Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Joseph asks…

How can i make money as a teenager?

Im 13 and im trying to make some money in my neighborhood. Ive tried washing cars and mowing lawns etc, but nothing really works for me! im too young to get a part time job, or make money off the internet so i cant seem to make any money what so ever! any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If I were in your shoes, I would look at family friends/parents of friends that have small businesses and see if they will let you work there after school. When I was 17 I used to work at a 2 person (plus me) upholstery shop that would constantly have friends’ kids working there.

Daniel asks…

How can i make money? (teenager) x?

im 14,15 in march. my mum wont give me money for doing choures, i cant find a job anywere and theres not really anyone i can do babysitting for and i want to save £30 to get a bit on my ear done! PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS 🙁 x

Nagesh answers:

Ask relatives for it, online surveys..
But there give prizes rather than rewards.
Make cookies and go door to door lol…
Set up a lemonade, bake sale stand.
~ William

Laura asks…

Ideas to make money for X-mas gifts?

OK, I’m an unemployed teenager with little extra income. I need a way to get enough money for Christmas gifts. I will need about $50 to make within two or three weeks.

I like photography and video editing. Is there something I could do with that?

Nagesh answers:

Photography is going to take quite a while to build any kind of career/business in, unfortunately…
For quick cash, your best bet is working for a relative; you could also try advertising as a babysitter or housecleaner, especially if you belong to a church or some other kind of network to make it easier to spread the word.

If you can’t find work – dig the old clothes out of the closet and list them on ebay! A lot of things sell better during holiday season, so this is definitely worth a shot! =)

Robert asks…

Ideas for me(a teenager) on how to make money, then how to advertise that idea?

im a freshman in HS and i need a way to make money this school year. ive tried babysitting, but i dont have anyone to sit for anymore and dont know how to advertise within my neighborhood. id rather not bbsit, id like to do some sort of dogsitting/dog-walking service, buti have NO idea how to promote it! i want to stay within my neighborhood, cuz theres tons of families w/dogs. help me figure out how to advertise this please??

Nagesh answers:

Simple You need PTC(paid to click) sites or advertising sites..

All the details you need is in my blog.. Instructions are settled there..
Actually I earned money already.. In $.. Just read my blog..

Follow my link:

Sandy asks…

I have 3 good business ideas targeted towards teenagers, but I keep seeking for more?

I have 3 good business ideas targeted toward teenagers, since I’m a teenager myself. I have a lot of entrepreneurial experience. One of them helps teenagers make money & the other is an innovative idea for an online tutoring company etc. I’ve seeked advice from family, online and through venture capital funds and they all agree that the ideas are excellent. I believe some of them have millionaire potential (my aim is to reach a million in revenue so I can become a big philanthropist) but for some reason I spend the majority of my time trying to think of new ones. I am constantly researching and seeking the next big ideas because for some reason I feel like businesses targeted towards teenagers online will not too make much. I don’t know why? It’s weird. How can I stop trying to constantly think of more ideas when the ones I have already are good enough?
@Matt B If you understood & knew more about the tutoring idea you would know why many teenagers would use it, but I don’t want to put it on here just in case it’s stolen. Thanks anyway.

Nagesh answers:

This is pretty common. And you are right that it is a bit of a problem. New ideas can distract you from focussing on, and developing your existing main idea. What many entrepreneurs do is purchase an idea journal – one page for each idea. As more details occur to you enter them on the idea page they go with. This frees your mind up to stay focussed… Without losing those other great ideas that you may develop in time as your customer database grows and changes.

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Sunday, September 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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