can try followings
You can try these sites for Data Entry, Ad-posting Jobs. These are not a Scam or Fraud way of making Money. These systems are 100% legal & genuine and 1000% successful. You can make money in a smart & simple way. For other internet jobs please learn from my blog. Please visit following sites –

Free to join site: –

Get paid just view ads and refer your referral link (which you will get after registration via mail or you can see it on the top of the home page) to other to increase your earning potential. Please registered yourselves through the following links –

For more work at home, data entry jobs concept please visit this site

Daniel asks…

How can I make a really good tutorial video?

I would like to make a really good tutorial video so I can upload it to youtube. Any comments will be appreciated…Thanks

Nagesh answers:


I make tutorial videos on YouTube, they are recorded with screen recordings and are edited together. There are two types of video tutorials:

1. Recorded with Video Camera
2. Recorded with Screen Recorder

I personally make my tutorials with screen recorders, because my tutorials are software based. Screen recorders are used to show people whats on the computer screen through your point of view, without resorting to pointing the camera at the screen. Using a screen recorder is suitable for tutorial makers interested in teaching their viewers how to use computer programs.

If this is you, you will need a good mic, and a screen recorder. It is optional but I also recommend a good video editing program like SOny Vegas.

Here is my set up:

Microsoft Lifechat LX-2000 Headset; $40
Camtasia Studio 5; $300
Sony Vegas Pro 8; $600

Now I’ve been doing this for a long time, and as a result I create very high quality tutorials that are regularly viewed by thousands. You can view them here:

Now, if you want to make a tutorial based on live action things (such as “How to plant a tree”, or “How to do a layup in basketball”) You will need a video camera.

These range from about $90 – $1,000.
The Canon HV30 is an excellent video camera, it records in HD, it has remarkable features, and is easy to set up. It costs about $900

Again, you will also need a video editing program. Sony Vegas Pro 9 is the new release candidate and its about $650.

I would also recommend getting a basic lighting kit. What I do is I go to Home Depot and pick up three work clamp lights, these are like $7 each and clamp to almost anything – this allows you to get the three lighting sets: The key light, the fill light, and the optional back light.

You may also want to consider getting a good green screen and a boom mic. This will improve your video quality.

Think long and hard about your tutorials. Ask yourself things like “Who will be watching my tutorials?” and “What will they already know, and be expected to learn?”

Then write a small script. Don’t read directly from it, just jot down some ideas and think about what to say before you record it – remember that you can edit these out later.

If your looking to start a hobby out of this, try using an Internet pseudonym. Mine is Techtopia.

Tutorial making is fun and can be a great profession. Even at 13 years old, which is my age, I can earn lots of money doing it. I know one tutorial maker, who gets paid on average about $600 monthly to make video tutorials. Just put some time and effort into it, and it should turn out to be an interesting experience. If you need any help contact me on YouTube –

Paul asks…

Looking for a legit home business opportunity?

If I dump more money into joining a program online, how am I going to know that I can get it back if it’s not right for me? I am interested in getting any suggestions on legit home businesses.

Nagesh answers:

When you enroll in Success University, you’ll get a website exactly like the one listed below and you’ll be able to instantly use our training system to start advertising it.

You earn commissions from the people you enroll like a typical affiliate program… We have created the most unique “super affiliate” program on the internet where you can earn income from the entire student organization you create!

By enrolling today, you’ll receive a 30 DAY IRON-CLAD, 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You’ll have 30 full days to go through the Success University Premium Product Package… If you don’t feel that it’s worth every penny and more after you’ve gone through the materials, simply return your product package in re-usable condition and we’ll refund your entire enrollment fee.

Visit us today…you have nothing to lose with our 100% money back guarantee.


Sandy asks…

What do I need to legally start a business?

Me and a friend are doing a business project and we have to make up a business. What legal documents would a person in Canada need to start a business selling books? Links would be great thanks!

Nagesh answers:

What You need in my opinion is these three things for legally starting a business!

