Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Lisa asks…

Why are people so quick to diagnose you these days and say you have a chemical imbalance?

I’ll admit I’ve been depressed for some time now and on occasion it has been severe but whatever happened to “well that’s life, you have to get used to it!” I’m not a teenager at 28 and would have to say my awareness of depression probably started when I was about to turn 19. Oddly enough I was studying Psychology at the time and to me it seems like the more introspective I became the worse my depression got…started feeling like I had been depressed my entire life and blah blah blah.

But what got me back on track was realizing that yeah, I had depressing times but who doesn’t? Life is messy, it’s not all peaches and cream and Ozzy and Harriet…death is horrific and more frightening than anything Stephen King can conjure up.

The weird thing about it..I noticed around that time 2002-2003 is when all this technology was spiraling out of control…I was contented in my high school years without a cell phone but then when on college campus you couldn’t even meet anyone in the courtyards because they were all looking down into their cellphones, I didn’t even have one or a laptop.

People who look at me like a weirdo for not having them and being super perficent with all things technological…maybe I’m getting off on a tangent.

The whole idea of having anxiety, and this kid is bi-polar, we have children’s prozac, he has a “chemical imbalance” whatever happened to kids will be kids, now there are like entrance exams for pre-schools, it’s ridiculous.

I think it’s just a major scam by the drug manufacturers to make more money…it’s reported that 2 out of 3 people who take anti-depressants are still severely depressed, and side effects of those drugs usually include thoughts of suicide and actual suicide…like WOW, you really think it’s a good idea?

Can’t we just agree that life can be sad and you have to take the good with the bad instead of trying to pinpoint every thought and anxious feeling and overly medicate and wrongly’s outrageous, I worked in a pharmacy and there were all these clinical test and documents that would be contradicted by clinical tests and documents 2 months later!!!!! It’s bs.

The tangent I was going on earlier was that I feel our culture is just becoming increasingly more bankrupt leading to more depression and has nothing to do with chemical imbalance of the brain and everything to do with this celebrity obsessed, instant fame, twittering and facebooking your way into fame superficial culture.

How can you not feel like a sucker working hard when some dimwit yo can barely pee straight can become a millionaire overnight by constantly having his nose stuck in a electronic device, who are you not to tell your kids then can get plastic surgery and make viral videos and become america’s next top model or idol when there are instant success stories of people who did just that and really didn’t have to work that hard to get to where they are, all day everyday they see it on the computers, iPhone, whatever…

it has really lowered the quality of life…instead of taking the good with the bad and trying to feel good sometimes we obsess about trying to feel good every single second of every single day which in my opinion leads to people never truly being happy ever…

It has become my haters are my motivators, people enjoy being hated and see it as a level of success and respect, like they are being envied…that’s just poor morals.

Am I wrong or should I take some medication and join the zombie ranks?

Nagesh answers:

That is the way the mental health professionals USED to treat patients. There is a new movement now that is treating mental illness Situations do take time to change and nothing happens overnight, but change IS happening. I also was tired of being treated like a patient, over medicated, and treated like a number for my ins $$. No one really wanted to help me feel better, they just wanted my $$. S0o, I signed up for a DIFFERENT mental health center in my area. One that treated people like people. I got a whole new set of DR’s and counselors and friends, and groups and classes. They even feed me lunch when I go there, and they also give me free bus tix. The community resources available to me are endless compared to the other place I was going.

I suggest that if you need meds, take them. BUT -keep control of your own treatment plan. Don’t allow others to make decisions for you. If you think you are over medicated, then SPEAK UP! If you think you do not like something in your treatmnt plan, then tell your DR or counselor. THE SQUEEKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE! If you aren’t speaking up for your own self, then they WILL run all over you. You just cannot allow this to happen. You have choice! You have a VOICE! Your wellness rests solely on you.

George asks…

Baby on Board so Wedding Gets the Shaft!? Help!?

I’m getting married to my best friend. We have known one another for 12 years with a lot of great memories as teenagers. We went our seperate ways in our early twenties. I was married but have since divorced. My fiance and I started dating after reconnecting for two years now. He did an amazing job at asking me to marry him on October 2nd of this year. I started planning the wedding right away, one to take place next year. However, three weeks later and we find out we are pregnant! This is amazing news as I have been told I probably would never have children (we even tried fertility treatments last year with no success and have been planning on adopting in a few years).

