Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Mary asks…

How To Shut This Hell-hole Down Quickly?

I am a full time manager for a illegitimate gas station owned by a “Ghandi”. I am not using the racial slur lightly and I am not a bigot. He is a penny-hoarding, cheapskate, backstabbing shyster who uses his lack of the English language to excuse himself out of any reasonable debate or attempts at negotiation to better my job and work environment. The only reason I am still working for him is because of my obligation to money; like everyone else I need it to survive and there isn’t much out there. His illegitimate methods have left me with no recourse. I cannot receive unemployment and look for another job because he did not record my payroll and taxes in a manner consistent enough to prove that I have worked for him longer than 6 months (I am bordering on 10 months). He pays me very, very poorly. The only other 2 employees both make only 25 cents less than me and they don’t have even 5% of the extra responsibilities that I have. Any hour over the 40th hour (eg. hour 41 and on) are paid “under the table” cash at a rate less than my regular pay (state and federal mandates at least 1.5x rate of pay for over time). Training time for myself and all other employees goes mostly unpaid (completely unpaid on my part). I am expected to uphold unorthodox methods of operation when it comes to running the store and hiring potential employees. I am not allowed to hire women. I am not allowed to hire young men (teenagers 18 to 22). Smokers are not to be hired nor are people with young children or show signs of potential drug use. As for how the business operates. Employees hours are trimmed to reflect the hours of the stores operation. Employee hours are not allowed to overlap; in the event that they do the employees must arrange between themselves how to distribute the overlapping hours. All employees are on an “on call” status and will receive no special pay and may even expect no pay for the extra labor they did unless they are the only employee present. I am expected to perform responsibilities that involve transportation and the depositing of the money earned by the store on a twice weekly basis ( the owner lives out of the area and cannot come more than once a week). This added responsibility came with no raise, special pay, or added security to the store. I receive no pay while transporting the money or while spending time in the bank dealing with the tellers and etc. Any shortages found in the drawer or the counted cash is expected to be paid back by the employee. In the event of theft I can become involved (my exclusive access to the safe) as a suspect and at times I have had to pay for half of the stolen money. I am expected to fabricate the results of paper work regulated by the state. As for the store itself. It is a 8 pump gas station. Customers cannot walk in they instead do their dealings at the window where a tray and box system is installed coupled with an intercom system and non bullet proof glass. The one door (violation of fire code; there needs 2 be at least one alternative exit in the event of a fire) is also not bullet proof. Shutters cover the main window and door at night. There is no central air; an AC in the one boarded up window provides little relief in the summer and small pathetic space heaters provide the only comfort in the winter. There is no proper ventilation, fumes from ignorant people who refuse to turn their vehicles off regularly enters the small “shack” (literally 8×12 foot room with 8 foot ceilings) and suffuses the air with enough fumes to make myself and other employees develop headaches and become lightheaded. There is no security system, and no panic button.

There is much much more but I don’t want this to be a TL;DR. So what is the fastest way I can
1.) Attempt to negotiate. I am planning on: going on strike, using my good relationship with the customers to reduce business volume until he complies.
2.) If he does not comply I will report him to the local news (a pretty juicy story IMO), report him to numerous agencies, and sue him for back pay.

Now my question is: Anything legal I should know of? Any bits of info that can either help me win the negotiation or shut him down that others see and know of that I do not will be immensely helpful.

***Please Note the Gas Station is Located in the State of Connecticut***

Nagesh answers:

Contact the Connecticut Department of Labor and law enforcement and report this to them, they may be able do something about this business. Also, the owner is in violation of federal and state laws, pertaining to civil rights, employment, etc.

Joseph asks…


I have a Language Arts Essay; Can someone PLEASE edit it!
Thank you Thank You, 10 pts! THANKS.
When was the last time you were hungry, and didn’t have a great amount of time to eat? Did you stop at a fast food restaurant? You most likely answered yes. North American’s are consuming triple the amount of fast food than in previous years for many reasons. People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis. It is bad for your health, in numerous ways. It isn’t fresh; it’s fattening, and loaded with calories. Its normally deep fried, or reheated. So, why do so many North Americans consume it so regularly? It’s cheap, convenient, and advertised well.

People may be choosing to eat fast food because it is relatively cheaper than preparing a home cooked meal. Fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, Burger King, Harvey’s and more, offer meal deals. Fast food is a lot cheaper than food from a grocery store for singles or teenagers because it is cheaper to buy a meal deal (drink, burger, fries) for around 4-6 dollars than it is for you to purchase food at the grocery store (pasta sauce, noodles, drink) for about 12-15 dollars. But, if you are feeding more than 2 people it is cheaper to buy food from a grocery store.