You need a basic business license: Sole Proprotietership to begin with. Then you need a road map to success. But its great benefits to having your own business


     As your own boss, you can take complete control over your own financial future.  You determine how much money you want to make, and you decide when, how and where you want to work.  Feel good about yourself every single day being in charge of your won business while earning an UNLIMITED DAILY INCOME.  You’ll get much more out of your life and all that life has to offer.


     During my extensive  research of the mail-order industry before I started what is now a nationwide mail-order empire, the one secret that I found to tens of thousands of peoples’ success was that they SOLD INFORMATION PRODUCTS.  I found that literally thousands of average individuals, with virtually no money and no business experience, had created simple information products and MADE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SELLING THAT INFORMATION THROUGH ADVERTISEMENTS IN NATIONAL MAGAZINES.  I found countless stories about average people  who had compiled 20 to 50 page books and reports  and then GOT RICH SELLING THAT INFORMATION in national magazines ranging from A-Z.

     Think about the power of what I am telling you.   Let’s take a closer look at the “moneymaking magazines.”  All of the advertisers in SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES and all of the other home-based business magazines sell primarily information.  “How To” information on how people can start and own their home-based business. (For a list of testomonials of people who are rich due to this concept go to ( ) The INSIDE SECRET so CLOSELY GUARDED by the millionaires in this industry is that the owners of these advertisements are NOT  making their money from the actual business “idea” or “concept” that they are selling.

     For example, an ad in the moneymaking magazines might stat something like “How to Make A. Fortune In Your Own Home-based Cleaning Business,” “How To Start Your Own Video Rental Advertising Business,” “Make A Fortune In Commodities,” or “Discover The Profit Potential of the Internet.”  If these types of businesses are so profitable, WHY AREN’T THE PEOPLE WHO RUN THESE ADS OPERATING THESE BUSINESSES FULL TIME THEMSELVES? I will tell you why: the SECRET is that they are making a fortune selling the “how to information!!! (For more details go to: ) They are not making huge daily profits by operating  the business “idea” itself, or the business “concept” itself.  They are making their money by selling information through advertisements in national magazines.  These advertisers are making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS providing  the “how to” information that people reading Small Business Opportunities and all the other home-based business magazines want and need to start their own business. (Imagine having the exclusive legal rights to best selling books, reports, and manuals. Right at your finger tips, ready to sell to eager buyers?) is definately a site you should check out.

Lisa asks…

How should i go about making and expanding a typing business?

I would get material and type it for people, while charging a price.

Nagesh answers:

Ok, I use to make money In Mississippi while as a Executive Secretary for a Mental Hospital. It just feel into my lap. One of the venders came in and needed a paper to be typed. It took 5 mins to do. I did not charge her, but after I completed the task, she gave me $50.00. Thats were my freelance came into play. I did not know I had a skill but i did. You see in Mississippi, its hard to obtain a Good job, so you take what you can get. I begain by getting my buisiness cards through a free business card services. When ever there was a convention, workshop, fundraiser, I pass those cards out. Before you know it I was making more money from my buisness then my own Earn Income Job. I hope this helps.

If not, Here is some more information that i gather from my archive of information on my computer that I had over the years.

Typing at home is a genuine and well paid opportunity that helps many people supplement their income. All you need is a PC, a good internet connection and a few hours spare here and there, and you can make money in one of the following ways:

1: Data entry – companies that need a lot of data entry jobs done often outsource the work, cutting down on their overheads, and giving you a great way to make money. It can be as simple as filling in a few forms, and by signing up to one of the many sites offering the service, you can choose how much or how little you do. I did this between my business and my earn income.

2: Freelance writing – website content is a necessary element of every site, and every business these days has a website. Often, all you are required to do is write short pieces including certain ‘keywords’ – these are essential for marketing purposes – and the pay ranges from a couple of dollars through to more for bigger projects. That may not sound much, but find out how fast you can type and you could be surprised how much there is to be earned.

3: Translation – if you have a second language, this ones for you; people across the world need documents translated into different languages – they send them to you by email, you simply translate and reply, and get paid! I spoke French. My mother was Creole and its a kind of Choppy french and I took the language in College.

Above are just three examples of how you can make money typing at home, and with internet business expanding as rapidly as it is, the practice will become more popular in time.

Use these three methods and hope this will help..


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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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