Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Sandy asks…

please give you’re opinion on this article?

‘Sugar Crisis’ a ‘MoneyMaking Hoax Concocted by Traders’
CEBU CITY — A group of sugar workers in Negros island was shocked to learn that the price of sugar in some parts of the country has reached a high of P60 per kilo amid news of an apparent crisis on the supply of the commodity.
“It is premature to declare that we are suffering from a shortage of sugar supply,” said Rundio Dagu-ob, national council member of the National Federation of Sugar Workers (NFSW). “How can they say that our sugar supply is depleting when in fact the milling season in Negros and other parts of the country is just entering its peak?”
The Negros Island, otherwise known as Sugarlandia, is the country’s biggest supplier of sugar, producing at least 60 percent of the Philippines’s sugar demand.
“We believe that this is a hoax concocted by sugar traders who wish to cash in on an apparent crisis scenario,” Dagu-ob said.
With the so-called crisis, an increase in the price of this valued commodity can easily be justified, Dagu-ob said, forcing the government to intervene by importing sugar from other countries at a high price, and selling it here at a subsidized price.
Dagu-ob maintains that collusion between sugar traders in the country and that of other countries could be possible, as both parties could greatly benefit from the crisis.
He said that the group is also surprised at the move of the Department of Agriculture asking for government, through the National Food Authority, to import at least 150,000 metric tons of sugar apparently to stabilize the price of the commodity.
“This is a first in eight years. For such a long time we have been self-sufficient in terms of supplying the local demand for sugar, in fact we are exporting sugar to the US because we have an oversupply of sugar here,” Dagu-ob said.
“This is uncalled for. In fact, the Sugar Regulatory Administration itself has declared that sugar production for crop year 2009-2010 is estimated at 2.16 million metric tons, even declaring that the country’s domestic sugar ending inventory to be at its normal level,” he said.
He said this move by the SRA is “not all about price stability” and branded it as a moneymaking scheme. “While farm workers are suffering from unfair labor conditions, from harassments, and below minimum wage, the government is conniving with unscrupulous traders to come up with a crisis that is nonexistent,” Dagu-ob said.
“And for what? To give these traders and hacienderos more money that they can use to make our lives even more miserable?” he lamented. “While we are the one producing sweet sugar, we cannot afford to buy sugar because many are living in extreme poverty and lack.”
Instead of encouraging traders to create a scenario of a crisis, Dagu-ob said government should look into the condition of farm workers and help them attain land, food, and a sustainable source of income.
Dagu-ob said government should be focusing on pushing for the passing of the Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill and not waste its time on “nonsense speculations and useless bickering.”
Ronald Ian Evidente, the spokesman of Kilusang Mayo Uno in Negros, suggested that instead of government focusing on the perceived problems, they should pay attention to the real problems hounding the labor sector, especially that of sugar workers.
“Arroyo and the House of Representatives must look after the consumers’ welfare and not the landlords and the sugar and oil cartels that are keen at manipulating prices to siphon profit from consumers. Wage increase is a must amidst this economic crisis,” Evidente said, adding that designating House Bill 1722 as an urgent bill would benefit the economy more than the importation of sugar. The bill calls for the raising of basic wages by P125 per day across the board.
“What’s the purpose of sugar importation? To project a ‘sugar shortage scenario’ and to justify sugar importation? Or is this a plot by both sugar barons and the cartel to raise funds for the coming 2010 elections?” Evidente said.

Nagesh answers:

I read it to like the middle. Then it started getting a little boring. Sorry.

Robert asks…

Christians, you believe so much in god but when it comes to following his teachings…?

You won’t. God said the more you give the more you will receive. My pastor said that. So then why we don’t have religious people giving a lot of things, maybe even give half of their food to poor and starve a bit.

There are people that believe in god 100% but still do wrong.

Those that believe only because they are afraid but only expect things to come to them, they are not giving

Those that only believe because they want to gossip after church service and want attention by screaming when people pray

Those that think they believe but don’t go to church at all. Don’t pray at all. But if you ask them if they believe in god, they say yes

If you believe in god, will you forgive someone that raped your child, abused your mum, killed your dad or whatever that has happened?

If god is real , why does he create abnormal children. Children with rare diseases or disabled children?

Why does he allow miscarriages? What did the unborn do so wrong to be sentenced to death?? Or lifetime of suffer??

And lastly, If a person raped killed stole hijacked abused tortured before, will he go to heaven if he ask for forgivness just before he dies( like before death sentence or whatever) . If he is sincere and really means it.
By the way, I stopped going to church for like 3 years now. I think its a money making scheme and pastors themselves are liars and don’t believe. Only a few pastors truely believe. The rest want money

I say the only god exists, is money . . .

