Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Sandy asks…


okay so i am going away on vacation in a little more then a week. and i really want to have money to buy like sweatshirts and stuff. i go with my whole entire family and we know 2 familys who live in connecticut who go to the same resort we do and people forom upstate new york and all my cousins and stuff. so anyway, all the kids like practically every night we take a troli and go into the town to shop. and so everyone buys like souviners and sweatshirts and everything and i never have enough money bc im a person who is a spender not a saver lol, so long story short i had 300 dollars with all my birthday money but i bought a laptop (my mom paid the other 300) and so now i have only 30 dollars. I really wanna go up there with over 50 dollars, my mom is giving me 20 and i want like 10 or 20 more but i dont know how to make that money fast enough. please answer with ideas on how i can make money for vacation. thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
james k im not spoiled. she is giving me 20 dollars as spending money she always does that and the 300 dollars shes paying for my laptop is my birthday present and my graduation present so why dont you get your fucking facts straight before you go and make assumptions k thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Mow your lawn, do choirs, ask, borrow, loan from mom

Linda asks…

Mother of 3 needs to make some cash.. quick please help!?

Hello Everyone,
I really hate to open my personal life to everyone but, I can use all the help I can get.. I am currently on disability and have been for the past month and a half and EDD gives me a different answer every time I call.. I have yet to receive one check from disability…I have three kids 7, 5 and 4 months i just applied for Cash aide because I need money for groceries and that is if and when I get approved. does anyone have any other ideas that I could do to make some fast cash to pay my other bills. Please help..

Nagesh answers:

If you go to church, you can ask for financial help there. When I was younger, our church helped out many people including my mom once. Most of them never had to pay the money back.

I did the plasma thing before. You make money, but I don’t think it’s worth it. Besides, your baby is 4 months old, and giving plasma really drains you of energy. Not sure if you’re breast feeding, but if you are, that might be affected, so I wouldn’t do it for that reason too.

I can’t think of any legal way to get quick money, except may tutoring like someone suggested or maybe babysitting?

Good luck to you.

Daniel asks…

Any ideas on how to see my daughter more in home town- divorced dad?


I have an 11 year old daughter that lives in NJ and I live in Mass. Her mom and I divorced when she was two years old. We resided in Mass. The mom wanted to move back to NJ with her parents for support. I did not want her to but the courts let her go and I ran out of money to fight it. Well, because she was two, I did not want to put her in a car all the time and I agreed to visit her every three weeks in NJ. I had to drive down (4.5 hours) stay in a hotel with her and back (4.5 hours) every three weeks. Fast forward to now, I am remarried with two step kids and a new baby. My step daughter is 10 and she and my daughter are very very close. I have a step son who is six and a two year old. It is very difficult for all of us to drive down (six people total) and stay in a hotel room big enough to accomodate us all and is not too expensive. And now, my 11 year old does not want to stay with me in a hotel if I come down alone without our whole family. I think it is a tween thing… She states she does not want to stay in hotels and wants to come to my house for visitation in Mass. But I don’t know how to bring her home. I get out of work on Friday at 5, I don’t get to NJ till 10 on Friday night. It is too late to put her in a car and drive back at 10 oclock at night. We would not get home until 2 a.m. So, I have to get a hotel room (by myself) and get her in the morning and drive back saturday morning. Then on sunday I have to drive 9 hours to bring her home and come back. She is barely here at my house for a day. And the traffic friday night from mass to NJ is brutal. A 5 hour ride is easily 7 hours trying to get by NY.

I have asked her mom if she would ever meet me halfway in CT so our daughter could come to my house for the weekend and she refuses. Our divorce agreement states my daughter can fly unnaccompanied minor program but my daughter is the timid type and refuses to fly alone and I don’t know if I feel comfortable about it either. I am not going to force her. I have tried to look into flying down there and getting her and flying with her because that is the fastest way, but that is three round trip tickets and over $700 dollars for a weekend. As a family of six, we can’t afford it. I have looked into the train but that does not work either for times. the only other thing I can think of is having my daughter go on the train to CT in the unnacommpanied minor program and I pick her up in CT. But is that safe? And I don’t even know if she will do it. And I doubt her mom would let her. I asked her mom if I could have longer holiday weekends for when I have days off which would allow for more time to travel and she said no it was unfair that she does not get any holidays. I asked for more time in summer and make the three weeks visits longer in between and she said no, because she is a teacher and has summer off and I would have to put her in camp while I work. I am close to giving up. I can’t move because I have a good job here as well as my wife and she is not allowed to move because my step kids dad lives in this state. And my wifes family lives here and helps us with daycare while we work. Help please? This is getting unbearable? I am running out of energy and ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Your Ex is mean… Really. How un cooperative she is!

You’re awesome! Wish my Ex would have been as cooperative as you.

First… She moved not you. I would actually consult with a lawyer about getting an order that Ex needs to meet you at half way.

Second, you should be able to alternate holidays. That is what I did with my Ex so that it was fair.

Also as for Summer – she has reason to say “no”. So what if you have to put your daughter in camp during the day? She’d probably have a great time!
You should be entitled to 2/3 of the summer.

Get a lawyer and rearrange your visitation schedule.


Charles asks…

How can I make my Wedding and Reception even more fun?!?

