Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Carol asks…

Is State Bank of India backed by a United States Financial institution?

I make money online and I am expecting a payment,with direct deposit to my Indian bank account. Requirements are:
-The bank should be backed by US Financial Institution
-Accept ACH transfer

I know SBI accept ACH transfer, can you help solving the other part??

Nagesh answers:

I unfortunately believe that is the ‘catch-22’ of your ‘online job’. US financial institutions don’t back ANY Indians banks, as far as I am aware and from my research. You’re probably involved in a typical Indian ‘scheme’.
I live in the US. Obviously we can barely manage to back our OWN banks, much less banks located halfway around the world in foreign countries.

Laura asks…

What is the best way to treat emotional and compulsive spending habits?

Okay my major problem when I go shopping is that I buy things on an impulse and then when I get home I regret making the purchase. The thing is though everything that I tend to buy on impulse I can afford. These conditions really started to take effect when I begin making my own money and spending it. Is this suppose to be a natural feeling that people get when they shop? For example the other day I bought this nice watch from a department store. I looked at once and quickly bought it with out any question and it was on sale. When I got home though I had a major case of buyer’s remorse and returned the watch that day. Is there anyway to cure this condition?

Nagesh answers:

Stop shopping for a while. Look online but don’t buy. Save up for the things you want. Determine what you need vs what you want and in the grand scheme of things, is what you are going to buy really add to your life that much?

I use to cherish things I would buy on impulse also. I would decide to buy something when heading out, look at a couple of stores and just buy, sometimes with remorse. Then came my divorce. Nothing really makes you take stock of your “stuff” until it is listed on three pages in a divorce settlement and is being divided just based on value. It’s disheartening to sum up years of purchasing stuff to just a list that has no sentimentality in the eyes of the court. After many arguments and fights when dividing it all up, you just have to realize it’s just “Stuff”. I finally had to just let stuff go as I wanted to finalize the head and heartache. I knew I could always replace it, but I really took stock of if I truly needed to. I actually took the proceeds from my house and opened up my own business, which generates income for me to have a nice nest egg for the future.

Good luck and stay away from the stores!

Donna asks…

For which reason are various countries reluctant to make firm commitments to make deep reductions in?

Greenhouse gases?
A) They believe reducing greenhouse gases will reduce the standard of living in their countries.
B) Most of the emissions come from just a few rich nations.
C) They believe reducing greenhouse gases will not not make a difference on climate change.
D) all of the above

Nagesh answers:

None of the above.

A) No one really cares about the standard of living of the country as a whole. They care about their own standard of living. Since most governments are controlled by the rich, it is the standard of living of the rich that counts, not of all.

If replacing all the coal and oil with renewable energy were to make life immeasurably better for most of the population, the elites would still be against it as it reduces the power and wealth of the big coal and oil companies, the financial sector, etc.

In the U.S. The Republicans have consistently pursued policies that grow the economy more slowly than the Democrats.
But the Republican policies increase income inequality, making the rich feel better, while the Democratic policies reduce income inequality. Don’t you think those smart Wall Street types know this when they give more money to the Republicans and less to the Democrats?

Note also that there is a big difference between fears that it will reduce standard of living and fears that it will reduce GDP. After all, GDP has increased in the U.S. Over the last decade but the standard of living has not

The great decoupling

B) China is now the largest producer of CO2 in the world. It does NOT count as a rich country. India is the third largest producer of CO2 (counting countries, not the entire EU). It too is clearly not a rich nation.

C) Most countries in the world signed the Kyoto Protocol. They have admitted recognizing that reducing greenhouse gases WILL make a difference. They just don’t want to do it. This is the classic free-rider situation.

Consider the EU cap-and-trade scheme. They went to an awful lot of trouble to pretend to take action. If they didn’t believe in the need, they could have just refused, as China and the U.S. Did.
Instead they created a real system, and then set the targets so high that they didn’t really require significant changes.

James asks…

Can someone please tell me the secret to making money online as an affiliate marketer with clickbank?

I have bought every guru scam and nothing works, but it can be done. Whats the secret? I am not an idiot I am desperate and cant land a job. Please share some insight. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First of all, many people think Clickbank has scammy products – ebooks with questionable diets and medical cures, get rich quick schemes, etc., so you might want to look at affiliate programs that offer other types of products that are more traditional.

The secret to earning from affiliate programs is unique and relevant content. Create a website, blog or page on other types of free webpages like YouTube, Hubpages, Squidoo: etc. About a specific topic and write about what you know. Here are some ideas: things you do, places you’ve been, DIY and how-tos, recipes, movie reviews, product comparisons and reviews., etc. You can also earn income directly from Adsense on blogs or from traffic as well as money earning modules on Squidoo, Hubpages and other article writing pages.

Do some research, put some of your own photos on your website or webpages then after you have created one or two, apply to some of the better affiliate programs and include links to products from your affiliate programs that are relevant to your topic. Here are some of the better ones:
You can also join the All posters affiliate program and use links to the posters they sell to illustrate your website, blog or webpages. It is especially helpful if you are writing about a topic that you don’t have a good photo to illustrate:

You can also create your own little free shop of products using your own photos or graphics on Zazzle: You can put links to your Zazzle store on your webpages to help generate traffic and sales.
Here is an example of how all of these things can be put together to create a page that can earn you some income:

Then your work is not over – you need to find ways to get good quality backlinks to your pages to get traffic. I have websites, blogs, youTube videos and Squidoo, facebook, google+ and all sorts of other sites that all link to each other.

It helps to visit and leave positive comments on other people’s pages – but don’t spam and drop links to your pages on theirs unless it is truly in response to a question they asked or something they are looking for. If you create a profile most people will be curious about who left the nice comment and will go visit your pages if you don’t annoy them by leaving spam.

None of these things will make you an overnight millionaire – it takes time to create the blogs and several good pages and more time to generate traffic, but if you spend some time learning and perfecting how to write good content you should start to see some income within a few months.

Good luck!

Ken asks…

Is it true they will get rid of crisis loans from the jobcentre from the 1st of April?

My boyfriend had to apply for it and that was one of the things the lady on the phone said. I looked online and I didn’t see anything stating it. Is it really true they will get rid of crisis loans from the 1st of April? If so then what will people do if they really need money for something essential? It takes about 4 weeks to start receiving money when making a new claim for JSA… People usually claim crisis loans to get by during that time.

Be aware that crisis loans are available for people who work or are on benefits.

Nagesh answers:


Crisis loans will cease to be handled by DWP after 31 March 2013. My understanding is that this will transfer to your local authority from 1 April who will then be responsible for administration of the scheme. It will be up to each local authority to set their criteria for eligibility.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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