Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Jenny asks…

any indeas to fixing this?

Unwanted Invasion and Its Effects on Society
America’s exceptional status as a “nation of immi¬grants” is being challenged by globalization, which is making both migration and terrorism much easier. ( Each day at the Mexican American border there are hundreds of immigrants trying to enter the United States. Several of these immigrants enter illegally; hence, the growth in crime rates, over population of immigrants, and jobs being lost to lower class Americans.
In the population study of a sample of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than 1 arrest. Thirty-eight percent (about 210,000) had between 2 and 5 arrests, 32 percent (about 18,000) had between 6 and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about15, 000) and 11 or more arrests. (Need citation) These numbers are outrageous illegal immigrants clearly increase crime rates. Higher crime rates affect all of society. Death numbers go up as well as every other crime. When immigrants are illegal sometimes they feel the need to be exceedingly hesitant about everything causing them to react quickly, without thinking. A prime example of this happening was when a local police man was shot by and illegal immigrant all because he was pulled over for an out headlight. America is full of crime already it doesn’t need more caused by illegal immigration.
Not only are the illegal immigrants increasing crime rate they are also taking over. A former Immigration and Naturalization Service estimated that as of January 2000 the total unauthorized immigrant population residing in the United States was 7 million. This total includes those who entered the United States illegally and those who entered legally but overstayed their authorized period of stay.(CITATION) Some experts believe this is an overly conservative figure and that illegal immigrants number close to 20million.(CITATIOn) I personally, am astonished at how far we let this problem get. They are everywhere I understand if they become citizens but clearly not all of them do so. Today stores are putting Spanish signs up to help out the Hispanics. It’s terrifying to think where America will be in years to come. It may seem as if I were racist, prejudice, our stereotypical but in reality I am not. I just have a strong opinion on this migration of Hispanics. American founders have worked extremely hard to keep this country safe, free, and enjoyable. It truly is sad to see that immigrants commonly take advantage of America.
The typical reason immigrants migrate to this country is for the dinero. Jobs are at a surplus here compared to other surrounding countries. Millions of lower class Americans loose jobs to illegal immigrants; thus, poverty has gone up. Our nation’s hospitals lose money to charity treatment of illegal aliens as well. The amount of funds spent on illegal’s doctor bills is outstanding. With the growing number of uninsured illegal aliens, who cannot pay for their own claim, leads to taxpayers paying billions of extra dollars. Our economic downfall cannot handle these immigrants.

Nagesh answers:


Paul asks…

Negligence question, please assist?

Okay, this is a messed up story and now we hate each other. This happened to me and my roommate last year. Okay here is the situation:

We didn’t have a kitchen table because of the size of our apartment (we’re college students) so I was eating on the couch and there was no room to put my glass of water on the coffee table so I put it on the ground next to the couch. In regards to the table, there was no room on the coffee table because my roommates were complete slobs and never picked their plates/bowls/cups up after they were done eating and I was sick of cleaning up after them like I was their mother (Nothing that was on the table belonged to me either). Anyways, I ended up accidentally kicking the cup of water over and spilling about a half a glass of it on the carpet next to the couch. I immediately grabbed a dry rag and soaked as much up as I could just so there wasn’t water laying on the carpet. About an hour and a half later, me and my friend that was there left to go see another friend at his apartment.

Here’s where it gets messed up. While we’re over at our friends my one roommate comes over and asks who spilled the water on the carpet. I quickly said I did but that I picked it up right away. And then he replied that he found his computer (a Mac Book Pro) in a pool of water under the couch (where he had left it) and that it wouldn’t turn on anymore. Then proceeded to blame me for what happened and demanded I buy him a new Mac Book Pro. A note on the couch: it is one of those with a flap of fabric that goes to the ground so there was no way I could see under it or know that his laptop was even there at all.

Now, in the first place I am a college student and I don’t have that kind of money to throw around and also, I don’t feel like its my fault because there was nothing I could do to avoid the situation and how was I supposed to know his laptop was there. If I knew it was there I would never have put my glass of water where I did. Can someone help me out here? I feel bad about the situation but is it legally my responsibility or does he have to take charge of where he leaves his things? Also, he is being a huge ****** about the whole thing and its really making me hate him.

P.S. He also tried to turn his laptop on when it was apparently still wet, which fries the hard drive. If he would have waited until it was dry there is a very good chance that it never would have broken. This, I believe is his fault as well.