Some people have all the money in the world, but not all the time. Prioritizing your time to buy fresh food instead of fast food is one thing, but having the time to purchase, then prepare your food is another. Fast food is purchased because, in the time it takes you to purchase food from a grocery store you could have purchased a meal from a drive through and been done. But, if you purchase food you still have to bring it home, unload it into your household, and prepare it. The reality is that not everyone has enough time to eat home cooked meals all the time. But, it is possible if you put forth a reasonable amount of effort.

Animated clowns, kings, or girls with red hair, to name a few, are what appeal to children. Younger kids see advertisements with humorous clowns playing with kids, and then enjoying a happy meal and then they want to have a happy meal. The same affect works with the other logos of fast food chains. If the cartoon characters don’t make you want to enjoy the food, the visual advertisements might. Fast food chains advertise food in a variety of ways. Commercials, billboards, signs or posters showcase a perfect burger, or crispy fries. People are hired to make the food look perfect. Individually gluing poppy seeds onto the burger buns, painting the lettuce, airbrushing the fries, or making sure the soda looks great. All so that you will see the picture of the product, and expect to receive what you have been shown. The pictures of a Big Mac or Whopper may look like they are fresh, plump and juicy. But you would be surprised to find a reheated patty, limp lettuce, maybe even a bun that isn’t fresh. What you see isn’t always what you get.

North American’s are consuming triple the amount of fast food than in previous years for many reasons, heres some ideas to cut down on your fast food intake. If you buy fast food because it is cheap, I encourage you to purchase food from the grocery store. If you have extra leftovers, keep them! They work great as lunch or dinner the next day, and it ends up saving you more! If you do not have enough time to prepare your food, try preparing some of it in the morning, so that you can quickly finish up the rest in the evening without wasting too much time. And, if you are craving the picture perfect burger, think twice. Make sure you understand you will not be likely receiving the same perfect burger than was in the advertisement People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis. It is fine to eat once in a while, but it shouldn’t be eaten often.

Nagesh answers:

First paragraph: “North Americans” has no apostraphe.
A better way to phrase this sentence: “People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis. It is bad for your health…” IS
“People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis, it is bad for their health…”

Last paragraph: North Americans has no apostraphe.

The rest looks good 😀

Charles asks…

Need opinions on a situation… teenage pregnancy?

I’m a senior in my last semester of high school, and its recently come to my attention that a classmate of mine is pregnant and was kicked out of her house. I never liked her very much. She’s always using my friends for money, dumping guys as fast as she picks them up, and causing drama.

My mom got very involved when she found out this girl needed a place to stay, and although I don’t really get along with her, I said she could stay with us in our overcrowded house for a night while we found a shelter or church. She found a friend to stay with the next day.

Now, a week later she’s apparently been kicked out of her friend’s house. My mother is very upset, but I refuse to let her stay here another night. My mom’s pulling every guilt trip she can try on me, but the way I see it is (however selfish and horrible this might be..) its not my problem. She’s responsible for her own actions, so she needs to deal with them now.

I don’t understand how people can give leniency to teenagers who make the decision to get pregnant. I mean, if someone gets caught doing or selling heroin, they go to jail. Nobody feels bad for them. They made the decision to do drugs, now they pay for it. I’m a teenager. I have a uterus. I can physically get pregnant now, but I’ve made the decision to wait until I have condoms to have sex, or wait until I’m financially and emotionally able to deal with the possible consequences: a child.

Yeah, this girl is in a ‘bad situation’ but there are a lot of people in ‘bad situations.’ if you really really really want to have sex, but you don’t have a job, or any money to buy condoms, you have to wait to have sex until you get them. Yeah, it sucks. I feel sorry for you. You’re in a ‘bad situation.’ But you have a choice. You can not have sex.

Does anyone else think its about time we admit who’s fault it is here? We can blame the parents for not helping take care of their pregnant child. We can blame teachers for not stressing the importance of protection. We can blame her friends who won’t take care of her, give her money, and baby her. Or we can blame the person at fault: the teenage girl who had sex without protection.

I know I’m going to get a variety of answers, feel free to say whatever you want.
Thank you for all of your opinions. I talked it over with one of our friends and came to the conclusion that she is indeed using us.

Tonight she’s going partying with all of her friends and drinking instead of finding a place to stay. She just drove by my house in a loud car and my neighbor (one of our mutual friends- how we met each other actually) got in and told me all this. She’s a credible source.

I think you guys are right in caring about the baby, but she’s asking my mom for money to abort. Of course my pushover mom pulled her aside and said yes while I gawked.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah, her problems are her problems. It is her fault that she is in the situation she is in.

I don’t think the fact that you don’t like her very well is helping the situation. Say what you want about her, but if you were delt the hand that she’s been given in life, you could very well be in her shoes. Consider yourself lucky to not be where she is. I’m not saying you should feel sorry for her, because really, she could have done better. At the same time, you need to have a little empathy. Do you know what her home life is like? Do you know how her parents have treated her? Probablly not. Not everybody has great parents.

