Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Susan asks…

How to get money fast in school?

Im a sophmore & need to raise money fast
to buy a camera for my mom.
any ideas what i can do to sell to the students that theyll be really interested?

Nagesh answers:

Tutor – up to $100/hour
teach instruments to little kids – Charge $40/hour.

Jenny asks…

How do i make money fast?

My grandma had an heart attack. I gave all my money to her to pay for the hospital bills. How do i make money fast because i am broke
I am only 13

Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting jobs, lawn mowing, car washes, helping next door neighbors with their grocery shopping, etc.

Little jobs on the side will add up fast and bring you extra money. Sometimes you might even tell your teacher at school your situation and maybe they can give you some advice on where to go or might even have something you can help them with.

I am really sorry about your grandma and hope everything works out. That was a really nice thing you did for her and you should feel great about that, what a great role model to other kids your age!

Carol asks…

How to make money fast….i mean alot of money?

I want to rase alot of money because i need braces and my dad doesent have that kind of money so I want to raise the money and fast.
Kids in my school make fun of me because of my teeth and i cant stand it so please tell me how i can raise that kind of money!

Nagesh answers:

Well, I’m guessing you’re very young like 14, so you could have a bake sell? Or if you’re really that desperate rob a bank?

Mark asks…

What is the right amount to keep in a savings account for emergencies?

You know the dilemma: in an emergency, you need your money fast. A savings account gives you pretty quick access to your money.

But a savings account also earns low interest. So if you put too much in there you diminish your earnings.

I’ve heard all kinds of conflicing advice. What do you think?

How many months’ net income do you think one should keep in a savings account for emergencies?

Nagesh answers:

I’d say a realistic emergency fund should be around 1000 – 3000 dollars. Any less than a grand and you run the risk of having to tap into illiquid assets or lines of credit any more than 3k and you are giving too much opportunity for your money to grow.

The general rules that i follow as far as savings:
emergency fund – 3k in on-line savings account look at HSBCDirect @ 4.5%
unemployment fund – 2 months salary 50-50 stock and bond funds you want to minimize volatility so look for a mean efficent portfolio (look for a MVO optimizer to help)
every month:
first maximize your 401k – regardless of what popular rules of thumbs i think you would be hard pressed to beat 100% stock funds over the long haul.
Once all that is taken care of then tackle roth IRA and 529s for kids.

cheif technology officer

Michael asks…

How can a 13 year old girl make money fast?

I REALLY want a Sony vaio laptop really bad for my work at college. However I dont have enough!!! Not nearly enough!!!! How can i make money fast????

Nagesh answers:

The faster you make money depends on the faster you get started. Money isn’t going to just fall in your lap. God knows you have probably heard the expression “money doesn’t grow on trees” over and over again. Am I right? But there are things you can do for money but you’ll have to do them right, not fast. What are your skills? What are your passions??? Here are a few things to DO instead of dream about:

Get to the library (or just google) for books and information on teens and business, jobs for young people, teen entrepreneurs, and whatever keywords will help you. You weren’t born with the information you need so you have to find it out there and let it inspire you. One title of book that I know well is “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew.

Check out Junior Achievements, an organization that can help with networking and resources.

Ask your parents for help. They know you well.

Look around you for ideas on products and services that people either want or need. Your newspaper can show you trends of people and their money.

Don’t spend every dime you make or you’ll still be wanting money for that laptop (and other things you’ll want or need in time). Money is alot easier to spend than it is to earn.

Stay focused on what you want. Set goals so you can achieve them.

Read stories about other successful teens and what they did but don’t copy them. Your goal is to be better!!! Education is very important to success.

Now, do something today to brainstorm what’s right for you whether it’s a recycling center or selling used bicycles or running an online book store or ???.

Yes, there are things you can do but stop waiting for your ship to come in … Swim out to meet it.

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Friday, June 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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