Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Richard asks…

I have a debate about fast food in school?

My class is doing a debate about fast food in school. My group is for fast food in school. I need help about what the other team will say. This is what I think they might say:
1.Students will get fatter because of the fast food.
2.The food might make the students not concentrate during class.
3.If we bring fast food it will encourage teens and kids to buy it.
4.Using fast food would use up the money the students and the school have.
Do any of you have any other ideas? I already got answers about the sentences above. Here are the answers I have for 1-4.
1. Teens mostly order the unhealthy foods on the menus; our goal is to put the healthy parts.
2. Students go without lunch everyday because they don’t like the, It’s better for them to eat and have energy than to not eat.
3. Doing this will also encourage them to buy the healthy foods and they will learn how to make their own eating habits.
4. We can work the prices so it’ll be cheaper and they’ll have money for their use.
Please help?

Nagesh answers:

You could work salt content in there somewhere, ive read that some so called healthy food especially some fruits contain more natural salt than some fast food brands, google it if i dont edit this with the right info when ive found it as that will really shut them up!!!

Jenny asks…

Ideas for a summer job?

I am a 15- year old girl who would like to get a summer job in order to make some extra money. I love kids and babysit for a few families; I am not interesting in working in the fast food industry. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Since you like kids, check with local day cares. They will love the fact that you have experience working with kids. You could also be a camp counselor if your parents will let you go away for the summer. That’s a really fun job and one I loved as a teenager.

James asks…

How do you think becoming a cashless society will change us?

We are fast becoming cashless. People have use debit cards or credit cards more then cash in the last few years. Do you think this is good or bad? With things like direct deposit we don’t even see pay checks anymore. Sure its easier, but do we spend more? Does not being able to see the bills growing smaller in our wallets make it easer to spend it? Does it worry anyone else that all of our finances are data in computer instead of in our hand? Does it make it hard for kids to understand how much money people really have and spend when they never see cash? Thoughts, Ideas, Input? Just trying to speed up a cold snowy day here!
Thanks guys, but I’m not talking about religion at all, I’m talking about money and how it will shape us. And try to remember that not everyone is a christian. There have been many predictions from many peoples and religions and hey are vague and hard to understand.

Nagesh answers:

Personally, I think the idea of money is outmoded. We’d all be better off if we got rid of it and worked collectively for the greater good.

Chris asks…

I need to earn some pretty fast cash. Aside from dealing drugs, what are my options?

All kidding aside, I’m going to need to pay my college tuition in a few weeks. It’s only about $1,300 (Community College) but I don’t have enough money to pay for it. Any ideas on what I could do to make some quick money.
Anybody know of any of those Survey Sites that actually work? The “Get paid for your opinions” sites?

Nagesh answers:

The way I made the fastest money this summer was by putting my name in the classified ads saying that I was open to doing odd jobs like house/pet sitting, yard work, house work, running errands, etc. I got quite a few calls from it and was able to make $10-15 per hour depending on the job. It was really nice because you get paid right away, the hours are flexible, and it really pays well! Good luck!

Donald asks…

………………..???? 10 points! ……………………….?

ok. so i am 13. and i am getting very stressed about my financial future. i know people are going to say “your 13, why worry about it now?” but it is a waste of both of our time, so please don’t. i am wondering about types of savings accounts. what would be the best one? like for now when i am 18 when im a mom, when im retired..etc. and which earns the most interest? i plan on having 5 kids, so i need money. and does anyone have any ideas on how to make money fast? just pretty much what do you know about financial issues? the one who helps the most gets 10 points, you don’t have to answer all of my questions.

Nagesh answers:

You have no idea how smart you are for thinking about this at your age! GOOD FOR YOU!

First, as far as “making money fast”–if you find the answer, let me know!! From my life’s worth of experience, the only way is “slow and steady”. At least in the beginning. Once you’ve saved some money you can invest it so it’s making more money, and faster than a regular savings account.

Right now, savings accounts, money market accounts and CD’s (certificates of deposit) aren’t earning a lot of interest, but they’re the most secure place to put your money. You’ll probably have to “shop around” to see what different banks, savings & loans or credit unions (my personal favorite) are paying in interest. Think about checking accounts, too. Find an institution that doesn’t charge monthly fees, or “per check” fees. There are a lot of things to compare, and what works best for me may not work best for you. You’re parents bank would be a good place to start looking. Commit to saving a portion (5-10%) of everything you get–whether it’s from a job, allowance, birthday money–whatever. Put it in a savings account and don’t touch it.

While your saving a little at a time, be sure to get your education. I’m not talking ONLY about school–learn all you can about investing and various forms of investing. There’s so much more out there than just the stock market. Investing in your own financial education is something that is always the “right” thing to do.

There are a couple of books I recommend to everyone who’s interested, and I’ll assume you are. First, the best book I’ve ever found about budgeting, and it’s written in story form is “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason. You can probably find it at your library, or at a used book store for under $5. The second one is called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. Actually, I recommend everything he has written, as well as all of his “Rich Dad’s Advisors” books.

I don’t think you can actually quantify a specific amount, but if you get into the habit of saving, as well as living well within (or beneath) your means, you’ll be ahead of 95% of everyone else!! Good luck!!

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Friday, July 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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