Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Linda asks…

what are the biggest disasters/ money wasting ideas you had at your wedding?


I’m planning my wedding which will happen next year! from experience what were the worst ideas/ money wasted ideas you had or have seen?

Nagesh answers:

Hiring Gary Glitter to play at the reception.

Paul asks…

How would society react to the idea of no money?

Personally I think this would turn economics no its ear and certainly add a different dynamic to how we accomplish things and actually do work. If money really had never existed, would we be better off? True enough being able to barter has given rise to ideas like trade and further down more ideas like money but what if we did things without the idea of being paid for it? I know it seems like an almost impossible thing to think about but try for a second and ponder it. What if hmmmmm?

Nagesh answers:

Well that’s called communism. That is everyone works at a job, goes home, and benefits from everyone else’s work.

Downside of that is simply that no one ever gets past that apartment that they share with 7 other extended families where everyone sleeps in shifts.

Or … They barter. Barter isn’t too fair. After all how many fish can one man pile up unless he’s got someone who wants or needs fish to trade for other things.

How do you measure the value of a fish against a piece of lumber?

What would be fairer. The fisherman who gets 100 fish in an hour and gets a hundred pieces of lumber? Or the sawmill operator who has to spend a whole day making a hundred pieces of lumber out of a tree?

Would a brick mason be worth more per hour than a dog groomer?

How about a doctor? A lawyer? A priest?

How would we ever tally such things in order to determine whether we need to “tax” that production in order to exchange goods with another nation?

Makes it very hard and inconvenient, and tends to isolate communities from each other.

Cash makes it easier to convert fish to lumber or whatever you need or want.

Or … You barter on the black market.

Donald asks…

What did you give your boyfriend for his birthday?

Boyfriends bday is coming up and I need ideas. Money is not a problem. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I honestly don’t know, but my friend this year brought her boyfriend a dog chain that said her/his name on it and the date in which they started to go out. She gave the chain with her name to him and kept the chain with his name to herself. She also brought a gift bag filled with food for him; and he liked the gifts very much.

James asks…

What are some ideas to raise money for a cause?

I am co-founder of an organization that helps people in the CCU at a hospital rated as one of the best on the east side. We need alot of funds for this project and I am asking for some ideas on fundraising. We were nominated to make a difference in our community and we are really needing some to jump start our current ideas for money raising. Thanks in advance for any help.

Nagesh answers:

One route you could go is setting up a homepage for your group on a fundraising website. Raising support online is much more simple and tidy than raising funds via cash or check, and it gives your org a place to post information, photos and let people know what you do.

There are plenty of sites these days that help community organizations like yours meet their goals. For a small, community-based group, there are some good options:

First Giving ( is a solid one. They charge 5.5% on donations raised and have a simple structure to set up your page (though you may have to be a certified non-profit to register with them).

If that’s the case, another option is Empowered ( They process 3.5% on donations raised, offer lots of tools to help organize/fundraise, and I know they support all small groups, regardless of non-profit status.

And you could always try to send up your own PayPal account to link to you directly, but this is a little trickier and a bit inflexible.

Good luck getting your fundraising going, I hope this helps!

Carol asks…

How to make my ideas into money?

What if I have this idea and I know big companies will earn big on my ideas. Whats the first step I should take to make my Idea into money?

Nagesh answers:

Go to an invention site or store and give it to them they will do the rest.

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Saturday, May 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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