Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Susan asks…

Im 14 and I need ways to make money?

Hi, I am looking for a way to make money because i am in need of something’s that my parents wont buy. I want to make money but I don’t have any ideas.
Im 14 and I live in London if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

You can either get a paper round, something like delivering the local Guardian newspaper or whatever your local free newspaper is…or

You can sell old books, CDs and DVDs you have on or register as a seller…but you will need your own bank account.. To register. You dont pay anything, they just take a percentage of your profit when you sell the book and the money you make is paid into your bank every month.

Or sell your CDs to You put the barcode number in and it will tell you how much you can get for it..if its a new cd you will prob fin you get a better price for it on amazon, but take a look. Its not much money but its a guaranteed sell cos your selling it to the website and not to a person. Also you need a bank account of your own.

Selling stuff on Ebay is good too. Any old clothes or shoes you dont wear anymore. Again you need a bank account.

Recycle your old mobile (if you have one) using a scheme that you can get paid for your phone by sending it in. They will post you a cheque so you will need a bank account to pay it into.

You can open bank accounts online. Good ones I have used are Nationwide and Halifax.

Also get together loads of old stuff and get your parents to take you to do a Car Boot sale!! They can sell stuff they dont want anymore too so everyones a winner. You can find adverts for car boot sales in local newspapers. You just have to get there an hour and a half or so before it opens to pay your fee to go in and to set up your stall. Cars are usually around £10.

Hope this helps a bit.

Joseph asks…

Recent news that China is going to Recession, what benefit China may get doing this?

Recent news that China is going to Recession, what benefit China may get doing this?
Recent news that China is going to Recession, what benefit China may get doing this, what could be the impact of this action on world economy specially the economies of Gulf countries those are heavily depend on China.
And more why china want to initiate the recession in their country, this will only create heavy unemployment, China does not have any fund problem they have huge amount with US, the country itself is very resourceful. They don’t actually need much supply from other countries then why they want to go on recession when no credit crunch or money crisis?

Nagesh answers:

You say recession as if China chooses to go into recession!

It isn’t something they choose it is external and internal influences which cause recessions.

China is going into recession because their customers of which they export to the USA and Europe are broke. Because their exports are falling to these countries their economy is contracting (which is what a recession means 4 quarters of GDP contraction) i.e. Output is decreasing therefore overral (flawed) growth is contracting.

Therefore they are going into recession. It is not something you choose.

Also China has maybe 1.1 trillion of US$. Except you can’t just dip your hand into this fund and spend this money as if it is a current account. It can be used to buy things overseas but you cant just spend it, it is far more complicated but its not just another bank account to spend.

Thirdly which makes me think you’re trolling again nobody chooses to go into recession. China could well attempt to buck the market and avert the recession. But this is generally futile. Averting I mean by stimuli and money printing. Except this does not work.

Japan went down the toilet in the 1980s. They have been printing money like crazy as a stumulus to their building companies. Which is why you see all sorts of strange things like massive bridges leaving to tiny fishing villages. It has done NOTHING.

Averting via stimulus is actually quite bad and it has the opposite consequences of what you intend in the middle to long term.

In the UK for example let me goive you a few examples:

Stimulus! Car scrappage scheme. The governemnt gave people £2000 to buy new cars. All this did was subsidise the car industries and increased the second hand market by £2000. Now the car market is even worse.

Ok Ok! So another stimulus! 0.5% interest rates. Which saved many over indebted idiots who lied on mortgages. Except this is causing 10% inflation in the UK which means instead of the mortgages squeezing people, food, and energy are squeezing people instead. The government by putting interest rates to 0.5% also lost about 20bn in interest tax payments. And squeezed people even more.

Thus in an Austrian economics school what China is doing is right. I.e. Letting the bad companies collaspe and clearing out the dead wood from the economy. It hurts, but eventually once all the dead wood companies are gone the economy SHOULD in theory return back to growth (automation and outsource not withstanding).

Mark asks…

How much would it cost to ship a cat from the USA to the UK – SCotland to be exact?

My daughter in Detroit has a problem in that her beloved cat needs to go due to her son having just had a serious allergic reaction/ asthma attack to the cat. We want it to be shipped to Scotland. Any ideas? Costs? Quarantine costs etc?
If anyone can please help – as this is urgent!
Danny and Hazel

Nagesh answers:

The previous answers are correct, but sorry to tell you the truth, Daniel, there is no quick fix for this cat. If your daughter makes the effort in Detroit she will find a home for him there that will be considerably less stressful than either transport under the pet passport scheme (which takes 7-8 months and costs quite a lot of money) or the quarantine which also is not free!
If she is committed to the cat, she will find a way without putting him through a 4000 mile trip or 5 months in a tiny cage in isolation.

David asks…

UK I am about to enter a debt management program?

This is due to splitting from my long term partner and the cost of living on my own. I need a sofa and spent a further £450 on a credit card today. Was this a very bad decision? Should I cancel the order and make do with second hand?

Nagesh answers:

What do you think?
You are in debt and cant pay but you go ahead and get into more debt

Not the brightest thing to do is it?

Oh and by the way – you dont NEED a sofa, you WANT one.

AND you can get even new ones much less than £450

What you NEED is a wakeup call as regards money management as much as a debt management scheme

(I lived with 1 chair and 1 small plastic table for 9 months)

Linda asks…

What is all this fuss about university fees increasing in the UK?

I heard that uni costs are going to increase. Can anybody explain more about this? Could this affect students who are hoping to attend uni later in their life? This also could lessen the chance of some people getting a good education because all the costs are high. Maybe the rich people have an advantage and have better jobs. Just wondering.

Nagesh answers:

While I think to charge nearly 10 grand a year for a course is a joke, I think it might make more people stop and think do I actually really wanna go to uni??? Cause I think like somebody else said, people have been given the impression that in order to have a good life or decent career you have to go to uni! But that should be only the case for certain careers. And to have a good life you don’t need a degree.

I wish I had never gone to uni, if you aren’t passionate about the course you are doing or not very academic like me then it often feels impossible and hopeless. There is so much work and I just have no energy or motivation to do it at all but now I’m half way through the 3rd year I feel kind of pressured to finish it but I seriously cannot stand the thought of doing a dissertation, I hate researching stuff I really have no interest in, I know that sounds incredibily lazy but researching stuff you find boring and hard to understand is incredibily hard. I can barely understand a word of academic journals which I’m supposed to use loads of. When I was in school I was told by a lot of people that in uni the work load isn’t as much as a lot of people expect and they are easier than a levels, how wrong they were!

If the government are going to allow universities to charge up to £9000 a year then they need to show younger people that university isn’t the only option for them and to make more schemes for people to enter careers with futures without having to go to uni and waste an awful lot of time and money. Not everyone is academic and making people who aren’t particular academic feel like they have to go to uni puts an unfair amount of pressure on them.

But with uni fees sky rocketing in the near future, the high cost of living and the fact that apparently younger people will have to retire later than people do today, just makes me think is the future for young people really that bleak? I think the government need to stop making cuts and sort it out. I mean get a degree or stock shelves for the rest of your life is hardly the impression that should be given to people, yet that’s what a lot of people think today and that gets so many into unnecessary debt.

If they are going to increase the fees they should at least allow people more opportunities to get a decent job.

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Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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