Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Richard asks…

Should i Become a CNA to support me in College?

I want to go to school and become a OB/GYN, but while i’m in college, i wanted to be a CNA to help me with money and experience in the medical field. I know CNA’s are the least respected nurses, (my best friend’s mom and my cousin are CNAs) but this is just to help me. I also know they don’t make mad mad money, but the money will be good for a college student. And i heard that certification is quick. Is this a good idea? By the way i’m a junior in High School right now.

Nagesh answers:

Sure, it’s fine, but I would recommend going into home health aide, because working in a hospital or nursing home is back breaking bone weary hard work, the aides are extremely catty and competitive, don’t ask me why, but it’s like that in almost every place, and if you’re a full time student, you don’t need that much drama or hard work. Home health is much easier, especially if you can get an overnight position where you are basically just on alert for a terminal patient.
You could also consider taking a little extra training and becoming a med tech, and work at an assisted living center passing evening meds, very easy job also. Same or better pay than the **** wipes. (as we’re referred to)

Lisa asks…

Where to get start up capital for investing?

I am going to become a professional investor, but I need money to do it with. I am in college right now, but that doesn’t cost me anything. I am wondering if you know of any places to get a lot of money. I was thinking of taking out a lot of student loans, because then I wouldn’t have to pay them back for a while, that way I can make some quick cash with options. But are there other ways of getting some extra cash to invest with besides taking out student loans?
I’m really good. I don’t want you to think i’m bragging, but it’s a response to your question. I’m great. And the other guy who said its dumb to invest borrowed money, that wasn’t helpful. I know all the risks involved, i’m looking for money ideas, not investment strategies. thanks!
If you are so dead set against investing loan money then suggest another way of getting money! instead of “borrowing for investing is dumb” say informative things like “there is a government program that issues up to $500 to individual investors” that would be helpful. I don’t know of a program that does that but i’m looking for ideas not criticizing!

Nagesh answers:

Student loans may help, but likely not to the extent you indicate. You will have to start paying them back as soon as you finish or stop attending college. You can try finding other people who are willing to invest their money in your venture in exchange for a share of the profits. It would depend on how good you are at investing.

Charles asks…

I have a baby by a serial cheater! What would you do?

This will be a bit long but worth reading to answer my question. So im a 3year college student. When i was a freshman I met my bf on the bus during springg break (i know a bus guy). He had been in adoption since he was 5 and never been adopted, raped as a child, beaten, and jforced to join a gang at 11- sad huh. He had just found his parents and was sleeping on their floor. Anyway we eventually started dating and i helped him get into school at my university. He said all the right things and just seemed like he needed guidance in his life and he made me happy.That’s just the person i am, i help others. I lost all of my friends because they didnt like him and I just had nobody to be there for me but him. this last. I basically was the man in the relationship, i provided, nurtured, paid bills ( i know-stupid). This last August i gave birth to our beautiful baby. And I was happy but I just felt like he was up to something dirty. And he was.

FOR THOSE WHO WANT ME TO GET TO THE POINT ALREADY. When our baby was just 2 weeks old I found out that he had been cheating on me with internet females, older woman, and the worst people that called themselfs friends of mine! That hurt me worse then birth. He had been cheating on me throughout our entire relationship amd i was almost completely oblivious. I guess i needed hard evidence to shake me. An boy did it. So now here i am with a 3 month year old baby and where is he? Hes at boot camp for the army. We have a joint bank account so he’s taking care of me and the baby. But now that I found out im hurt pissed and all that stuff. So what to do. Well Friends say get a bootycall to help forget him, move out and do my own thing, or they just dont know. Well to me all of those are badass ideas. I AM NOT PLANNIG TO BE WITH HIM! I love him yes! BUT I LOVE ME MORE. To me if i leave then he’s getting away with this. So I figured since i took care of him for the past 2 years I should let him do what he said what he wants to do which is take care of me and our child. BUT I reaaaaaaly dont want to be with him ugggh how do i make this work! he is a pathilogical lier, I think he may have a sexual addiction, and he’s a serial cheater. I even found out that he had been going by this other name (like an alter ego). I think that he has deeeeeep issues that make him this way. that dosent justify any of this though. He says he wants to go to counseling but Im soooo sure Im done i deserve better. but I have to finish school and he has all the funds to make my life easier . . . i know that sounds like a gold digger huh lol. Im really not im just trying to get out of this situation quick and easy and my baby still know her father. I really am done with relationships for a goodwhile and all i want to do is continue my education. Im fine with leaving without his money or ever seeing him again, but we have a child so i feel stuck. There so much more to this story and i can write a freggin book lol so anyway plz your opinions. Do I stay and let him think were together? (maybe he’ll get his issues worked out although i will still never want to be with him) Or do i leave and struggle with a child while he continues his orgies hardly seeing his child and having all the military security in the world?

Nagesh answers:

Hey take a divorce and stay away from him …………… My answer is short but right …………william Shakespeare says once a person ditched you in your life he will again do so never give a second chance to anybody

Daniel asks…

Online or home based work?

Anyone know any legitimate ways for a full time college student to make money from home (or in my case dorm)? I am not trying to get rich quick or anything just want to make some money for my pocket but mainly for student loans and rent.

No scams or spam please
I’m looking for employment or way to earn money. I am already enrolled full time at a University.

Nagesh answers:

I’m about to start going to WGU and i’ve spend almost a
month looking if it’s a scam it all looks goo and is half the price
of other onlice schools… That was my concern too Sh*t I’m
not going to be wasting my money on shit 😛

Susan asks…

About meeting transfer requirements for engineering major at 2 year college to transfer to 4 year college?

If your majoring in engineering at a 2 year college and the counselor said it will take a VERY long time to meet transfer requirements to finally transfer to a 4 year college to get a Bachelors in your field of engineering. What would you do? Here’s the story:

I am only 2 classes away from an AA degree, yet the counselor at school says I still would not be able to leave the 2 year college until 2011 if I want to transfer with an engineering major , that’s insane ?
All due to the fact that
you have to take about 3 classes at my 2 year college for every 1 class that you would take at a 4 year college, in other words right now if I transferred there I could do all of it quicker and not have to take the 3 or 4 classes at my school per each, that equals just one class at the 4 year college. At this rate getting a degree would be more expensive, take longer, and be more time consuming. It’s possible that my school has it set up this way on purpose so they can make money off of students.

I was thinking about not telling my school that I am transferring with a different or undecided major and then double majoring in engineering after I transfer to a 4 year college.

Nagesh answers:

You need to talk to the counselor at the university they should have a list of requirements and what classes transfer. My guess is you have taking term or two worth of classes that dont even transfer.(I did the same thing) Counselors at the CC really have no idea whats going on or how the other school might be able to fug some numbers to get you in.

I have no idea what school your going to by where im going requirements are not that high to get into the university. Maybe look into going to another school if you want to do it faster.

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Monday, May 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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