Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Jenny asks…

How hard is it for Americans to immigrate to the UK or Australia. I have a Masters and some work experience?

And I have enough funds to buy a house.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on your occupation and how much post qualification work experience you have in that occupation. The amount of money you have makes no difference, though some of Australia’s states and territories require appplicants to have $30 – $50k in settlement funds if they want state sponsorship so money would overcome that particular hurdle – it’s only one of many hurdles though and only applies to state sponsored visas.

You must have qualifications and experience in an occupation listed as being in need of workers and you must also pass the points test or have employer sponsorship so that you qualify for a skilled immigration visa. There is no provision for visas for unskilled or partly skilled workers or even for highly skilled workers whose occupation is not listed.

There are several lists of eligible occupations:

1. The Skilled Occupations List (SOL).
If your occupation is on the SOL, you may be eligible to apply for an independent visa. These visas are permanent; there is a points test and skills assessment for your occupation is required before a visa application can be lodged.
Http:// Skilled – Independent (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 175) Skills assessment

2. Each Australian state and territory has a State Migration Plan (SMP) which lists the occupations for which state sponsorship is available. Refer to each state’s SMP to see if sponsorship is available for your occupation.
Http:// State and territory migration sites.

Once you have obtained state sponsorship, you can apply for a state sponsored visa. These visas are points tested and skills assessment is required.
Http:// Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 176)

3. The Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL).

If your occupation is on the ENSOL but not on the SOL, you must have employer sponsorship; 3 years work experience and an offer of employment for at least 3 years. There is no points test, but skills assessment is required (as above).
Http:// Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 121/856)

4. The list of occupations eligible for temporary 457 employer sponsored visas.

If your occupation is on the 457 list, you may be eligible for a temporary employer sponsored visa which can sometimes lead to sponsorship (after 2 years) for a permanent visa but ONLY if your occupation is also listed on the ENSOL and only if your employer is willing to sponsor you again..
Http:// 457 visa

The only work visa that has no list of eligible occupations is an employer sponsored Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Subclass 119/857). The work must be in an eligible regional area and certain educational, experience and sponsorship requirements must be met. RSMS visas are not points tested and skills assessment is not usually required.

Lizzie asks…

17 just doing my test and have driving disqualification how much will insureance be?

Hello i’m 17 and just about to do my test i have had a driving disqualification which was 6 months long and no points i am just woundering hoe much it is going to cost me to insure a 1.0-1.2 and what car in the uk would be the cheapest to insure thanks alot 🙂 regards Bilal

Nagesh answers:

How long is a piece of string. There are so many other factors that will go to make up the premium for your insurance and then with the effect of the disqual on top any estimate on here would be a pure guess. There is so much that you cannot tell us on here.

There are many factors which are used by the insurer to calculate the risk and so the premium they charge for car insurance – these are mainly;
1 Age and sex of the policyholder (who must be the Main driver, and registered keeper) and that of any additional drivers.
2. The cars age, mileage, value, insurance group, security and the companies own claims history for that vehicle
3. The occupation of the policyholder and any named drivers
4. The claims history of any drivers
5. The licence details of drivers (endorsements, length of time held)
6. Where the car is normally kept overnight (is it the policyholders address? On road is more expensive than on a drive which is more expensive than in a locked garage.
7. What use will the car be insured for, social and domestic is the minimum but if commuting and use for the policyholders business or their employers business is added the price increases. If used to commute where is the car to be parked when there – on road or in a car park.
8. Does the car have any modifications from the standard factory fresh condition like alloy wheels or performance enhancements – some insurers will refuse to cover modified cars, some will increase the price and some will cover them but only for return to standard.
You need to tell the full truth about everything asked and inform them of any changes to any of the details disclosed as the policy goes on – failing to do that can render it null and void.

Some younger drivers consider putting the car and insurance in a parents name with the parent as a fraudulent main driver and them as an occasional named driver to cut the premiums. This common scam is called “Fronting” and is an illegal act which can get parent and son/daughter into a lot of long lasting expensive troubles.

Most insurers offer a monthly payment scheme and most need about 15% up front to start the cover. The scheme is usually in the form of a loan and so interest is charged – this can be as much as 25% APR. This is usually at rate which is higher than most credit cards even charge so look at other ways to borrow the money to spread the cost if possible as it will be cheaper.

With a few minor differences these are the questions you will be asked before being given a quote. Not having supplied these details on Yahoo Answers, and who would, it is impossible to give a guess of a price for you to within even £1000 for a younger newly qualified driver.

Nancy asks…

Do any of you think the Liberal Democrats (UK) will ever be the leader in parliament?

I don’t know if I can stomach a liberal democract prime minister. They want to push us further into Europe. Do you think they’ll ever come to power?