If you are wanting your mom to reconsider taking her in again, you need to tell her that this girl will probablly only use you guys. She might even steal from you. And be gone the next week.

On the other hand, you could do the right thing. If you and your mom have the space available, and can financially afford to help her out, you should. But, only under certain conditions. You could set rules like, she has to finish high school, and get a decent job, so when the baby gets here, she’ll be able to take care of it and provide for herself and the baby. So, you could do the right thing, and offer her a place to stay, but only if she does the right thing by getting her life on track now that she has a baby on the way. God will thank you for helping someone in need.

It’s all up to you and your mom coming together on this one. If you are totally against it, you need to tell her it won’t work out, because you and this girl will never be able to get along. She will end up leaving anyway because she knows you don’t want her there.

Daniel asks…

is my essay good or horrible? lol honest answers and tips are welcome?

“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes. Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to want to walk down the street in something that nobody likes? And, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?

Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to all out to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia. Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however the media puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.

Now, not only is the media causing young girls to be anorexic and bulimic but its also causing obesity through out the world.

The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a condition which stems from eating fatty foods. This condition can affect anyone. People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s. They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the children whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine. They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us. Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”

This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. The world controls the thoughts and emotions of every individual in one way or another. It causes people to be labeled an outcast because they have a different style and opinion. Life is tough. Even though it’s your life and you control it, the media is still powerful and can cause death and suicide. Hopefully one day people will realize everyone’s flaws and accept them for who they are. After all, nobody’s perfect

Nagesh answers:

Its got a nice light tone, not too serious and its shows personality. The only thing is the structure is a bit weird in some parts. Your intro doesn’t really include enough about what you’re going to discuss – theres no thesis statement. And an essay shouldn’t really have a one sentence paragraph (Now, not only is the media causing young girls to be anorexic and bulimic but its also causing obesity through out the world.) – you should probably put that at the end of the first paragraph.

But thats just obvious stuff… Its really well written. Good job. 🙂

John asks…

is my essay good or bad any tips?

“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes.
Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes?
Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?
Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet, normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.
Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing things like obesity.
The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. This disease can affect anyone. People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s.
They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the kid’s whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine. They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us.
Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”

This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. Society controls the thoughts and emotions of every individual in one way or another. It provides stereotypes and what is considered the normal and if you don’t fit into that category you’re instantly labeled an outcast. Life is tough. Even though it’s your life and you control it, the media is still powerful and can cause death and suicide. Hopefully one day people will realize everyone’s flaws and accept them for who they are. After all, nobody’s perfect.

Is this good?
i realize this is in the polls & surveys section, just thought it would get more people to recognize it..
and also for my evidence is using a collage of anorexic models and fat people with mcdonalds ok?

Nagesh answers:

This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. – what does this sentence even mean?

There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes. – haunting? Really?

Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. – not true in a global sense, you may want to clarify your stats here…
I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes? – me for one. And probably your teacher. This rhetorical question does not further your point – you had already made that clear in the prior sentence, it is just a waste of words (and serves to infuriate part of your audience)

Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat? “Then again” implies that you are reversing your prior staement – i dont see how you have donethat here. This rhetorical question does not raise any issues to do with media. AND not every one is afraid of being called fat.

Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.- WHAT?!

Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of – just got to stop you here – the word you are looking for is off, not of –

the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular – how many runway shows have YOU been to? My guess is none. It’s the MEDIA presentation of these shows as desirable etc etc that you need to comment on.

The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet,- this is actually not bad! Well done!

Normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. – what the hell are “normal people” do you mean teenagers? Anorexics? Consumers? Maccas customers? BE SPECIFIC

Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
-and what does the MEDIA have to do with this? All i can see from this statement is that all girls are unrealistic and shallow…

Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong. – maybe… Perhaps try replacing the word “modelling” with MEDIA, and discussing HOW they put girls in this position

Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing things like obesity.- wtf? If i eat media i will get fat? This needs to be re-worded.

The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. – how? You can’t make this staement without clarificationand evidence.

Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. – obesity is not a disease – it is sometimes a symptom of a diseas but is NEVER in itself a disease…

People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. – no people are dying from complications in health which is exascerbated and sometimes cause by obesity, obesity itself does not kill you. – give stats for this.

Ok – i’m going to stop there – you need to go throught this sentence by sentence and ask youself these questions – does this sentence have anything to do with my topic? Can i prove this sentence? Have i provided evidence for this sentence? Have i linked this sentence to my topic?
– i hope that i haven’t been too harsh – you odo have a lot of work ahead of you though…

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Saturday, May 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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