Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Sharon asks…

How do I earn money quickly ?

I really need to earn some money because I want to save up for an xbox360.
I’ve tried loads of odd jobs around the house but they don’t seem to be great money makers.

Nagesh answers:

Nick the queens crown jewels and sell them back to her

David asks…

what are the best ways to earn money quickly on the internet?

hello friends, i belong a middle family and i cant effort or fulfill my requirements, so need a way to earn money in very easy way with a fast and quick way on internet, please suggest me what is the way to earn money on the internet??????

Nagesh answers:

There is no way. Go ahead and look. All you will find are scams.

William asks…

How can I raise about $1500 in about 3 months?

I have two major trips I plan on raising money for. A trip to AZ in December, then a trip to Europe over the summer. I need some way to earn money somewhat quickly, but my week is booked so I only have weekends to work with. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Are they for school? You can take out student loans. Get a job being a waitress. You get good tips, up to $100 a night. I don’t know if that will add up but since you only have the weekends…it seems like the best shot. And since you only have weekends, that will look good for the restaraunt because obviously that’s when they will be busy.

Michael asks…

What kind of jobs can earn you millions in a year?

I would like to know what kind of jobs can earn you a lot of money quickly that doesn’t involve sitting behind a desk everyday. Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:


Daniel asks…

I wanna make a blog to earn money.What are the best sites which i should go on?

Tell me the procedure to be followed and how much time it takes to earn money initially.
Also to whom should i contact for adds.
Also give any advise or tip if any.

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend reading the articles at They even have a section on how to make money blogging. It lists their top income streams: AdSense, Chitika, private ad sales, shopzilla, job boards, etc :

But all in all, it takes a lot of time and work to make money blogging. You need to offer unique and useful content. If you just want to make quick money, it will show in your posts. You need to persevere and offer quality content. It takes time, research and dedication.

– Plan your blog. What will you talk about? Find a subject you are passionate about or else you will lose interest quickly! How will it be unique? Find a niche. Discuss your idea with friends. Think of a good name for your blog.

– Get your domain name, find a webhost, setup WordPress or something similar and find a nice template.

– Signup for Google Sitemaps and Google analytics, read about SEO and implement ideas.

– Learn how to write for the Web and start planning and writing your articles.

– Invite people to comment your articles and engage with them in your articles and in the comments section.

– Participate in other people’s blogs. This takes time; don’t just visit a blog and write “Hey, nice post!”; it will show you are just trying to get a link. Link to other blogs in your posts and other bloggers will start linking back to you.

– Tell everyone you know about your blog. If you have a friend blogger, ask him or her for a plug.

– Setup a newsletter (There are newsletter plugins for WordPress)

It could take months and months before you get followers. I would wait a while before trying to make money with ads as it can put off people when you only have a few articles but lots of ads. When you do start inserting ads, make sure they are useful ads for your readers or else people will just be annoyed.

Hope this helps! If not, you will find a lot more info at

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Sunday, October 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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