Okay everyone, so here’s the deal: We are having a wedding in about a month. Hawaii is a large part in our lives as that’s where he proposed when I visited him there when he was in the Navy. I also have been doing Polynesian dancing since I was 7 and I am 25 now.

So what we are doing is a mostly casual thing. Everyone is asked to be casual and comfortable. No gifts either. There will be approx 200 guests including kids. It will all take place in the evening, starting at 5:00pm and it will be dark around 8:00pm that night. It’s all at his parents house in the country on acres and acres.

As guests arrive, the dancers will be greeting them with a lei and kiss on the cheek! 🙂 The ceremony is by a fountain and pond. Very pretty. I am wearing a beach wedding dress and he is wearing khaki short and a white button up shirt. The wedding party is in matching fabric dresses for the ladies and shirts for the men. We are all going to wear flip flops. We also decided on no bouquets or anything, instead the ladies are going to hold a glass of champagne and the guys a beer.

After the ceremony, we will start the BBQ buffet immediately since we are taking photos before the event. There will be LOTS of awesome home made food prepared by our awesome families! During this time, there will be Hawaiian/beach themed music playing in the background. About 45min later we will do the speeches and then we will cut the cake. Once that is over, the live band will play for about 15min or so as they cake is passed out before an Authentic Luau is performed! They will be doing dances from Hawaii to Tahiti, including a fire dancer! So it will be very exciting! They also pull some of the guests up for audience participation in the end. That is about a 45min show all together.

We will also have a $1 Tiki Bar. Basically, we are taking care of most the expenses for the bar, all but $1 each. So we are still forking out $2-3 each drink that people buy… There will be things like Jungle Juice, Beer, Mai-Tais, Hurricanes & Coke w/ Rum. Which the Tiki Bar will be open before the ceremony.

After the Luau, we will do the garter and bouquet. This will be around 8pm. I figure most will leave at this time. The band will play during this “transition” time for about an hour as people say bye and all and then we are having an “after party”. Just a few hours with no schedule, program or anything. Just so we can actually enjoy the evening, it not go by so fast and really get to visit with some guests. We have quite a few flying in or driving a long ways, and a wedding is not the greatest place for catch up and hang out. I don’t care if only 15 people are there for the “after party” We will have a DJ, the bar and all as well during this time.

Anyway, so I think that’s it. So what I am looking for is some ideas to make sure this is a blast for everyone! I want people to want to stay!

I am getting a piñata for the kids as well as something for them to do, not too sure yet. And someone also mentioned having a volley ball net set up or something…?

We already got all the tiki torches to put everywhere, as well as party lights to hang and there is already a built in fire pit that they have there too! So I was thinking maybe get some stuff to make Smores!

I basically just want a really fun, comfortable and memorable evening! I don’t care about tradition, being fancy or impressing anyone. This is a time to live it up for us before my fiancé gets deployed in a few months.

Thank you all in advance for any ideas!!!

P.S. Please don’t respond with lectures of spending money and all that matters is marrying the one I love and all that. Just so you know, not a lot is being spent. We have a very large family and everyone is pitching in a little to help with the food & drink. I have a very close friend who owns a party rental store, so those are nearly free except for the people to set things up. The band and dancers, I am part of the group and we are all like family… they wouldn’t let me pay a dime if I tried! Again, lots of people are traveling to get there, I want it to be worth it and fun! So please, spare the rudeness and just leave my question alone if that’s all you have to say. That is not what I am asking for. I am asking for ideas to make it more fun, unique or more pleasant!
Awww you all are so sweet. Yeah, sorry it was kinda long, lol. And great advice for the time taken to get through a line. It will be a double sided line of food. And 45min may be enough before speeches start. If not, no biggie. We will also have siblings (there are 14 total) pass out the cake during the Luau. If people arent ready for it, they can just wait. But still, I may add 15 min to each area of time. Thanks again!!!

Nagesh answers:

Have the table cloth on the children’s table be white paper where the kids can color on it. If the kids are having a good time the parents won’t want to leave. Get them bubbles to blow while you are doing your dances, and sparklers for everyone.

You might be surprised, people might stay longer than you think! Most importantly have FUN!

Mandy asks…

Good idea for a way to make some money on the side?

Hi all, I’m almost seventeen and I really want a car of my own. However, I don’t have a job. Nor do I want one. I’m not into the mundane jobs I could get as a high school student. I have been messing with computers since I was a little kid. I’ve taught myself html, css, java, visual basic, c++, perl, and php. I also manage my own Linux-based server at home and I have built multiple computers and study network and computer security frequently. Anyway, I have seen how people will pay Geek Squad (from BestBuy) hundreds of dollars to do absolutely nothing to their computers. I got to thinking…what if I could do something like that? My question is, do you think this is a feasible business idea? Could I leave fliers in upper-middle class house’s doors and offer a service to make Windows-based computers faster, secure wireless networks, upgrade hardware, or do any of the stuff the average consumer is too afraid to/can’t do? Would you trust a sixteen year old with this? Even if I made a up contract? If so, how much money do you think is fair? Anything I’m not thinking of? Thanks for your input.

Nagesh answers:

What have you got to lose? Go out there and put up some fliers and see if you get any calls. Then see what THEY are willing to pay. I would think word of mouth is going to be your best source of additional business so make sure you are providing a satisfactory customer experience. And don’t think that all jobs hs students get are mundane. At the very least, every one of them is a learning experience. Good luck.

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Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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