Another situation like this is if he had put the laptop on the couch and covered it with a blanket and then got mad when someone sits on it…how is that that person’s fault?

Nagesh answers:

I’d tell him to “pound salt”. Your conduct was reasonable, your actions were not deliberate, you did nothing deliberate and life goes on. It was an accident, pure and simple.

Mark asks…

any fund raising tips? Please? I need money quickly for travel.?

So for my college I was randomly selected to go on a service trip to the Bahamas this winter because of my application for the program.

Thing is, I signed up for a spring break program because I knew it would give me more time to get money. AND this trip to my bahamas is 1,300!!!!!! I don’t have that! I’m a student, and I need all the money by this December or they bill my student account.

Do you have any ways I can fund raise or market myself in order to make money quickly and legally?
I thought about singing on the street since I’m a good singer/composer, but that’d only give me pocket change!

Please! I really need help.

Nagesh answers:

Start a car wash fund drive

Michael asks…

In Ont. is it possible for a father to voluntarily relinquish his parental rights with the mother’s consent?

My ex husband abandoned me and our two children 4 months ago after a long 7 year marriage filled with multiple affairs, threats to leave, and unhealthy behavior on his part. He has never been close with either of our children and did not treat them well… they deserve much better. Long story short, it was a huge relief to finally see him go and be done with it. We have only been legally separated since a week after he left (just in January) and will be divorced in January of 2012 (unfortunately it seems we have to wait a full year after separating in order to make the divorce final… I can’t seem to find any way around this). Since then I have started seeing an amazing man who started as a good friend, but our relationship has grown and deepened into a serious and very committed one. He loves my two daughters and would like to eventually marry me and adopt the girls as his own. My ex husband wants nothing to do with the kids and has been refusing to pay child support. He is working under the table, so short of taking him to court and putting him in jail, it’d be difficult, pricey and just plain exhausting to be hounding him for the rest of my life trying to get money out of him. And he is like that… he could go his entire life without once working through the system (and reminded me of it himself). I don’t want to spend my life chasing him – I don’t want anything to do with him and he doesn’t want anything to do with us. I would rather just allow him to relinquish his rights at this point as my daughter wants nothing to do with him either, my baby doesn’t even know him, and my significant other is hoping to adopt them and love them as his own. I brought this up to him and he is willing to give up his rights completely as he is planning on moving to Colorado within the year with his new girlfriend. I am happy with this outcome… I want him far away and I never want to have to deal with him again. I brought it up to our older daughter and she was so excited at the thought of him not being her daddy anymore that she jumped up and down squealing and hugging me. My question is this: Can we sign a mutual (legal) agreement through a mediator/lawyer stating that he has relinquished his rights rather than going through the court system? I want to do this as quickly, peacefully and inexpensively as possible. Is it possible for this to be a simple process?? I’ve heard mixed things… someone on another board had said that it’s not possible unless there is already someone ready to adopt the kids… and because the divorce wouldn’t be final until January, I wouldn’t be getting remarried until probably the following summer, at which point he would adopt the children then. However, we would rather not wait until then for my ex to relinquish his rights. Some people say that there needs to be a judge involved whether I am willing to let him walk away from his rights or not, and that the judge would need hard evidence that he is an unfit/unsafe father in order to allow him to stop paying child support and to give up his rights. Other sites say that even if he relinquishes all rights and responsibilities, he would still need to pay child support… that doesn’t make sense to me and I am willing to take him off the hook for child support on the grounds that he just leaves us alone from now on. Anyway, I’m confused by all the conflicting answers on the internet, so please let me know if you know anything about this or if you have experience with a similar situation. I’m in Ontario, Canada.

Nagesh answers:

Yes, he can voluntarily relinquish his rights. Yes, you can do it thru a lawyer. You will probably still have to file it. I think you are very lucky to have someone that is willing to be a daddy to them. Your ex certainly does not and they are lucky enough to have someone who will love them and care for them. As far as the other poster’s comments are concerned, why do you have such a negative attitude. You do not go into a marriage assuming that at some point you will break up and have custody issues. With this mindset, you do not need to get married again because it will definitely fail. You have made up your mind to do so from the beginning. You don’t need evidence if both of you want the same thing. In your case, you have someone ready willing and able to step in. I am adopted. To say that my adoptive father has no right to custody of me cause he is not biologically connected is just insane. I would not want either one of my biological parents to have custody and control over me.