Now the wedding celebration can still be sometime next year after the baby is born, although money is going to be even tighter than we had first imagined it. I have insurance through my work place but we want to have his insurance from his work be my secondary (so we are double in that area). We know we need to get married to do this and soon so that his insurance will cover us. We have decided to have a quick wedding (and by quick, I’m talking about next week). We already have the date to be married on Monday, Nov. 8th at the court house.

I’ve had my huge wedding with my first husband but this wedding is the wedding I have always dreampt of. Growing up together, we have MANY common friends who I have always dreampt about sharing this day with us. I know it doesn’t matter where we get married, because the end result is the same. I’m marrying the man I love and want to be with forever….and now the man who is the father of my June-to-be-child. It’s truely a gift and I am blessed.

I’m heartbroken because for the little things. It just seems SO rushed, SO unplanned, and SO distant and cold. I wanted so much more for the both of us. Photos with us in his tux and me in my dress, friends, family to be there. But the only time they had at the courthouse is in the middle of the afternoon on a Monday no less. Our parents will be there, but that is it. I just…need advice on how I can make this day stand out a little more and with ease. He works third shift and is actually having to go into work that night. Talk about a honeymoon.

I’m hormonal, I know. And once again, I am so blessed to have this baby and we are doing this for the betterment of the child. I understand this, but I guess I’m just being a girl about it. That, and it’s SO much, SO quick, in a short amount of time. I don’t have cold feet about marrying him, I’m just ridiculously upset on how it’s happening I suppose. At least I know he purposed BEFORE I got pregnant, but still.

Any suggestions!?

Nagesh answers:

My hubby and I did a quicky wedding at the court house just because it was cheaper, I am not a big fan of spending a lot of money for ONE day. We went a few months after we got married, rented a tux and dress and got some pictures taken. I don’t regret it one bit, the important thing is you got to marry the one you love 🙂 We are planning on having a “real wedding” on our 10 yr anniversary where we will renew our vows. That is something you could think about, that will give you plenty of time to save up and have the wedding of your dreams 🙂 Good luck!

Ruth asks…

Need advice/ideas on a court house wedding, please!?

I’m getting married to my best friend. We have known one another for 12 years with a lot of great memories as teenagers. We went our seperate ways in our early twenties. I was married but have since divorced. My fiance and I started dating after reconnecting for two years now. He did an amazing job at asking me to marry him on October 2nd of this year. I started planning the wedding right away, one to take place next year. However, three weeks later and we find out we are pregnant! This is amazing news as I have been told I probably would never have children (we even tried fertility treatments last year with no success and have been planning on adopting in a few years).

Now the wedding celebration can still be sometime next year after the baby is born, although money is going to be even tighter than we had first imagined it. I have insurance through my work place but we want to have his insurance from his work be my secondary (so we are double in that area). We know we need to get married to do this and soon so that his insurance will cover us. We have decided to have a quick wedding (and by quick, I’m talking about next week). We already have the date to be married on Monday, Nov. 8th at the court house.

I’ve had my huge wedding with my first husband but this wedding is the wedding I have always dreampt of. Growing up together, we have MANY common friends who I have always dreampt about sharing this day with us. I know it doesn’t matter where we get married, because the end result is the same. I’m marrying the man I love and want to be with forever….and now the man who is the father of my June-to-be-child. It’s truely a gift and I am blessed.

I’m heartbroken because for the little things. It just seems SO rushed, SO unplanned, and SO distant and cold. I wanted so much more for the both of us. Photos with us in his tux and me in my dress, friends, family to be there. But the only time they had at the courthouse is in the middle of the afternoon on a Monday no less. Our parents will be there, but that is it. I just…need advice on how I can make this day stand out a little more and with ease. He works third shift and is actually having to go into work that night. Talk about a honeymoon.

I’m hormonal, I know. And once again, I am so blessed to have this baby and we are doing this for the betterment of the child. I understand this, but I guess I’m just being a girl about it. That, and it’s SO much, SO quick, in a short amount of time. I don’t have cold feet about marrying him, I’m just ridiculously upset on how it’s happening I suppose. At least I know he purposed BEFORE I got pregnant, but still.

Any suggestions!?

