Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Steven asks…

How to Make Money In the Summer, any Ideas?

Ok, I am thirteen and i live in just a little “city” (it is officially called a city, but it still seems like a town) and i am looking for ways to make money. I am trying to save up for a good laptop. I am having a really hard time finding ideas. I already do chores i get paid .25 for each one. not a lot. I have a possible job at cleaning the neighborhood pool for $20 a week, but unfortunatly, the pool is broken. Please Help and SUBSCRIBE!!!
thank you 🙂
p.s. i live in a kind of secluded neighborhood.

Nagesh answers:

Why do all kids want a laptop?!

David asks…

Make extra money for summer trip 2013?

Next summer (2013), my best friend and I want to spend a couple weeks in Paris. We just decided this and have decided to start planning soon-ish. We are looking for ideas on how to make some extra money outside of work. We both have steady jobs, but are also college students, so time is limited. So if anyone has any ideas on how to make some extra money on the side, they would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

We are looking to expand our team of Personal Health & Wellness Coaches. We have helped our clients to lose over 4,200 lbs in our first two years of being in business. However, the obesity problem is so bad and things have grown so fast that we need help reaching all of the people who need our help to get healthy. This includes all states across USA.

It doesn’t matter what your background is, where you are from, or what shape you are personally in – we will train you on how to improve people’s lives while experiencing good health for yourself. What we are looking for are people who have a PASSION and DRIVE to help others. If this is you – you might be a good fit for our team.
As a wellness coach, you have the ability to earn between $500 – $3,000 extra income per month PART-TIME – without interfering with your current job. We also have full-time, career level opportunities available.

Ready to get started?
Please email your resume in care of Connie.
Include your Name, Email and Phone # in the body of the email and we will contact you within 24 hours.

Joseph asks…

How can i make money in the summer?

Me and my friend need a way to make money over the summer that doesn’t require a lot of startup money.I looked up ideas online but most of them were like this:

idea #7: wash cars

I need actual explanations on starting up and maintaining the money.

Nagesh answers:

Maybe a real job like McDonalds or washing dishes at a local resturaunt if you have a way to get there. Some old classics would be dog walking, mowing lawns, the tried and true lemonaid stand. How about doing laundry?

Once you decide what your going to do make up some flyers with your number on it and hang as many up as you can. Then you have to be good about answering your phone and returning calls.

You should set up a percentage of the money that you keep and the rest you save. Maybe 50/50 or 60/40. To get in the habbit of saving save all of the money you make the first time you do something. Open a bank account in your local town so you can deposit it before you spend it. Plus with interest youll get a couple extra cents out of it.

Good Luck!

Ruth asks…

fastest way to make money is the summer?

im 13 and i don’t have a workers permit yet and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how i can make money in the summer because i want to make money so i don’t have to keep asking my mom for money because she’s very tight on money right now so if anyone has any realistic ideas then that would be appreciated. thank you so much

Nagesh answers:

Im 14 and i want money too! Unfortunatley i cant have a job right now! Anyways babysit some kids if you like kids, walk the dog in your neighbourhood. Do something that you would enjoy doing and will do it to get money!

Hope this helped

Sandra asks…

How does a 13 year old girl make a decent amont of money in the summer?

Im 13 And i NEED money.Im tired of asking my parents for money so i want my own money to buy the stuff i want.So please give me GOOD IDEAS for me to make money.ONES THAT ACTUALY WORK ! 10 POINTS TO THE BEST ANWSER !!!

Nagesh answers:

◘ Baby-sitting
◘ Kool-aid/Lemonade stand.
◘ Mowing lawns.
◘ Do chores for your parents.
◘ Car washes with your friends.
◘ Clean up peoples yards.


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Thursday, May 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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