Nagesh answers:

I understand your feelings friend. Jesus proclaimed that many, most will go to hell and very few will enter heaven. Now how can it be that all the tens of thousands of churches in America today all believe they are going to heaven? Get the idea? The multitudes believe they are going to heaven and are being taught that they are, but blatantly with great arrogance they disregard what Jesus says.

Today we have apostate churches. It is a church that appears Godly, but is not truly of God. It believes not the true Gospel of Jesus, or it pretends to believe, but will not obey. It is a fine religion that does little but serve itself. It is a cult. This church has a form of Godliness but denies the power of God. It tickles the ears of its members with good tidings. It’s a “social” gathering. Repentance, holiness and good works are frowned upon. Just because all the churches are doing the same things does not negate God’s Word or His commands.

The church system you see today is not Biblical. It is a system built by men to serve themselves.
The only time a collection of money was taken by Christians was to help each other and to send forth someone to proclaim the Gospel. This process of taking money from the flock to enrich the pastor, or even to earn a living from the flock, is not Biblical at all. It is a man-made process to become wealthy at the congregation’s expense. Jesus warned us that many would come in His name to deceive and many there are doing just that! Your pastor or your denomination owns the deed to your church, not the congregation. The individual in the congregation pays for this. On judgment day you will be held accountable for being a good or bad steward. Giving your money (tithes) to these false churches gains you zero credit with God. Jesus never instructed anyone to create a church to make money. The Apostles never instructed anyone to collect money to build a church or a school. These things “appear” to be good, but they do not reach the lost for Christ and that is the bottom line. God wants the lost to be saved.

Jesus warned that the gate to heaven was narrow and the road to destruction was wide. Look in your telephone Yellow Page directory and see all the churches. There are dozens upon dozens. This is the wide road, it certainly is not a narrow one. The moment you begin to believe in your church you are in great danger. Jesus said not to follow a church. He said to follow Him. Jesus’ church is of individuals that do the will of His Father.

Friend I left my church several years ago too. I was so tired of all the false teachings and celebrations of pagan holidays. They were no different than everybody else, except they appear to be “godly”. I am certainly not perfect friend, but I try my best to live according to Jesus’ teachings. I pray and read the bible everyday. I want to live for Jesus, even if I don’t make into heaven, because I love Him. Friend, I was raped when I was seventeen years old. My innocence was stolen and my world came crashing down. I have also had two miscarriages in the past five years. There are things in my life I don’t understand, but I trust Jesus. There are answers to all of my questions; for now I am content to leave them in my Father’s keeping. (quote from Corrie Ten Boom-Holocaust survivor)

Thomas asks…

The vemma nutrition system real or a scam?

Is the vemma nutrition system a get rich quick scheme or is it really true and you can make money

Nagesh answers:


Laura asks…

Please advise?

Is the freelottery the real thing or just a scheme to make money somehow. i just bumped in to one yesterday on the net. I am scared to play what if the next thing they say that i owe them money. Is it save to play or not . Never heard of anything like freelottery i mean where do they get money from if we dont play for free?

Nagesh answers:

Stay away. I work in computer field… Stay away.

Daniel asks…

What do you think about the human life energy, chi?

Hey. I’ve first thought about the human body and its infinite ability’s that have yet to be touched when I started watching an AniMe(japanese cartoons) show called “DragonBall Z”. I know it’s a cartoon and im not saying we can turn into anything like that but I do believe that we have some amazing abilitys that can be reached that’s somewhat like it. The life energy we all have (chi, ki, chakra, etc.) has many untapped ways of healing, fighting, and strentghening us. Like the guy who can make his hands reach 350 degrees and heal people. That right there is a perfect example. I know it sounds crazy and there are people who think this is stupid but I believe it’s very real. Problem is this, day and age, the world’s focused on making money and wanting to succeed the fastest way possible whether it’s plastic surgery or get rich quick schemes. We lost all the roots and not realizing our true potential. I hope to discover these things in my life. What are your thoughts on chi?

Nagesh answers:

No such thing, just another bit of asian mysticism.

There are many old and New-age practices that utilize some form of chi/prana/qi/human energy field/aura etc etc. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that such a field or force exists. Believers claim that they are able to detect these fields with “proper” training and manipulate them to affect health, for example. When tested under scientifically controlled conditions, they can do no better than random chance ( ie guessing) at detecting an HEF, never mind affecting health outcomes in any measurable way.

In pre-scientific cultures, various mystical explanations were invented to explain disease, illness, misfortune….gods, demons, and blocked chi. These ideas all had cultural significance, but like religion, they are ideas that we as a civilization have outgrown, and by clinging to these fallacies, we are holding back social progress.

Like all religious belief, it is utter nonsense. You give yourself away when you say “I believe it’s real” Belief is not proof. Abandon superstition and embrace reality.

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Friday, July 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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