Nagesh answers:

Stop it, you are making me laugh. Snort, pass the hankie I need to wipe my eyes. Very funny.

They are as useless and as incompetent as Labour. You only have to look at the mess they have made of Greenwich and Liverpool. They waste money on bird-brained schemes that benefit no one but the knit – your – muesli brigade. One stupid scheme that cost £thousands was a cycle path of 10 metres in length. It started in the middle of nowhere and finished in the middle of nowhere.

They are arrogant and stupid, nothing more than political opportunists!

Linda asks…

Can you get in trouble for inviting people to these Kony events?

I know this is really far fetched … but for some reason I’m wondering about this. Could you get in trouble for inviting people to these Kony ‘Cover the night’ events? I now know that it is fly posting and vandalism.
Sorry if it is a stupid question!

Nagesh answers:

Why would you involve them in this scam?

We’re being scammed and spammed, massively. You should all respond and let people know every time they post this nonsense.

I think it is a closed issue. Why wouldn’t we attack you for participating in this scam and trying to spam us constantly about it?

According to Forbes Magazine:

The video is inaccurate and outdated as Joseph Kony is no longer in the Uganda.
The video oversimplifies the complex history of Uganda and the LRA.
The video does more harm than good by focusing the issue on one man.
The video is a prime example of slactivism that reduces real issue to memes.

The government there is STILL there and just as guilty of atrocities, and now the US is being put into a sovereign country into another war.

I think there is a scam going on and a lot of people are spending money on a scam.

He fled his country a long time ago. This is a money-making scheme.

Also listen to people from Uganda:

We are REALLY tired of this garbage.

If they hadn’t spammed every site they could find, pretending to be things they weren’t, they might have received a reasonable reception.

It is propaganda on a while new level:

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

On Yahoo! Answers “Invisible Children” and their supporters CONSISTENTLY posted, every few minutes in areas like Fashion, or Games, about KONY 2012. It was CONTEMPTIBLE and unethical.
They have made millions on this garbage, and TARGETED our children as consumers.

It’s wrong. They should be investigated for fraud and scamming who knows how many foolish people, particularly teenagers.

Enough of them.

Joseph asks…

What is the best route to take if I want to become a pilot..?


I am really just looking to see if someone is able to give me a little information/help.
Recently, I have considered a career as a commercial airline pilot in the UK, however have no idea as to what I need to do/ or how I go about fulfilling this ambition. From a young age I always considered this to be my dream job, a great way of helping others. Now, to the tricky part – I am only 18 years old, just finished school and have a part-time job.
I live in Scotland so studied Standard Grade and Higher Exams and gained a fair few qualifications, but I know very well it is not so simple to just take a CV into a flying school and ask for a job 🙂

Therefore, to sum it all up…where should I go from here?
Any help is kindly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Start by thinking how you’re going to fund it. I managed my training from 0hrs to CPL/IR (Commercial Pilots Licence & Instrument Rating) and MCC (Multi-Crew Co-operation) for less than £50k all in the UK, however this was with some help from training grants, heavily discounted hour building courtesy of the RAF flying clubs and some real penny pinching however I could when it came to accommodation etc. More realistically you’re looking at around £55-60k all the way up to £100k.

Once you have an action plan start taking a few lessons at a local flying club to make sure its really what you want to do. Then get yourself a class 1 medical, its no use forking out all that money only to find out in the later stages you’re medically unfit!

There are two routes to the licence from this stage, integrated and modular.

Integrated is the more expensive option and will cost you around £80k up to £100k all things considered, however many people prefer this route as they believe having the name of a big school on their CV improves their chances of landing that 1st job (questionable). This course will take you all the way through the ground school and flying in the space of around 12-14 months and in the end you will emerge with a CPL/IR.

The integrated route is the route you will take if you are lucky enough to get on an airline ‘sponsorship’ scheme. These are few and far between but definitely the way to go if you can get one. You’ll still be expected to secure funding for the course, however the airline may assist you as guarantor on a bank loan, and you will be promised a job at said airline upon completion of training.

The other route is known as the modular route, this can be done for far less, in the region of £50-60k. Here you will complete a PPL (Private Pilots Licence) then you will have to build your experience flying around 150hrs total and 100 as pilot in command. Whilst you are doing this you can be studying for and sitting the 14 ATPL (Airline Transport Pilots Licence) theory examinations, and completing a night rating. All that done you can begin training for your CPL, Multi-Engine and Instrument Rating, once you’ve passed all the flight tests and have the appropriate experience (200hrs total, 100 in command) you can apply for your licence. The final requirement is an MCC course and you’re ready to start applying to airlines.

Its a long road, but great fun, enjoy!

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Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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