Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Sandra asks…

Is life just a money-oriented game, like e-bay?

Real Estate, jewelry, clothing, cars, hair products, funerals, weddings, boats, vacations, auctions, jobs, everything seems to revolve around money, competition, selling, scheming etc.

Everyone seems to automatically, like robots, do it day by day, without really thinking much about how screwed up it all is.

To me it’s soulless, and meaningless, and if anything, makes us all into statistics. Statistics which buy, sell, trade, and are nothing more than..well nothing, to others.

I know to religious people that’s not the case, but most of them are escapists that aren’t living in the real world, and if they are, they have to notice the money-oriented world that we’re living in, and how completely stupid, soulless and retarted it is.

People should value things like their possessions, houses, etc, and nowadays it’s not about valuing. It’s about image, quantity, money, selling, competing, etc.

Life is basically like one big shopping mall. It’s so sad.

Am I alone on this?
If I’m right, which I think I am, then is there a way to rise above all this or deal with it?

I don’t see how I can be wrong, it’s blatantly obvious. Just look at the business section, all the corporations out there.

Stock market experts are just very smart game players, in a sense.

This world to me at least, is just freaking evil.

It’s a completely soulless intellectual game.

We’ve managed to turn ourselves, humans, into meaningless nothings, in which the brain is the only thing we value, that and money.

How come no one else sees this? lol.
louisiana lover, you’re right but they’re so F8cking evil in all their ways, and there are books written on the subjects, yet people worship these pr9cks like gods.

It’s unbelievable and our society is unbelievable.

Nagesh answers:

I agree.its about the rich gathering up all the eggs from the poor mans basket.if there is a certain amount of money in the nation and it is all backed by gold,then all money is merely circulating the country.the goal of the rich is to grab the money and hold on to it so that there is less money in it comes their way they grab it and dont let go.the poor have no other choice but to spend being they have little assets and nothing to fall back on.thats how they keep getting more broke and the rich get richer.additionally if there is less money being circulated then the rich invest in ways to tempt the public into spending more on things you listed so they can get all of the money.i propose for all to stop spending,withdraw from banks and investments,and hold on to it as long as possible and force the rich to go broke.kinda veered off subject there.yeah,we all should live like the tibetan monks and pull our interest from such things you listed.

Chris asks…

Is the international bond market a ponzi scheme?

Where is all the money coming from? Who is financing American, British, French, Japanese and other nations with massive debts? The math doesn’t seem to add up. Is there real money in the rest of the world to loan to these huge borrowers? Isn’t another crisis inevitable?

Nagesh answers:

Whenever you make an investment you are giving someone a loan. Companies sell their ownership as stocks to raise capital.
Bonds are just loans to governments. Some are good and some are bad.

Lisa asks…

How can you still claim that global warming is real?

We have had a very cold and snow filled winter in the U.S. with places that don’t usually get snow getting it multiple times in a single month. Why does this not seem odd to the naive fools that scream global warming from the rooftops every chance they get? Clearly the global warming movement has been exposed as the politicized money making farce that it is.

Nagesh answers:

Yes there is credible evidence against global warming but it is very difficult to find.
The thinking seems to go that we have cycles and that now we are in a warming cycle. Some credible experts feel that we could be entering a new cooling cycle and another ice age. The earth changes naturally. The Sahara desert was once a thriving farm area. Much of the Southeast USA was once prairie land.

The problem is that no papers that question the causes of global warming can get a peer review even when they are meticulously researched, footnoted, and soundly scientific. The “peers” only want the evidence in favor of their bogus science brought out so they can fund pet projects. You’ll have to go to alternate sources.

Information from ice cores could help scientist understand how earth’s climate has varied over time, so could tree rings. However, most ice core and tree ring sampling is limited to areas giving the desired data. There should be interpolations of all data from all-available ancient ice cores and tree rings. Just another example of selectively bogus science.

Dissenting scientists make up more than 12 times the 52 UN scientists who authored the media EXAGGERATED IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.
Over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC, The University of East Anglia (UEA), and former Vice President Al Gore. These 650 international scientists, many of them current and former UN IPCC scientists, have now turned against the UN.

Now who stands to gain if they can shove this absurd bullshit down our collective throats along with the tyrannical Cap and Trade tax?
General Motors.
Chrysler Motors.
Jeffery Immelt, CEO of GE, parent company of NBC Universal and a member of Obama’s economic advisory board.
T. Boone Pickens and his wind farming scheme
Al Gore. Or is it Dr. Al Gore now?

U.S. And world temperature records are compromised by monitoring station errors. (Head lines from the Orange County Register).

More then 89 percent of stations used to collect data for the global warming data “fail to meet the National Weather Service’s own siting requirements” that say stations must be located at least 100 feet from artificial heat sources. Stations are found located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering hot rooftops and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat.

