Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Maria asks…

What’s the quickest way to deposit money into my UK Barclays account from Australia?

I’m in Australia for the next few months and need to deposit cash into my UK bank account as quickly as possible. Does anyone know where I can do this?

Nagesh answers:

Try a currency conversion company – they offer better rates than banks and they are really efficient. You can set up an account online and process it all very easily. We recommend HIFX / Currency Online to our readers as we have heard rave reviews about their service and exchange rates

Carol asks…

how to start my online gambling website for real money not for fun?

1- How much does cost to establish my own gambling website for real money not for fun?
2- is there any company can handle everything from A-Z in hosting and design and domain buying and everything?
3- regarding paying via my website how we can mange it?how to connect the website payment with bank account?
4- is there any special regulations for such online businesses?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Saed,

1. If you mean to own an online casino where people actually place bets, it is expensive to get started. You need to have a large amount of money so that you can pay out winners. The casino always wins in the long run, but your business needs to be able to handle the ups and downs that are experienced in the short run. You will also have to obtain software, either by developing it in-house or by teaming up with a white label software provider.

2. Yes – Look for a white label gambling provider. Do a Google search for “white label gambling site” to learn about the companies that offer this service.

3. Payments are complicated because the law varies widely around the world. Your online casino will have a worldwide player base and you will have to set up payments that are accessible to all players. This means you need to be able to send payments to players in Chile, Canada and the UK quickly. Some countries have strong anti-gambling laws and it is very difficult (and legally dangerous) to send payments to those players.

4. Yes, there are special regulations for such an online business. You will need to research the laws in every single jurisdiction from which you will accept customers. This is complicated, costly and the laws are often unclear.

If you don’t already have an intimate knowledge of the gambling business, I would suggest you look into becoming an affiliate instead. As an affiliate, you run a gambling website and refer players to casinos. You do not own the casino, but you do get paid by the casino for sending players. This can be a very lucrative business and it is much simpler. Take a look at the forums to learn about the business.

Linda asks…

How can I raise some money quickly?

I am in a long distance relationship. We have been together five years. He lives in the Uk and I like in Australia. We have been doing the long distance thing for a year and a half. At the moment we are waiting for his visa approval so he can live here with me. I was planning on going to visit him this year, but I have realised that I just can’t afford it. I broke my leg earlier this year and due to this and the two operations I have had to have for my leg, I can’t afford to go. This means that I can’t see him until his visa is approved as he has already come here this year (when I broke my leg). We have no idea when this will be.
So anyway, I need to raise some money to go over there, because this is killing me. I don’t want to get into debt but I just don’t know how else I would raise the money.
Any ideas??? Know anyone rich, who has a heart??? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you shouldn’t travel when you have had a broken leg. There’s that pulmonary thing that people get on long flights. If you really want to raise money, you can try selling your stuff on ebay. Or you could ask your friends and family to donate frequent flyer miles to you, or you could call up the local newspaper and ask them to feature your story and see if anyone will donate the miles to you. Or you could get a second job to earn enough money to go. Or you just wait and be patient, like people in wartime. You’re smart not to get into debt to do it, though. Good luck.

Betty asks…

non traditional ways to invest and save money for a house?

I am looking for some non conventional or out of the ordinary uncommon ways to save and invest money. this is for 5-7 of investing.

Nagesh answers:

If you want a quick return on your money then trading in cfd,s is the way to go.
You dont actually buy shares as such but buy a contract on the assets.
You then earn or lose money on the opening and closing price of the asset.
Many people have got rich very quick from cfd’s but there is also the risk of losing money quickly.
Finding a broker will help as they can advice you on stops that sell when the
asset falls below a certain amount you can afford to lose.
You can find more information at

Joseph asks…

How do I transfer money quickly?

Does anyone know the quickest way to transfer money from an account in Ireland to my daughters in the uk. Need to get it to her no later than 3 days.

Nagesh answers:

Walk into any branch of her bank in Ireland and deposit the money in cash. That’ll be immediate with no ‘international’ problems.

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Monday, September 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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