Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

William asks…

I need about $350 dollars ASAP so that I can make a deposit on my apartment?

I’m a college student and I found a good apartment for a reasonable price. But the only problem is I dont receive my money to pay for the rent and deposit until the fifth of January, two other people have already looked at the apartment so if I wait it out, the chances of me ending up with it are slim. I need good suggestions on ways to get the money that are quick and legal if anyone has had this problem before. I was kind of thinking about a loan, but where should I take the loan out? I bank with Chase and their website said nothing about personal loans other than student loans which have to be approved by my school and that will take way too long.

Nagesh answers:

I am Gabriella by name, I live in Canada , just a few weeks ago I was in search for a loan of $ 25,000 Dollars, as
my family was running out of money for feeding and my education. I was scammed about $4,500 Dollars and I decided not to
involve my self in such business again finally A colleague of my introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings. I made a trial and I am most grateful am I today, I was given a loan amount of 20,000 Dollars by this great firm,

If you are in need of a genuine or legit
loan or financial assistance and you can be reliable and trusted of capable of paying
back at the due time of the funds I will advice you to, contact him via email


best regards

Lizzie asks…

18 years old and looking to start investing, any advice?

Im an 18 year old college student and I want to learn the proper way of investing in the stock market. I am not looking for a get rich quick scam, or to become the next Warren Buffet, but I would like to be able to understand the market, and intelligently invest in stocks. Since I am young I feel this is the perfect time to learn the market, and put the money I make to good use. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Many things are better learn in practice than in theory, so I would suggest you start by getting a hold of stock market activity written daily in your cities main paper, and/ or any of the larger national ones. I used to look at this (most out of curiosity, and to learn something extra), by looking for the market lists on a local hispanic paper, and also the Miami Herald_something which I haven’t done in at least a decade and don’t even know of this is still being listed.

Next, turn on CNN and/ or FOX (in cable), every saturday morning as early as possible; you’ll be able to catch quite a few programs. Be prepare to “want to turn off or change channel” when there’s a TV screen split in three while those three financial reporters on Fox talk their heads off about their dissenting views. But stick to it and you’ll probably learn a lot. And then there’s Neil Cavuto on FOX, and Ali Velshi on CNN, both of which are now heading newscasts, but have mostly been doing financial segments for years and both are extremely good. Can’t tell you though what time they’re on now. And, look around for what cable channel now has Erin Burnett. She used to be on CNBC, but I no longer have that channel. She is very young but she’s a real expert.

Sharon asks…

How do I get into forex silver trading?

Oh god I know I’m going to get tons of spam responses here but here goes… Hopefully there are some honest people out there.

My dad keeps advising me to get into forex silver trading. The way he has described it makes it seem great; that there are high profit yields and low risks when using a forex platform. But it’s been extremely hard for me to find honest advice out there in the interweb, as most sites just seem to be biased and self promoting. I’m considering investing $500 dollars or so and would like to find a program that works, but it’s been really hard to get any good factual information.

My dad explained that forex works in things called “pips” where every penny of gain/loss in silver is worth around $5.00. So if silver increased ten cents today, you would have profited $50 or lost $50 if it was the other way around. My dad explained that programs will have an option to sell if silver gets below a certain point to mitigate your losses. If I was investing in $200 lets say, I could lose the money quick if I wasn’t watching it, but if a program was doing it for me… Well then it sounds like it would be too easy to profit.

My dad isn’t particularly rational and I think he doesn’t know how to sort through the junk of misinformation in the business world. For me, trying to find information on silver trading on the internet is much more difficult then trying to find factual information about a subject in college, as most people out there seem to be solely concerned into manipulating people into acting in a given behavior that benefits their pocket book.

Please give me some advice on how to get into forex silver trading as a young and broke student (supposing that one should get into it at all!).

Flavius, what do you think the point of this question is? Did you even read my post? I’m not about to spend $500 NOW. I’m trying to get more information from good sources before I invest, and I don’t expect to get all that information from yahoo answers anyways.

I don’t mean that high profit and low risk are something inherently related to any investment scheme. I meant that a computer program would be able to manage risks through math rather than human reasoning, like commands to “sell” when x object drops below Y dollar amount. It doesn’t seem like that difficult of a concept.

Now could anyone else, that can actually read, please advise me?

Nagesh answers:

Trade silver high risk. As you already know, if it goes 10 cents the other way, you will loss $50.
That’s counting standard lot in silver which 1 lot is 5000troy.

If you want lower risk, just trade gold. 1 lot gold is 100troy.

And if you want to start as small as $200 i will certainly not recommend you to jump into silver.
It’s very high risk (and high return)
but with $200, trade 0.01lot (1troy) of gold is quite safe. Low risk with reasonable returns.
Targeting 20% return each month is very rationale. Even 50% monthly return is not impossible.

If you insist trading silver, i would recommend a minimum $500 to trade 0.01lot (50 troy) silver.
Find a broker that allow micro lot.

Watch the trade size very carefully. What i recommend is a safe trading that let you have consistent profit without affected by too much fear when the market is against you.
Any size more than 0.01lot will give you extra fear and easily take all your money away.
(or make you rich very quickly)

in short, any size more than that would not be trading. It would become gambling.
So, it’s your choice. Trading consistently or gambling.

Laura asks…

Insurance help? Hospital Bill?

So basically i went to the hospital for abdominal pains. And they did blood work, cat scan and urinalysis. i have no insurance at all, i’m a full college student, and my mom only makes less than 30,000 a yr. my bill came out 1,000, plus 400 for blood work, and 400 for some other stuff. Is there a way i could get medical insurance to reduce my bill? like medi cal or like some quick insurance for college students. it’s too much money for our family? i need help thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Medical insurance does not reduce bills for anything that has already happened. Medical insurance only reduces the bills for things in the future, things that happen while you have insurance. Getting insurance now will not reduce these bills. To these bills reduced by insurance, you had to get insurance before you went to the hospital. It is too late now.

Mary asks…

i need a quick student loan?

can anyone help me. im trying to get a student loan before the next semester to pay for a 6 month lease at an apartment complex. so i need one that i can get asap. i dont have any family or no anyone who knows anything about them or college that can help me out with my questions.i need one for like 3000$ bc im 18 and need a cosigner, the only way my dad will cosign for me is if i give him the entire 6 months rent upfront so i dont screw him over. i failed my last semester also bc its hard to study hard, bc im that type of person who has to study boku, when ur living with ur dad and brother in 1 bedroom apartment and sleeping on the floor and have no space or personal room or quiet time to study or focus. ive been working 40+ hours a week trying to save up but i dont think i will have enough money for the lease b4 the next semester. someone please help me out with my question im really trying to do good and make something out my life and cant afford to fail another semester.

Nagesh answers:

Have you tried filling out the FAFSA to see what you can get? You don’t need a cosigner for that!

Hope this helps.

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Sunday, July 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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