Nagesh answers:

You’re making this hard on yourself! Don’t mess with the courthouse. Instead, look through the yellow pages and also place an ad on craigslist, just stating you’re seeking an officiant. It could easily be cheaper than the courthouse. Try to get a Saturday evening, but if not, aim for a weekday evening. Compare rates.

Then check with nice local restaurants and find one that has a private room for you. In most cases, this doesn’t cost anything for the room as long as you meet a food/beverage minimum. Hopefully you could get some invites out and have around 15-20 people. Restaurants love hosting weddings, so I’m sure they’d work with you on letting you bring in flowers, etc. And he can still rent a tux!

If you get going quickly, you might aim for mid-November, and I’d think that’s enough time to pull it together. Then the officiant would conduct the ceremony right there, and you’d be able to have toasts, etc. As long as you don’t get too close to Thansgiving, I’d think people would want to come.

Paul asks…

can you edit this essay if you are better in english?

“Beauty is in the eye of beholder,” is an unknown proverb in contemporary society. It is a simple sentence that does not make sense anymore. Some women, and now many more men, think social interaction and personal success are dependent on physical attraction, and unfortunately, in this society, they are frequently right. Being perfect is a common issue, but when this issue becomes an obsession it can grow into a far more serious mental illness. Plastic surgery is a huge obsession among all people including preteens, teenagers, and adolescents. It is an obsession that is fed by models and celebrities who think nothing of going under the scalpel again and again in an elusive chase after a beauty icon that does not exist. Plastic surgery is not without risk. It is not a healthy way to look perfect. Plastic surgery can affect a person physically, socially and mentally, and it can have many side effects. It is a painful procedure that can even lead to death. There is a five percent death risk for all people who undergo anesthesia, especially general anesthesia, which is used in many cosmetic surgeries (Younai). A young mother, Dehlmalyz Rios, was 26 years old when she decided to have plastic surgery. Two days after the surgery her body rejected the fat that was deposited in her calves. She died, leaving two children behind. Clearly it can ruin the lives of more than just its proponents (Peru 2). Plastic surgery includes cutting, bending, stretching and other methods to manipulate body structure in order to get a desired shape. This causes pain, discomfort, and swelling that may remain for a lifetime. Some side effects, such as physical pain, are permanent. Plastic surgery can cause depression brought on by medication used to control the aftereffects of surgery. Poor and sometimes grotesque results may also bring on depression and other emotional problems. Of course there is always the post-surgical risk of pneumonia from having to remain in bed for long periods of time or as a result of forced inactivity, and there are the risks of infection and human error. Sometimes there are emotional traumas from the surgery not having the desired effect, or the person’s inability to accept, or disappointment with, the modifications. There can also be guilt or bad feelings caused by spouses, relatives, colleague or friends. Cosmetic surgery depends a great deal on the doctor’s qualifications. There are doctors who offer surgery at very low prices who are not skilled or qualified to perform plastic surgery. Most of these doctors are untrained except for a seminar in a hotel for a few hours. Credentials aren’t checked so that people who may not even be doctors are allowed to take these seminars.
In Miami, a doctor named Reinaldo Silvestre, practiced surgery in a small office. He had very little medical training. One of his patients, named Alexandra Baez, claimed that he gave him breast implants instead of the pectoral muscle implant that he had requested (CNN). Many doctors who are performing plastic surgery are not licensed by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. They are quacks, get-rich-quick surgeons, who perform as many surgeries as they can and often under less than sterile conditions (Odenthal).
Cosmetic surgery is not for everyone. This doesn’t prevent people from seeking it. Plastic surgery costs thousands of dollars and usually requires a good deal of recovery time. Some people sacrifice their basic needs to save enough money to pay for the surgery. There are those who say that plastic surgery should not be used to change someone’s appearance for the sake of vanity. Sometimes plastic surgery taken to the extreme can make someone look less than human, as is the case with Michael Jackson. People make fun of him, but he is wealthy enough that it doesn’t seem to affect his life.