Follow your heart. Do what is best for your girls. Sounds like to me that your new man is the answer to all of the problems. He can show your daughters and probably already has, what a responsible loving father can and should be. Good luck.

Lisa asks…

2 years later…still not over my Ex?

some days are better than others. like right now for instance, not a good day.
Was with my ex for a total of 7 yrs…engaged the last year of it. After on again off again (mistakes he made on his end= betrayal) He came back full throttle to commit on a serious level- so much so that he would drive 365 miles to visit me for 5 months straight just to spend 2 days with me in his quest to win me back. He eventually apologized to my Mother & Father for his unfounded, immature behavior in how he had treated their daughter (me). He reasoned with them and explained he wanted to make me his wife.
While we went to therapy- and i founded in my heart to forgive him, we tried to move on from his mistakes…in the past and all throughout the relationship. His goal was to put everything on the table in hopes that he could turn over a new slate and start fresh.
After almost 11 months of this—positive behavior, he proposed to me and I lovingly and purely accepted. I waited almost 6 years for this…indeed it did happen.
I agreed to move to another country (at the time he was working there also a citizen) and planned to immigrate while we planned a wedding.
This is where is gets… really really sad. When I moved up there, everything was going well for the first 3 months- However, I did noticed he seemed on another page when it came to wedding plans (just seemed disinterested) and then he never wanted to discuss plans about our future (tangible plans-like baby, budget, house, etc.) I was always the one to initiate discussion. When it came to his only request which involved merging “legally” he mentioned a pre-nup… I should have known this was a red flag! As time moved closer to planning our wedding, I asked him countless times if he could help fill out the “couples questionnaire” for the wedding officiant… i asked so many times it ended up being a battle. then came wedding invites…his alternative to saving money on the wedding was to e-mail invites to 200 guests -the only suggestion he even gave.
At this point-I noticed he seem disinterested and it really started to depress me. Then out he came with- we should cancel the wedding. He said were not getting along…and this is suppose to be the happiest part. (mind you-I have a ring on my finger, a venue booked, a dress bought, etc) he tells me this 8 months into the engagement. Then like clockwork-he seemed relieved and when I threatened to leave because of this… he cried and begged me not too. I listened to him and wanted so badly to believe his intentions were pure and he really wanted to work on “compromising.” I stayed and waited and waited. And as I waited he expected me to bounce back back as quickly as him- (not so much) In fact, I started to resent him. I felt as if he was making excuses- then I started to pull away and then he did. Then I would try to move closer-then he would pull away.
Eventually- He called me to tell me he was sleeping over a friends house and was planning on drinking. I advised him to be safe and not to drive. Funny thing is- next morning he came home and looked…well like his conscience was eating at him. The moment I felt this(i have felt this before) I asked him if he did something that I need to know. He looked me dead in the eye and proceed to say NO then kiss me. Afterward hopped in the shower and seem “in another world.” That very same day we were suppose to drive to the border and finalize my immigration papers. Before we left- he told me that he was with another girl the night before. Here I am- a state of complete numbness while I am hearing this. It was like deja vu all over again,
After a 6 hour walk by myself- I told him I was leaving him and proceeded to say “Thanks this just confirmed everything”
As I left a week later- I left my hopes, my dreams, and everything I wanted to build for the last 7 years. He took all of that away from me.
A year way from him- he still contacted me told me he missed my friendship.
Year 2 was actually harder-the shock value wore off and reality set in. I actually ended up missing him more than ever. We spoke briefly during this time and I once again fell into the ridiculous trap of getting my heart broken all over again- as he told me that his work will send him to the Czech Republic- my heart cringed and again-despair came over me. I politely asked him to end communication with me as it effected me way too much-as I still had love for him.
He just recently contacted me in September- wishing me well.
I can’t understand this person-? Even when I am not with him- I still am deeply enveloped.
I miss what we had- I miss the fun- the adventure- our commonalities. I had never in my life time been in love with someone as much as i was with him.
Now we are just strangers- Why does this pain heart so bad……. Why?
And is he thinking of me the same as i think of him?

Nagesh answers:

Wow! You have gone through alot… Remember that your a good person that u just gave your heart ouy. It was his responsibilty to respect it and love you back the right way, well he didnt and you should move on dont look back and trust me you will heal one day, do you date alot? Just pray and ask god to send you the right man .You may had love him but he cheated on you to much and thats not love we only have one heart to give and receive.When everthing is healed and done your gonna be a woman of steal! Stay strong mami!

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Thursday, June 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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