Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Ruth asks…

What are some ways I can make money on-line?

I’m a college student and I always have my laptop on me. So I was wondering does anyone know ways that I can make money online? I don’t want any scam sites or any bs or lies. I need to make money and fast. I have student loans to pay off and bills to pay in the process also. So if anyone knows any way please share them with me.

Nagesh answers:

If you really want to work from home, why not start your own home based business?? There are lot’s of different types of home

based business’s that you can start from your home. I know a lot of people who are doing this.,… They’re different then

just ordinary jobs. YOU own this. This is YOURS. So the amount of income you make, would be up to what YOU do.

Laura asks…

Any way’s to make fast money?

no online scam crap please.
-people with personal experience with it or know someone personally who has done it.
**please and thank you**

Nagesh answers:

EBay or craigslist

I managed to kill two birds with one stone; I got rid of old stuff and earned some cash.

George asks…

Online Job Scams?

k does anybody think that people who say they got rich by doing online jobs or starting a online bizness or w/e just say that to sell their own little “get rich program”? Like, if they are selling a book or membership to learn the “amazing secrets” of earning money online that the money they make is just the money people pay them to learn what they say they are selling. And that they didnt really earn a dime from anything else.

The idea of selling somebody the blue prints to get rich fast seems like a logical thing to do i guess for some people. But if they got mad at you or w/e ud just haved to say, “hey, u fell for it too so it does work”.

but idk, just my thoughts on what “could” be going on. what do u think?

Nagesh answers:

Get rich schemes do actually work for a few people. It is usually based on a triangle scheme or profitable for the first few people to get in to it. The problem is that by the time the scheme hits big, too many people are trying the business and market is flooded. Ex. There is a comercial for selling goods on Ebay. (Digital cameras, tv’s etc.) You do not even see the product, just make a cut for the sale. You purchase a program and it automatically puts the stuff on ebay. Well you pay money, a small price, but money to have it posted on ebay and a percentage of the item when sold. This works good when no one knows about it. But when 500 peopl post the same camera on Ebay, only one person gets the sale and usually someone different eveytime.

David asks…

How can I make money easy and fast.?

I need to make money I dont need it FAST but I would like it soon. Iv tried alot of online “surveys” but they were scams…please help me.

Nagesh answers:

Hey if i know that i will do that first and answer your question,well its all about your destiny i have my own business in Bangkok last 10 years before i have but now nothing and i planing to go USA to work hard part time jobs collect and save money and restart my life.

Jenny asks…

good website for making money Fast?

what is a good website to make money on
i really want to make money online
i am 14 years old
what is a good website but is not a scam
please help

Nagesh answers:

There are lot of scame on the internet which promise where you can make lot of money… So you need careful..But there are also lot of good site which will give idea and stretegy where you can make money online… Do some research before jump into some programe thats my advice..let me tell there a lot of site and article where you can get most of the information for free without spending any money…so best do some researched I thinks since you 14 years you need permission from your parent… Before you start your own business online…

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Sunday, October 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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