But what about the person who is not wealthy or what if a celebrity and the surgeon go wrong in making decisions? The surgeon may say he or she is sorry, but the surgeon can just walk away. The patient has to live with the awful results. But whether the surgical effects are deemed a success or failure, both the surgeon and the patient are responsible the surgery and the other performed it. With everything there is good and bad. Plastic surgery is no exception.
Cosmetic surgery can make someone feel better about their looks, which may lead to an improved life. And certainly cosmetic surgery to repair birth defects, burns, and scars is a boon. But people need to realize that looking like a Hollywood star isn’t necessarily going to change your life or make you happier. They need to understand that things can and do go wrong with plastic surgery and the decision to have plastic surgery shouldn’t be taken lightly. Because when you get right down to it, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.
Plastic surgery is a risk that is undertaken with both sorrow and pleasure. Before making a decision, a person must consider risks such as unexpected costs, untrained surgeons, and physical pain during and after surgery. People should not be taken in by how inexpensive a surgery is; rather, they should be concerned about the most important thing of all: life. Plastic surgery is preferable for people who don’t have other options, but it is not the best way to look like those Hollywood models and celebrities.

Nagesh answers:

Your first paragraph is waaaaaay too long! Remember, a paragraph should have an opening statement, a closing statement that summarizes the paragraph, and a few sentences in between, all on the same topic.

I hated English in high school! Good luck!

Chris asks…

I just need opinions,?

now my life isn’t terrible, but like everyone I have my issues. My father and I have never had the greatest relationship. We just don’t talk, the odd time we do talk we are at each other throats (sometimes literally). I am 17 and for the last 4 years ive been into the drugs, the drinking, the sex. but over the last year i have taken it upon myself to turn things around. things got really bad with my family for a while. constantly getting kicked out from 14-16, parents have called the police on me numerous times to take me away. so far the police havent had any reason to take me away. and have reminded my parents that i am their child and their responsibility, and need to try and work things out. once i hit 16 they were constantly reminding me “legally we CAN kick you out now” my parents never wanted to take the time to see why i was acting the way i was. they will look at other families and judge them comment on how the parents dont see how their parenting skills are affecting their kids. some of my friends will come over. some have many issues, and i will say something like “yea shes been having alot of troubles lately with her drinking” or something like that and right away she will say “well look at the fmaily she comes from no wonder the kid is the way she is”. what im trying to point out is that they are quick to judge other families and are always criticizing other parents but never take a step back and think about what maybe they are doing wrong as parents. I feel that calling your daughter a drug addict, high school drop out (i did not drop out i transfered to an alternative school, which i am doing very well in, 88% average), family fuck up. my father thinks i have a hidden agenda, and that i am trying to corrupt the family, and that i use my manipulation skills to turn the world against him. and honestly yes teenagers can be evil, but i have more to worry about than fucking my dad over. last january i asked for family counceling. they declined and said that i needed counceling. and they shouldnt have to waste there time because i have problems. so i went to the schools social worker and asked for help. finally got help after a few months. now i have given up drugs (coke, perscription drugs, ecstacy, ketamine….so on), given up certain friends and have lost some of the most important people in my life in the process. they still go on about how i will never change, how i will never be good enough, how i deserved to be dumped by my abusive boyfriend. how my home isnt my home its theres and if i want to stay there i have to follow their rules. I cook, i clean, i see a psyciatrist, family therapist, who both say that i am doing very well and are both impressed that i was the one who asked for help with the family. My life could be worse, but im just not happy. not with myself, my family, my friends. and i have been looking for a way out for a while. its hard to make enough money to support yourself at 17 and still going to school. i just want to be somewhere where people are constantly talking down to me and appreciate how hard i try and support me. i have no where to go. and talking to therapists doesnt always help. so i guess this was just kind of a rant. but im always being told by my family that i am wrong. i dont get opinions from my friends cuz i dont trust them enough to ask. i just feel like i need someone other than a therapist to tell me that im not worthless, im not a drug addict, im not fucking my whole family over, and im just not an all around terrible person.

Nagesh answers:

Wow. Im sorry. My lif isnt nearly as bad as yours seems to be but i undertand the feeling of just wanting everyone to know 🙂 i rant online all the time. Im sorry to hear about how your family treats you. Let me be one to congradulate you on quitting drugs. That must have been really hard for you. If your parents are threatening to kick you out, my advice would be to leave on your own. To let them know that you dont need them around to live. If you have nowhere to go, maybe you have a close friend to stay with for a while? I sincerely hope that you can overcome all this. If your parents are having judging issues, and you and your dad are at eachothers throats, why not while youre arguing make a point to tell him how you feel. Then when he cools off enough to think straight, grab a beer, and relax, he might actually think about the things you screamed at him 🙂 i hope you can find a way through this. Good luck

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Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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