Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Lisa asks…

How can I make my hair color darker with out using store bought stuff?

I want to go darker but I just dont have the money.
And If you have a idea for me to earn money quick please tell me

Nagesh answers:

Darken Light Hair
Brew strong dark black coffee or strong black tea.
Allow the mixture to completely cool before using.
Wash hair as you normally would and rinse. Turn off the water in the shower.
Poor the coffee or tea onto your light hair in the shower with a bowl underneath your head to catch the mixture.
Re-rinse with the coffee or tea until you achieve your desired color.
Wash and condition your hair.
Repeat this process once a month to maintain a natural-looking dark color.

Joseph asks…

How can i earn more money for makeup?

I want more makeup but my parents dont have money! I am 13 and i want to know a way how i can earn money fast and quick WITHOUT having to babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Sell yourself out.

David asks…

How to earn money when your 13 QUICK?

I am trying to prove to my mom that I am responisable to buy my own stuff… Well I’m going to buy me an iPhone and I need to earn money QUICK like within a month would be nice to earn about 500$ haha my gma and gpa sometimes pay me to help…. And I could maybe ask my mom to pay me for chorse but other than that idk haha oh and we live out towards the country… So babysitting isn’t really an option


Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service for the elderly people in your neighborhood. Print up flyers on your PC and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Michael asks…

What Things Can Me An My Best Mate Do To Earn Money To Have A Shopping Spree?

Me&My friend want to have a shopping spreee so need to earn quite alot of money and we have like none atm,, what can we do? we was gonna buy soap flakes and make homemade soap but we dont know where or how to sell it? and do you have anything else we could make and sell? and how else could we earn money quick? we live in the UK xx Taah!;)x
And I Am Exactly 13 Tah!:S

Nagesh answers:

You need to be at least 13 to post questions – and you’re obviously quite a bit younger, so not old enough.

Laura asks…

How do I earn money quicker?

My class wants to go on a field trip to Canobie Lake Park, but we need money for the bus and all the other stuff. We only have about 4 weeks to make the money. We need about 1,200 dollars. I want a quick way to earn money.

Nagesh answers:

Do alot of fund raisers and events

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Sunday, June 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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