Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Sandra asks…

My boyfriend is addicted to Loratab 10mg, how can I help him to get off of these?

I need help getting my boyfrnd to stop or at least slow down, on taking too many Loratabs. He is addicted bad!?
Okay my boyfriend started taking loratabs about a year ago. He would take just 1 only on his day off and only if he had nowhere to go because he didnt like to drive while under the influence. Now remember he started taking them just for the hi, not because was perscribed them. For a while it stayed a week-end thing, like 1-2 pills a week. Then it was like out of nowhere (it seems) he is taking them daily,and has been for about the last 6mo. or so. Now he has to have them otherwise his body aches and hurts and goes thru a detox, and I hear it sucks bad, its harder to get off of than any other drug, it compares to heroin. He has yet had to go without for about the last 4mo. ago or so. So I really dont know what to expect when he does have to go thru that. Well 5-6 yrs ago before this started he was a total square. He is a great man, good father to his and mine, and a good provider, well used to be, he still is but it’s fading. He has a great career as a F&B director with a large company here in Las Vegas. I’m just afraid of losing everything. He is up to 20 PILLS A DAY!!! TAKING 5 LORATAB 10mg AT A TIME!!! 5 PILLS AT A TIME!! I dont know what to do. He says he wants to get off this **** but shows no effort. He has pawned his jewlery, his gun, his amp… and that is not him! He used to be so proud of what was his because he had worked hard to get everything he has, he was so proud.He pawned them to pay bills, but we are behind in the bills because he’s buying too many pills! 20 pills a day, at $3.00 a pill = $60 a day x30 days is $1800.00 a month!! We can’t keep doing this, he is dragging us down fast! I dont know what to do. When he is getting low on them nothing else matters to him untill he knows he’s getting more and I hate it! I had to draw the line because last week my 9yr. daughter had a school fundraiser and the day after we turned it in the school calls me and says that the fundraiser money was $50 bucks short! That’s bullshit, he denied it but I know. What can I do to make him get help! PLEASE! Sorry this was so long, I just wanted to give detail.

Nagesh answers:


John asks…

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraiser?

Hello everyone,

Is there a purpose in life without a mission?

My name is Kevin Nguyen. I’m inviting you to help me raise money for this important cause. By becoming a fundraiser, you can make a difference! Use the secure link in this email to create your own fundraiser (pledge) page online.

Once you set up your own pledge page, you can use the Email Center to create your address book and invite your friends and family to make a contribution. All donations are made in your name and will be paid directly to the organization. The website is secure, fast and easy to use. Collecting contributions online is an easy way for people to support you.

Thank you in advance, and forward this to as many people as you can to encourage more people to fundraise!

Nagesh answers:


Because of people like you, I am still alive!

Best wishes

Charles asks…

How come Democrats seem to be perfectly OK with Obama’s brand of Crony Capitalism?

Banking “reform”……….a joke. Most of the rules never even got written. Not to mention the Obama White House actively opposed re-instating Glass-Steagall (separate commercial from investment banking), actively opposed breaking up banks that were “too big to fail” and actively opposed a full audit of the Federal Reserve.

Health care “reform”……….bigger joke. Nothing but a gift basket to Big PhRMA and the Insurance industry. The Obama White House even negotiated a deal with Billy Tauzin (who represented PhRMA at the time)…..the SAME GUY they bashed in a 2008 campaign ad as an example of corrupt deal making in Washington.

Fast & Furious…………..arm cartels in hopes of using increased gun violence as rationale for tighter gun control laws? CORRUPT. Unless Holder honestly had no clue this was going on…… which case he should still resign for being incompetent and unfit to run a department.

Solydra…………….again, just follow the money. It would be one thing if it were just a federal loan. But the way this loan was structured was unique……why?

And for a more recent example of Obama/Dems blatantly flaunting their crony capitalistic tendencies in front of everyone:…

WHY would Obama go to this fundraiser UNLESS he KNOWS that REGARDLESS of what he does (ie collect money from lawyers that represent high end Wall Street firms….who also happen to be linked to Jon Corzine, guy Obama was going to make Treasury Secretary, who can’t locate $500 million) YOU will defend him and pretend he is for the people.

“Is this an extremely “slanted” question, or shall we just call it a rant?”

Call it whatever you want. I know you can’t refute any of it.

Nagesh answers:

Is this an extremely “slanted” question, or shall we just call it a rant?

Joseph asks…

Would you stick with this job? Please no rude comments. Looking for legitimate answers.?

I began a job today working for the MDA (muscular dystrophy association) trying to call local business owners to see if they would like to support a fundraisers. Each business owner is asked to raise $3200 by June. Basically, the job is 6 hours of day of making phone calls. Nothing else. Yes, basically telemarketing. Like the rest of the world’s population, I hate receiving these types of calls. I understand that it is for a good cause; however, some of the company’s methods are borderline harassment. They told us to say ANYTHING to get a committed donor–even saying that we are doctors and such…Um not true, but “It is not a lie if it’s for a good cause.” That comment sent up red flags for me because I believe honesty is the best policy regardless (unless it’s going to intentionally hurt someone i.e. “You’re fat”) And then, once I got on the phone I encountered angry owners, crazy secretaries, and people that just did not give a care! Now, I have to be honest, if I were the owner of a mom&pop business, I would not be shelling out $3200 to some organization. I don’t blame these people for acting this way since I would totally do the same. BUT, if when I tried to get off the phone with the disrespectful people, my manager fussed at me and told me that I didn’t try hard enough to win them over. I am paying my own way through grad school right now and the job is $10 per hr. It is about 40 minutes away from my house. I have a 30 minute lunch break, but there are no restaurants in the vicinity. It would take approximately 30 minutes to even reach a restaurant like fast food that I would have time to eat. My last job was in a corporate office (right by a mall so TONS of restaurants) with an hour lunch break and $18 per hr. Yes, I know those types of job don’t come around too often. I would still be working there now, but I was on as a contractor and my contract expired. I am stuck. I just got home, head spinning. I really need some money…Oy vey, what do you think I should do? Stay or move on?

Nagesh answers:

I share your distaste for having to lie – falsehood never is good, no matter the motivation..

A lie becomes legitimate if it’s told for a good cause? Totally lacking in integrity.

Personally, I would just move on. There should be other jobs out there, since the wage is so close to minimum, you can get a comparative or even better wage elsewhere without compromising your integrity and character.

I suspect you’re going to totally burned out before long, anyway. Working in a place without morals and high pressure is not a long term type thing. Get out before it affects your studies.

Paul asks…

fundraiser for a grade 8 graduation?

so basically,
our school has grade 8 girls and boys graduating this year..(obviously..)
the school will be holding a ceremony for us at a special place..
the problem?
each ticket costs 80 dollars!
some people have four members in their families!
that comes down to way over 200 dollars,
and no one wants to pay this much money to come to a graduation ceremony.
we have a freezie fundraiser going on, which will raise us some money
to lower down the cost of the tickets,
but its not working out too well; in three weeks,
we made barely over 100 dollars.
we need something,
a good fundrasier,
that can be held and garuanteed to make a lot of money,
to lower the cost of tickets for about 45 students;
school appropriate, does anyone have any ideas ?
we need something, and we need it fast :S

Nagesh answers:

$80 is crazy. The school’s administration has grade A rocks in their head. It’s too bad that eight grade graduation will be the only one 33% of them will see.

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Friday, October 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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