There is also recorded data from non-existing weather stations and weather monitors.

Information from ice cores could help scientist understand how earth’s climate has varied over time, so could tree rings. However, most ice core and tree ring sampling is limited to areas giving the desired data. There should be interpolations of all data from all-available ancient ice cores and tree rings. Just another example of selectively bogus science.

Of course they can make models proving global warming, you can produce models of almost any data, very easy when you can control the inputs.

I am not sure what they know about gasses, nothing by the lies they are trying to prove. If they knew anything, they would stop their mendacious duping of everyone with their bogus science. 98% of any global warming is caused by water vapor.

There is no end to gullible wackos.



David asks…

Why do people care about how other people spend their money?

Why do some people get so upset when somebody has a nice handbag or sunglasses or whatever and claim that they are shallow or money-lovers or whatever? I just don’t understand what makes people feel that they want to judge that.
I mean, I don’t judge people who have thousands of dollars of knick-knacks (sp?) or candles or whatever all over their house, yet that is a waste of just as much money.
People make a set amount of money and how they spend it is their business.
Anyway, what I’m asking is – WHY do people care if someone has a nice car or jeans or handbag? Is it jealousy or anger over global irresponsibility or capitalism or what?
I think I’ve given my own opinion but I want to hear other peoples’ opinions.
To those of you think I’m rich because I asked this question you may not have looked closely enough. I was asking an honest question and I know that people are starving in other countries but that doesn’t change the fact that people who have money (no matter the amount) spend it how they want.
BTW I wear $25 jeans and don’t even own a handbag or expensive anything. So thanks for your snarky answers.
Wow! Thanks to those of you who have answered honestly. I really just wanted to hear other peoples’ opinions. I live in a small town where there aren’t a lot of name brands so I was just curious.

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of reasons, but here are some that I came up with. Some people are jealous, don’t like your purchase, would rather not be reminded that they can’t afford a like item (they feel sorry for them self), realize how hard it is to make the extra money when hard times come (so save it instead for the rainy day), realize that things can give a thrill but don’t really make you happy (it usually calls for more-more-more), see lots of ways that the money could be used to benefit others that have true needs, gives the opinion that you think you are better than others (this would be the concern of one that really cares about you and wants others to see your true and best self), know that things in the scheme of eternity don’t mean much (you can’t take it with you), they have gotten old enough that things don’t mean much and it is a real problem to get rid of a lot of accumulate stuff so why waste your money, or they have learned that giving is a lot more fulfilling than getting. In saying all this, my passion is travel. I can certainly spend a lot on it, but I also have to evaluate my reasons and use wise judgment.

Paul asks…

How do you get wealthy in the real estate market?

For “real” answers…not schemes. I want to purchase condos and rent them out. Which way has worked for you?

Nagesh answers:

It certainly hasn’t been condos.

Condos have one strike against them we don’t like:
They have that monthly HOA fee.

Occupied or vacant, it has to be paid.

AND some HOAs have restrictions about renting out any of the properties.

Our family found its better to stick with single family dwellings.

The money is earned at the time the broperty is purchased.

Inside of the row, townhomes. There’s only two sides and the roof to maintain.

ALL the burden of utilities, cable, satellite TV and whatever else the tenant wants, needs or desires is placed on the tent. Taxes and fire insurance are included in the rent.

The tenant is advised about “Tenant’s Insurance”. Whether or not they decide to get it is their business. If there is a claim, the burden IS STILL ON THEM.

One HUGE caveat: There are municipalities which require retro-fitted sprinkler systems in single family dwellings. Investigate – BEFORE you invest.

In real estate there are two very old expressions:
1] You [the Buyer] names the price.
They [the Seller] names the terms.

You [the Buyer] names the terms.
They [the Seller] names the price.

Somewhere in the middle there might be an agreement on price and terms.

2] A property – any property – is ONLY worth what the Buyer is willing to pay for it AND what the Seller is willing to sell it for – not one dollar more or less!

AND, when financing is involved, what the lender will appraise the property for and lend money for the mortgage.

THE ONLY way you’re going to find out what the Seller’s bottom line is, is to make a written offer on the property.

By the way: DON’T EVEN TRY naming the price AND the terms. It’s a to9tal waste of time and very frustrating and aggravating.

THEN after you actually acquire the property, who is going to manage it? UNLESS you know what to do and how to do it, use the services of a real estate broker who has a reputation for renting and PROPER property management.

Section 8 tenants are great – as long as they are properly qualified in the same manner as conventional tenants.

Join a real estate investment group or two AND BE ACTIVE! Get to be known as a “can-do” kind of person.

There is A LOT more info to have and use.

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

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Monday, September 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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