Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

John asks…

What’s a fast easy way to make money?

and don’t say get a job lol i’ve realized that. 😛 i’m just looking for ideas.

Nagesh answers:

To buy lottery

Joseph asks…

Whats i good way to make money fast and easy?

Do u know a way please tell me

Nagesh answers:

Make a resume, hand it in places, go for your interview and then go to work. Thats as easy as its gonna get. Sorry bro, life isnt easy.

James asks…

I need fast and easy ways to make money?

I’m only 12, I want to buy the iPad 2!!
I already:

but i need something to the next level 😉
i want to do something like buy things on sale and sell it on ebay.
does anyone know of any like discount stores/places with a lot of sales that i could use?
or any tips?

and i also want more ideas 🙂

Wolf Harper-
im a kid.
you dont need to tell me, i know.
it doesnt matter how old i am!
i could be 4 years old for all you know, maybe it was a typo, maybe im 11, maybe im 13!
so just like stop because its not your buisness!
maybe my parents have allowed me to have an email since i was 6, maybe im not allowed until im 13. the age restrictions are DUMB rules i tell you! my sister (shes older but still) got an email when she was 7!
just butt out Mrs.Senior Wolf Harper–hey sounds like youre pretty young too! Thats a twilightt/hp kinda name! well youre probably some creeper old dude trying to steal boys identitys! MHMM u dont know if im a girl/boy! hot pink is my name. i might be a boy! thats what my parents decided to name me and i LOVE my name,! so just stoppppppppppppppppppppppp

Nagesh answers:

Well you answered your own question hun. Sell your old toys and stuffed animals on ebay. Your parents will have to help you because this would require a paypal account. Also I don’t know where you live but where I live we have a store called plato’s closet where they buy gently used clothes from people. Kind of like a ‘hip’ goodwillfor teens and such. Good luck! I have the iPad 2 and its awesome!!!!

Sharon asks…

Easy fast way to make money?

I need some money by the end of the summer and i am only 13. i dont want dumb answeres and i will give you 10 pts for some easy answres exept ebay and drugs! lol

Nagesh answers:

I know LOTS of people over the age of 60 who have limited mobility. If you went door-to-door in your town, or at senior residential subdivisions and/or houses, people would pay you to do odd jobs, like moving furniture, vacuuming, carrying groceries, cleaning out closets, cleaning out cars …….. You can’t just say “I can do odd jobs”. You have to start naming things you can do, to trigger their memory. You say something like, “I can do lifting, weeding, sweeping, clean bookcases, carry groceries, carry furniture “, etc. When you talk to someone, LOOK for possibilities for yourself . You might see a pile of rubbish in their garage and you can tell them you could bag it for the trash man, or you might see a dog and then offer to bathe it. Don’t let any chance slip by. Your family knows people who need help and they should help you get established by calling everyone that could use your services. Make some home-made cards and call yourself ODD JOBS AT LARGE with your phone number. It won’t work to just leave your card : you have to MEET these people and earn a reputation as polite and helpful.
If you live in a city, you can deliver newspapers and the turnover rate is high, so it may be available.
You can re-cycle scrap metal. You would have to go out and find it in the day and have an adult drive back to pick it all up later to sell to the private recyclers.
GET MOVING and Good Luck !

Michael asks…

fast and easy way to make money?

i have 82 fishing and am a nonmember what would get me money faster lobsters or swordfish

Nagesh answers:

Lobsters are faster to fish i believe, and people will probably buy them faster because they are a popular item for training cooking

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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